This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the self-advocacy organization People First. People First members will share the mission of the organization, talk about the importance of self-advocacy, explain how to find or start a People First chapter, and share other related resources.
Previous Webinars
MO DDD & You: Let’s Talk About People First
- Lisa Nothaus, Division of DD, Supporting Families Lead
- Jeff Johnson, People First member
- Patty Goss, People First member
- Johanna Wortmann, People First member
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Tools for Everyone - 3/25/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider Meeting. This meeting is hosted by Provider Relations and TCM TAC’s to provide information and updates on Division related systems that effect and support providers. Agenda topics include: Variance Reporting, HRST, Non-Certified Professional Provider Site Review, Billing Changes, MOBuys to Movers, MMAC Revalidation, EVV, Valued Based Payment, and Resources and Referral Updates.
These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Tricia Parker, Community Programs Clinical Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Carrie Williams, TCM TAC Director
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Director
- Matthew Waggoner, Resource and Referral Statewide Director
- Jacylyn Heitman: Statewide Business Office Lead
- Sara Ekart: Associate Director State Healthcare
- Terri Woodward: Strategic Initiatives Manager
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Data Analytics Tasks (DAT) System Overview
This webinar will cover an overview of the DAT system. The overview will include a review of the DAT homepage and all links. Additionally, a demonstration will be conducted on how to submit a help desk and data analytics request within the system.
- Shannon Hoerschgen - DD Configuration Architect
- Barbara Dismang - DD Help Desk Analyst
- Cory Norman - DD Research Data Analyst
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Tools for Everyone - 3/19/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Angie Brenner, Acting Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Jessica Bateman, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN., Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Director - Provider Relations
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Tools for Everyone - 3/4/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 2/26/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Monthly Division Nursing Meeting - 2/26/25
The monthly webinar is designed to provide an opportunity for Division and provider nurses to discuss current events, ask/answer questions, and identify mentoring opportunities.
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, Statewide Clinical Coordinator
- Tricia Parker, BSN, Community Health & Wellness Coordinator
- Patricia Butz, RN, BSN, Quality Programs RN Lead
- Dana Golian, RN, Quality Programs RN Lead
- Hannah Reasons, RN, BSW, BSN, Quality Programs RN Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
MO DDD & You: Using StationMD Services
This 30-minute lunch and learn style webinar will focus on helping people who receive Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver services understand StationMD. Participants will hear an overview of StationMD, learn how and when to access it, and hear about people who have successfully used StationMD.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of DD
- Rebecca Keller, Member Relations Specialist, StationMD
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 2/20/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Restrictive Interventions and Due Process Review Committees What are Limited Practices and Prohibited Practices?
This webinar will cover the responsibilities of the Due Process Review Committee, Individual Rights Consultation, and next steps when restrictive interventions are included in a Person Centered Service Plan.
Participants will learn
Key elements of a due process referral
How to access assistance through Individual Rights Consultation
Discriminations between limited and prohibited restrictive practices
Definitions of key terms
Regional in-person workshops are available this spring to work through scenarios with contextual considerations.
Workshop Registration:
St. Louis: April 24, 2025 10:00am-2:00 pm Registration
Kansas City: March 17, 2025 10:00am-2:00 Registration
Central: April 10, 2025 10:00am-2:00pm Registration
Springfield: April 30, 2025 10:00am -2:00pm Registration
Southeast: April 17, 2025 10:00am-2:00pm - Registration
- Dr. Timothy Weil, DD Chief Behavior Analyst
- Rachelle Moffat, Quality Programs Specialist State Lead
Now available:
presentation from Feb 19
Tools for Everyone - 2/11/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone 2/5/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/30/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Monthly Division Nursing Meeting - 1/29/25
The monthly webinar is designed to provide an opportunity for Division and provider nurses to discuss current events, ask/answer questions, and identify mentoring opportunities
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, Statewide Clinical Coordinator
- Tricia Parker, BSN, Community Health & Wellness Coordinator
- Patricia Butz, RN, BSN, Quality Programs RN Lead
- Dana Golian, RN, Quality Programs RN Lead
- Hannah Reasons, RN, BSW, BSN, Quality Programs RN Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
MO DDD & You: Division Waiver Renewal Process
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the Division's Waiver Renewal process and the importance of stakeholder input. Participants will learn:
- How the process started
- The renewal cycle
- Efforts of enhancements through the renewal process
- The way individuals, family members, and stakeholders can provide feedback.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Jessica Bateman, Director of Federal Programs
- Cory McMahon, Constituent Specialist
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/22/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/14/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/9/25
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Revisions to the DD Guardianship Packet
This webinar will provide a page by page discussion of the most current Guardianship Packet provided by the Office of General Counsel. Specific attention will focus on the additional information required regarding Supported Decision Making and the exploration of other alternatives to guardianship
- Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Statewide Director
- Darcy Armstrong, Information Specialist
- Stacy Bahn, Information Specialist
- Roxie Looney, Information Specialist
- TJ Moore, Information Specialist
- Elizabeth Turner, Information Specialist
Now available:
presentation from Dec 19
Tools for Everyone - 12/17/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Dignity of Risk—The Impact of Choice on Quality of Life
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will touch on the importance of people having dignity of risk when making decisions for themselves. Participants will hear an overview of what dignity of risk is and is not, why it is important, and how to support someone’s choices.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Caitlin Bartley, NCI Project Coordinator, Division of Developmental Disabiilities
Now available:
presentation from Dec 17
Tools for Everyone - 12/12/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 12/3/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
2024 Annual Residential Oversight RN Webinar
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Clinical Operations Team is hosting the 2024 annual training webinar for nurses working with community provider agencies. Topics include Division Nursing Updates, DD Health Home, Medication Dispensing Systems and Assistive Technology, Enable Dental, and Medication Aide Program Resources. Certificates of attendance will be provided at a later date.
- Tricia Parker: DD Community Programs Clinical Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat: DD Clinical Coordinator
- Becky Van Velsan: DD Med Aide Coordinator; DD Health Home
- Donna Siebeneck: DD HH Program Manager/Enrollment Coordinator
- Jade Byrd-Firefly: Supported Living & Employment Services; DD HH Director
- Shelley Stofer- Firefly: DD HH Assistant Director
- Cherie Montgomery-Easter Seals Mid West; Chief Program Officer
- Tony Sokolic: Compass Health
- Shannon Shores: Custom Health Sales Contractor
- Shelly Brown: DD Universal Design and Assistive Technology State Lead
- Brandey Roberts: Enable Dental- Client Relations Manager
Now available:
presentation from Dec 03
MO DDD & You: Thankful November: Sharing Perspectives from Parents
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on a thankful November. Parents will share their experiences of navigating disability supports and services with their family member with intellectual and developmental disabilities and helpful tips to make the journey a positive experience
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
Tools for Everyone -11/19/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Filling in the Gaps when Event Reporting
Join the Inquiry Team and Provider Relations on 11-19 for an informative webinar centered around Event Reporting. Participants will benefit from clarification and explanation of topics such as :
1. What is a reportable event
2. How to complete an EMT in CIMOR correctly: to include all parties involved, notifications, correct RO, etc.- what is being missed
3. Ensuring addendums are added for deaths, elopements, injuries, etc. correctly
4. Ensure the medication variables are correct
5. Ensure follow-up tabs are being utilized and why
6. Ensure timely responses to questions
7. Additional Online trainings offered by DD and where to find them
- Jennifer Blackstad, DD Information Management Specialist (DDIMS)
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 11/14/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 11/8/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 11/6/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 10/30/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Tier 2 Quarterly Update
Join the Division of Developmental Disabilities’ Tier 2 staff for this Quarterly Update to learn what's new in Tier 2. The update will provide information regarding workshops, podcasts, latest products, and highlight risk prevention strategies.
The Tier 2 Team provides training, consultation, and support on positive best practices that help identify risk, prevent crisis, and improve quality of life for human service organizations supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Tier 2 utilizes a public health model to develop a continuum of care aimed at supporting the health and well-being of an entire population, and specifically focuses on risk mitigation and helping human service organizations implement packaged targeted interventions to address common problems.
- Tiffany Sample, Tier 2 Central Area Risk Prevention Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Oct 25
Alternatives To Guardianship
The webinar will explore lesser restrictive options to Guardianship.
- Matt Waggoner, Resource and Referral Statewide Director
- Stacy Bahn, Resource and Referral Coordinator
Now available:
presentation from Oct 24
Tools for Everyone - 10/22/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Exploring Employment Services and Resources
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on services and resources that are available to help people explore and plan for employment. Participants will learn about how to begin exploring employment options, planning tools to help map out a plan for employment, and resources to help balance public benefits when employed.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Kim Buckman, Director of Employment Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 10/15/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 10/11/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 10/8/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 10/2/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Rebecca Buckman, Positive Support Consultant
- Sonya Brookins, Positive Support Consultant
- Angie Chong, Positive Support Consultant
- Jacob Davis, Positive Support Consultant
- David Kinne, Positive Support Consultant
- Karen McCarthy, Positive Support Consultant
- Jill Miller, Positive Support Consultant
- Helen Richardson, Positive Support Consultant
- Alicia Westhoff, Positive Support Consultant
Now available:
Virtual Coaching - Positive/Negative Observations
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 9/25/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: An Introduction to Missouri Family-to-Family
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide an introduction to Missouri Family-to-Family. Participants will learn about the history of Missouri Family-to-Family (MOF2F), available resources, connection opportunities, and how to contact MOF2F
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Colette Canchola-Cox, Director, MO Family-to-Family
Now available:
presentation from Sep 24
Virtual Coaching - Feedback
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider Meeting. Attendees will receive statewide data and other essential information regarding Adaptive Strategies, HRST, Residential RN Updates, MOBuys to MOVERS, MMAC Revalidation, end of American Rescue Plan Act Funding, and Waiver performance measures.
These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Tricia Parker, Community Programs Clinical Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Carrie Williams, TCM TAC Director
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Director
Now available:
presentation from Sep 19
Tools for Everyone - 9/17/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 9/13/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Virtual Coaching - Competency
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 9/12/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Individual Rights Consultation
This webinar will provide an overview of the Individual Rights Consultation procedure and how to submit a referral using REDCap.
- Nici Hayes, Albany Regional Office QPS Lead
- Sherry Burks, Springfield Regional Office QPS
- Rachelle Moffat, Quality Programs Specialist State Lead
Now available:
presentation from Sep 10
Virtual Coaching - Tools of Choice Skills
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
presentation from Sep 05
Individual Rights and Due Process
This training will go into detail about individual rights, what is due process, and detailed information that will be looked for by the Due Process Review Committee. Use case scenarios will be used to avoid the need for multiple submission of the referrals by ensuring all information is correct and complete.
- Lauri Wallace, Columbus Organization DPRC Coordinator
- Rachelle Moffat, Quality Programs Specialist State Lead
Now available:
presentation from Sep 05
Tools for Everyone 9/3/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Northwest and East Missouri Autism Project Town Hall
The Office of Autism Services is hosting a town hall for families to learn more about the Family Flexible Assistance Program (FFAP). The FFAP is the new funding model being implemented in the Northwest and East Missouri Autism Project Regions beginning January 1, 2025.
- Kristin Morgan, Director, Office of Autism Services
- Shelby Combs- Autism Project Specialist/PAC Liaison
Now available:
Tools for Everyone 8/29/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: An Introduction to the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will introduce participants to the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council. Participants will learn about the Council’s advocacy work and their leadership opportunities.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Emily Hartley, Executive Director, Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council
Now available:
presentation from Aug 27
Due Process Review Procedure and Referral Form
This webinar will provide an overview of the Due Process Review procedure and how to submit a referral using the new web-based referral form.
- Lauri Wallace, Columbus Organization, DPRC Coordinator
- Rachelle Moffat, Quality Programs Specialist State Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching - Feedback
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
presentation from Aug 27
Tools for Everyone 8/21/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching - Competency
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
presentation from Aug 20
Tools for Everyone 8/15/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching - Positive/Negative Observations
Virtual Coaching is an ideal training for organizational coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing important coaching skills. Each session will focus on one of the following topics:
• Positive/negative observations
• Providing performance feedback to staff
• Utilizing competency checklists
• Performing shared observations
• Practicing Tools of Choice skills
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
Tier 2 Quarterly Updates
Join Tier 2 staff for this Quarterly Update to learn what's new in Tier 2. The webinar will provide updated information regarding workshops, podcasts, latest products, and highlight risk prevention strategies.
- Tiffany Sample, Tier 2 Central Area Risk Prevention Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Aug 02
Virtual Coaching Series - Shared Observations
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing shared observations, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This opportunity is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Nicole Swinger, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
presentation from Jul 31
Tools for Everyone 7/30/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching Series - Tools of Choice Skills Practice
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing shared observations, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This opportunity is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Nicole Swinger, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
presentation from Jul 24
Tools for Everyone 7/24/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone 7/18/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 7/12/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Variance Reporting Updates for Individualized Supported Living
This webinar will review the Variance Reporting requirements and introduce the new REDCap system designed to streamline the reporting process. Instruction on how to use REDCap will also be provided.
- Holly Reiff, Director of Provider Relations
Now available:
presentation from Jul 11
Virtual Coaching Series: Competency Observations
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing shared observations, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This opportunity is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Nicole Swinger, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
presentation from Jul 10
Tools for Everyone 7/10/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching Series: Positive/Negative Observations
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing shared observations, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This opportunity is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership who want to implement best practice coaching systems.
Prior to the webinar, please review the following videos:
• Coaching: Supervising Using Best Practices
• Data Collection – Positive: Negative Observations
- Katherine Earll, Coaching Supervisor
- Maslyn Allen, Positive Support Coach
- Finn Roberts, Positive Support Coach
- Nicole Swinger, Positive Support Coach
- Sarah Vanderslice, Positive Support Coach
Now available:
Tools for Everyone 7/2/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Disaster Preparedness
This 30-minutes lunch and learn style webinar will focus on the importance of planning and being prepared before a disaster or emergency happens. Participants will hear about the work being done by the Department of Mental Health’s Office of Disaster Services to help people with disabilities, their families, caregivers, support staff, and service providers create detailed emergency plans to have in place. This webinar will highlight comprehensive guides that are available to assist with the planning process.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Debra Hendricks, DD Preparedness Coordinator, Office of Disaster Services
Now available:
presentation from Jun 25
Tools for Everyone - 6/25/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 6/18/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 6/14/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 6/13/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 5/30/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: DD Health Home - Exploring Allison’s Journey
During this 30-minute lunch and learn webinar, participants will hear an update about the Division of DD’s Health Home initiative. Participants will hear what Health Home services do, review who is eligible to participate in Health Home services, and hear about the new resource video “Allison’s Journey.”
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families State Lead
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
- Donna Siebeneck, Federal Programs Unit
- Cory McMahon, Constituent Specialist
Now available:
presentation from May 28
Tools for Everyone - 5/21/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
Agencies will learn about how they can enroll in the Mileage Reimbursement Program for NEMT and be directly reimbursed for transporting individuals receiving Residential and Shared Living Services to their medical appointments.
- Juanita Blackmon, Educator with Medical Transportation Management, Inc
Now available:
presentation from May 21
Tier 3 Information Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts a monthly informational meeting. This month’s meeting includes the introduction of the Division’s new Chief Behavior Analyst, Dr. Timothy Weil. In addition, updates will be provided on prohibited practice and behavior support review committee processes, and training and development opportunities.
- Dr. Timothy Weil – Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper, Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from May 20
HCBS Self-Directed Services Rate Study Stakeholder Meeting #2
At the upcoming May meeting, the Division and Mercer will summarize the stakeholder feedback that was collected since the initial meeting, explain how that informed the rate study process, present the rate study findings, and collect feedback
The Division of Developmental Disabilities engaged Mercer to conduct a rate study for Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) 1915(c) waiver Self-Directed Services. On November 30, 2023, the Division and Mercer held an initial Self-Directed Services Rate Study stakeholder meeting to explain the rate study process, describe key rate study considerations, and collect stakeholder feedback.
- Melody Rosen, Mercer Senior Associate
- Katie Olecik, Mercer Partner
- Jessica Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Assistant Division Director-Community Operations
- Angela Brenner, Assistant Division Director-Administration
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Tanner Stephenson, Director of Self-Directed Services
- Amy Volkart, Program Manager, Medicaid & Reimbursement Unit
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Utilization Review Changes and Updates
This webinar will provide an overview of the new Planning and Utilization Review Tool and review the changes announced on April 29, 2024. Additionally, the meeting will include clarifications on commonly asked questions. Time will be available for open discussion and questions.
- Wanda Crocker, Assistant Deputy Director
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 5/15/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 5/10/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Supporting People with Complex Needs through Tiered Supports
Missouri Tiered Supports is implemented by the Department of Mental Health based on a public health model created by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This model supports the health of an entire population of people by providing a continuum of supports that are layered on top of one another as a person's needs increase. Learn more about how structuring supports by tiers relates to individuals, strategies, and organizations as a whole.
- Nicole Jones, Director of Risk Prevention
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Division Director
Now available:
presentation from May 09
Tools for Everyone - 5/1/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tier 2 Quarterly Updates
Join Tier 2 Team for this Quarterly Update to learn what's new in Tier 2. The webinar will provide updated information regarding workshops, podcasts, latest products, and highlight risk prevention strategies.
- Tiffany Sample: Tier 2 Central Area Risk Prevention Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Apr 26
Tools for Everyone - 4/24/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Learn About Missouri Alliance for Dual Diagnosis (MOADD)
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the Missouri Alliance for Dual Diagnosis (MOADD). Participants will hear an overview of MOADD, collaborative efforts to support individuals with a behavioral health and intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) dual diagnosis, and the virtual interactive learning opportunities available through the MOADD ECHO sessions.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Amber Stockreef, Interdivisional Children’s Services Coordinator
Now available:
presentation from Apr 23
Tools for Everyone - 4/17/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 4/12/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 4/11/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 4/2/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Let’s Talk About the Missouri Quality Outcomes (MOQO)
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide an overview of the Missouri Quality Outcomes and opportunity for stakeholder discussion. Participants will learn how the MOQOs are used, MOQO reports, and the need for stakeholder review and input on the Supporting Families report.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Caitlin Bartley, NCI Project Coordinator
Now available:
presentation from Mar 26
Prohibited Practice Training - Module 4 - General Approach to Fading Prohibited Practice
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the importance of fading prohibited practices and steps to fading these practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090.
Webinar Limit: 30 Participants
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Mar 21
Tools for Everyone - 3/20/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
presentation from Mar 20
Prohibited Practices Training Module 3 —Increasing Communication
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the basics of communication as it relates to Prohibited Practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Mar 18
Health Risk Screening Process Office Hours
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of Health Risk Screening Process office hours specifically for targeted case management providers. Each session will be focused on a specific aspect of the Process.
Now available:
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider Meeting. Attendees will receive statewide data and other essential information from Fiscal, Federal Programs, Tiered Supports, Provider Relations, Quality Assurance, Self-Directed Supports, and Targeted Case Management Technical Assistance Coordinators.
These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Rachelle Moffat, Quality Programs Specialist State Lead
- Jaclyn Heitman, Business Office Lead
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs
- Miranda Robinett, Director of Licensure and Certification
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Director
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 3/14/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Prohibited Practices Modules 1 & 2 Training—What They Are and What to do About Them
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the basics of Prohibited Practices and what teams should consider when seeking help and support to address the use of Prohibited Practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 3/8/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Comprehensive and Community Support Waiver Renewal Stakeholder Input Sessions
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Comprehensive and Community Support waivers expire June 30, 2026. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the State to obtain public input during the development of a waiver renewal in accordance with 42 CFR 441.304(f).
The Division has started the renewals and is requesting input from stakeholders, individuals, family members, and providers on current waiver programs.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Emily Luebbering, DD Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Comprehensive and Community Support Waiver Renewal Stakeholder Input Sessions
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Comprehensive and Community Support waivers expire June 30, 2026. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the State to obtain public input during the development of a waiver renewal in accordance with 42 CFR 441.304(f).
The Division has started the renewals and is requesting input from stakeholders, individuals, family members, and providers on current waiver programs.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Emily Luebbering, DD Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 3/5/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Comprehensive and Community Support Waiver Renewal Stakeholder Input Sessions
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Comprehensive and Community Support waivers expire June 30, 2026. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the State to obtain public input during the development of a waiver renewal in accordance with 42 CFR 441.304(f).
The Division has started the renewals and is requesting input from stakeholders, individuals, family members, and providers on current waiver programs.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Emily Luebbering, DD Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 2/29/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: An Overview of StationMD Telemedicine
This 30-minute lunch and learn style webinar will highlight StationMD services for individuals receiving a Division of Developmental Disabilities Waiver service. Participants will learn how StationMD helps meet medical and behavioral health needs, helps people avoid going to an emergency room, and how people can easily access StationMD services.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Rebecca Pitchford, Member Relations Specialist, StationMD
Now available:
presentation from Feb 27
Prohibited Practices Modules 4 Training—Fading Prohibited Practices
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the importance of fading prohibited practices and steps to fading these practices.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Feb 27
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month will highlight the activities for 2024. Updates will be given on the prohibited practice processes and the behavior support review committee processes and training and development as well as other timely information.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Feb 26
Safety Crisis Plans - The Basics for Everyone
Safety Crisis Plans (SCPs) are tools to help support people who have a history of challenging behavior or who meet risk thresholds. The Tier 3 Intensive Support Team will be hosting a hands-on workshop that provides an introduction to SCPs, along with information about the assessment process, mapping the crisis cycle and the SCP template. Participants will have the opportunity to develop a SCP from a case study or from a specific case for a person they support.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Feb 23
Tools for Everyone - 2/21/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Guardianship Process Refresher
This webinar will provide an in-depth discussion of the process for requesting assistance from the Office of General Counsel in filing petitions for guardianship.
- Matt Waggoner, DD Information Specialist Statewide Director
- Stacy Bahn, DD Information Specialist/ Guardianship Coordinator
- Darcy Armstrong, DD Information Specialist/ Guardianship Coordinator
- Roxie Looney, DD Information Specialist/ Guardianship Coordinator
Now available:
Health Risk Screening Process Office Hours
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of Health Risk Screening Process office hours specifically for targeted case management providers. Each session will be focused on a specific aspect of the Process.
Now available:
Prohibited Practices Training Module 3 —Increasing Communication
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the importance of fading prohibited practices and steps to fading these practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Feb 14
Tools for Everyone - 2/13/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates - 2/9/24
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 2/8/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Comprehensive Support Planning Tool
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is hosting training on a Comprehensive Support Planning Tool to assist teams when problem solve challenging situations, especially following critical incidents. The use of the tool meets the requirement for comprehensive planning outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090.
The Tier 3 team will demonstrate how to use the tool to identify underlying issues that contribute to challenging situations and strategies to prevent/address these root issues. The goal of the tool is to examine the factors that may contribute to the problem, and connect the events in a meaningful way to address and prevent the situation from worsening or issues reoccurring.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Feb 07
Prohibited Practices Modules 1 & 2 Training—What They Are and What to do About Them
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the basics of Prohibited Practices and what teams should consider when seeking help and support to address the use of Prohibited Practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/31/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Information Specialists
This webinar will provide an overview of the Information Specialists and their role in the Division. There will also be discussion about the management of transfers in and out of the system.
- Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Statewide Director
Now available:
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month will highlight the activities for 2024. Updates will be given on the prohibited practice processes and the behavior support review committee processes and training and development. as well as other timely information.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/25/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
presentation from Jan 25
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Discussion
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) is offering webinars for Personal Assistant Providers and EVV vendors. These webinars will provide updates and an open forum to answer questions regarding EVV issues, concerns, requirements, sending data, troubleshooting, etc. Upcoming EVV discussions may include: Waiver modifiers, difference between EVV vendor and Electronic Aggregator Solution, memo field documentation, caregiver noncompliance, accrual of minutes, comingling services, self-directed services and telephony.
- Emily Luebbering, Director, Federal Programs
- Shelly Summers, Federal Programs Unit
- Holly Reiff, Director, Provider Relations
- Tanner Stephenson, Director, Self-Directed Services
- Terri Woodward, MO HealthNet Strategic Initiatives Manager
Now available:
presentation from Jan 24
MO DDD & You: Getting Familiar with DD Health Home
This 30-minute lunch and learn style webinar will focus on providing information to participants about the Division of DD Health Home initiative. The DD Health Home is available to individuals who receive services through the Division of DD and have a qualifying chronic health care need. Participants will hear what the DD Health Home is and is not, review eligibility for participation, review the enrollment process, learn what Health Home services can do to assist with health management, and review related resources.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
- Cory McMahon, Constituent Specialist
- Donna Siebeneck, DMH Medicaid Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Jan 23
Health Risk Screening Process Office Hours
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of Health Risk Screening Process office hours specifically for targeted case management providers. Each session will be focused on a specific aspect of the Process.
Now available:
Prohibited Practice Training - Module 4 - General Approach to Fading Prohibited Practice
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the importance of fading prohibited practices and steps to fading these practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090.
- Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
presentation from Jan 18
Tools for Everyone - 1/16/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
presentation from Jan 16
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates
The Division provides monthly webinars with timely updates and information for all stakeholders and partners.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/10/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 1/4/24
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Prohibited Practices Training: Module 3—Increasing Communication
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the basics of communication as it relates to Prohibited Practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tools of Choice - December 20
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Practicing Self-Care During the Holidays
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on identifying and managing caregiver stress. Participants will learn to recognize and respond to stress and learn about resources and opportunities available to help manage stress.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Amye Trefethen, Director of Programs, NAMI-MO
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Director- Provider Relations
Now available:
Tools of Choice - December 14
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Health Risk Support Plans (HRSP): A Part of the MO Health Risk Screening (HRS) Process
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a one-hour webinar to review the Health Risk Support Plans (HRSP) component of the MO Health Risk Screening (HRS) Process. The goal of the webinar is to assist the HRS Process Raters with preparing for and facilitating completion part of the process. Other items to be discussed include the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST), how the HRST correlates to the HRSP templates, and HRSP preparation, completion, and utilization.
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, Statewide Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
Prohibited Practices Training
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is providing training on the basics of Prohibited Practices and what teams should consider when seeking help and support to address the use of Prohibited Practices.
Prohibited practices and related information is outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tools of Choice - December 4
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
2023 HCBS Self-Directed Services Rate Study Stakeholder Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities engaged Mercer to conduct a rate study for Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) 1915(c) waiver Self-Directed Services. The Division and Mercer will explain the rate study process, describe key rate study considerations, share the modeled rate ranges, and collect stakeholder feedback.
- Melody Rosen, Mercer Senior Associate
- Katie Olecik, Mercer Partner
- Jessica Bax, Division Director
- Angela Brenner, Assistant Division Director-Administration
- Wendy Witcig, Assistant Division Director-Community Operations
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Tanner Stephenson, Director of Self-Directed Services
- Amy Volkart, Program Manager, Medicaid & Reimbursement Unit
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
MO DDD & You: Family Coaching Workshops
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide an overview of the free virtual Family Coaching Workshops. These sessions are designed to help parents and family caregivers recognize difficult behaviors and learn how to build more positive relationships with their child and family members.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Katherine Earll, Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Discussion
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is offering webinars for Personal Assistant Providers and EVV vendors. These webinars will provide updates and an open forum to answers questions regarding EVV issues, concerns, requirements, sending data, troubleshooting, etc. The upcoming EVV discussion may include: Accrual of minutes, comingling services, memo field and 85% goal for auto-verified visits. Additional webinar dates for 2024 are forthcoming
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Shelly Summers, Federal Programs Unit
- Holly Reiff, Director- Provider Relations
- Darla Weekley, MMAC Provider Review Manager
- Terri Woodward, MHD Strategic Initiatives Manager
Now available:
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month will highlight the activities for next year. Updates will be given on the prohibited practice processes and the behavior support review committee processes and training and development. as well as other timely information.
- Dr. Lucas Evans – Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tools of Choice - November 21
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Director- Provider Relations
Now available:
Tools of Choice - November 15
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Comprehensive Support Planning Tool
The Division of Developmental Disabilities, Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team is hosting training on a Comprehensive Support Planning Tool which can help team problem solve challenging situations, especially following critical incidents. Additionally the use of the tool meets the requirement for comprehensive planning outlined in 9 CSR 45-3.090. The Tear 3 team will describe how teams can use the tool to identify underlying issues that contribute to challenging situations and strategies to prevent/address these root issues. The goal of the tool is to examine the factors that may contribute to the problem, connect the events in a meaningful way so that the issues can be properly addressed and prevented from reoccurring or the situation from worsening.
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
Now available:
Tools for Choice - November 2
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month will focus on State Operated Programs. Additionally, there will be a focused update on future trainings. Updates will be given on the prohibited practice processes and the behavior support review committee processes as well as other timely information
- Dr. Lucas Evans – Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Theresa Roberts - Coordinator for State Operated Behavior & Crisis Services
Now available:
Tier 2 Updates
This monthly Tier 2 updates provides current information regarding team updates, workgroups, workshops, risk prevention strategies and problem solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Overview on the Master Plan on Aging in MO
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide participants with an overview on the work currently being done for Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging. Mindy Ulstad, Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), will share information about the overall plan, the work taking place, and the need for input and feedback to help make Missouri’s plan comprehensive and inclusive.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Mindy Ulstad, Bureau of Senior Programs
Now available:
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Discussion
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is offering webinars for Personal Assistant Providers and EVV vendors. These webinars will provide updates and an open forum to answers questions regarding EVV issues, concerns, requirements, sending data, troubleshooting, etc.
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Shelly Summers, Federal Programs Unit
- Holly Reiff, Director- Provider Relations
Now available:
Safety Crisis Plans – The Basics for Everyone
Safety Crisis Plans (SCPs) are tools to help support people who have a history of challenging behavior or who meet risk thresholds. The Tier 3 Intensive Support Team will be hosting a hands-on workshop on October 24th from 9:30am – 12:00pm. Participants will hear a brief introduction to SCPs, along with information about the assessment process, mapping the crisis cycle and the SCP template. Participants will then have the opportunity to work with the Tier 3 Intensive Support Team to develop a SCP from a case study or from a specific case for a person they support.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - October 23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Director- Provider Relations
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - October 18
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
2023 Annual Residential Oversight RN Webinar
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Clinical Operations Team is hosting the 2023 annual webinar for the nurses working in the community with provider agencies. This webinar will offer educational opportunities, a support system, and resources. Presentation Topics: HRST, Station MD, Incident Management System, Infection control, Post Public Health Emergency (PHE), and Nursing Resources.
There will be a break from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
- Tricia Parker, BSN, RN, Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, DD Clinical Coordinator
- Dina Pizzurro-Smith, BSN, RN, CDDN, Director of Client Services, IntellectAbility
- Daleigh Talent, MSN, RN, CDDN, HRST Clinical Service Representative, IntellectAbility
- Mary Bennett, RN Specialist; Infection Prevention, MODHSS
- Carol Price-Guthrie, PHD, Sr. Dir, Waiver & Program Development, Station MD
- Laura Hammon, DMH DD, Event Reporting and Inquiry State Lead
To access the recorded training and receive a certificate of completion, log into the MODD Content Self-Registration portal. Search for the course titled 2023 Annual Residential Oversight RN Training. Additional portal information, including instructions for setting up an account and the portal link, is located on the Division’s education webpage under Relias Self-Registration Portals.
UDAT Lunch and Learn
This lunch and learn session will provide an overview of technology support services offered by Gray Matters Alliance. Participants will learn how these services help individuals live independently and safely while improving their quality of life through technology, remote support tools, and educational resources.
- Shelly Brown, PR UDAT Lead and Gray Matters Alliance representative
- Vicki Spraul, Gray Matters Alliance President
- Aaron Milligan, Gray Matters Alliance Chief Technology Office
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 10/5/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Partners in Policymaking
This 30-minute lunch and learn style webinar will focus on the Partners in Policymaking leadership opportunity through the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC). Participants will hear details about the program, including who can participate, when it is held, and how to apply. Participants will also learn about some of the benefits former Partners graduates have experienced from their involvement in the leadership opportunity.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Stacy Morse, Program Coordinator
Now available:
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider Meeting. Attendees will receive statewide data and other essential information from Fiscal, Federal Programs, Tiered Supports, Provider Relations, Quality Assurance, Self-Directed Supports, and Targeted Case Management Technical Assistance Coordinators.
These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- JW Gibbs, Apprenticeship Development & Alignment Coordinator
- Lelia Hughes, Fiscal & Administrative Manager
- Carrie Williams, TCM-TAC Director
- Tanner Stephenson, Self-Directed Supports Director
- Cana Poteet Western Positive Support Consultant Lead
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Rachelle Moffat, Quality Programs Specialist State Lead
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 9/20/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 9/14/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching Workshop: Inter-observer agreement
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing inter-observant agreements, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership implementing best practice staff coaching systems.
Participants should review this webinar prior to the workshop:
- Katherine Earll, Positive Supports Consultant Coaching Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 9/6/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Partnership for Hope Waiver 101
This webinar provided an overview of the Partnership for Hope Waiver including the purpose of the waiver, the services it provides, and the population it covers.
- Ron Berg, DD Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Community Support Waiver 101
This webinar provided an overview of the Community Support Waiver including the purpose of the waiver, the services it provides, and the population it covers.
- Ron Berg, Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Comprehensive Waiver 101
This webinar and presentation provides individuals with an overview of the Comprehensive Waiver, including the purpose of the waiver, the services it provides, and the population it covers.
- Ron Berg, Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Missouri's Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) Waiver
This webinar provided an overview of the Missouri’s Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) Waiver including the purpose of the waiver, the services it provides, and the population it covers.
- Ron Berg, Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
Virtual Coaching Workshop: Tools of Choice Skills
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing inter-observant agreements, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership implementing best practice staff coaching systems.
Participants should review this webinar prior to the workshop:
- Katherine Earll, Positive Supports Consultant Coaching Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 8/30/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month the spotlight will be on the interface with the local law enforcement Crisis Intervention Team Program. There will be updates on future trainings, prohibited practice processes and behavior support review committee processes. Additional updates of other relevant information may also be provided. Please join the Tier 3 Team to learn about these updates.
- Dr. Lucas Evans – Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Division Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Division Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Director- Provider Relations
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 8/24/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Virtual Coaching Workshop: Practicing Feedback
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing inter-observant agreements, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership implementing best practice staff coaching systems.
Participants should review this webinar prior to the workshop:
- Katherine Earll, Positive Supports Consultant Coaching Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Supported Decision-Making: Supporting People to Make Choices
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide information about helping people better understand issues, identify their options, and consider possible choices when making decisions. Participants will learn about tools that can be used to support people in the decision making process and help them reach their goals.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Jane St. John, LifeCourse Nexus, UMKC-IHD
Now available:
Virtual Coaching Workshop: Positive Negative Interactions
Join the Positive Support Consultants in practicing interaction data collection, providing performance feedback, utilizing competency checklists, performing inter-observant agreements, and specific Tools of Choice skills.
This is ideal for agency coaches, supervisors, and leadership implementing best practice staff coaching systems.
Participants should review this webinar prior to the workshop:
- Katherine Earll, Positive Supports Consultant Coaching Lead
Now available:
presentation from Aug 21
Tools for Everyone - 8/16/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 8/10/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 8/2/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month the spotlight will be on the wavier changes associate with behavior services There will be updates on future trainings, prohibited practice processes and behavior support review committee processes. Additional updates of other relevant information may also be provided. Please join the Tier 3 Team to learn about these updates.
- Dr. Lucas Evans – Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 7/26/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Overview of Self-Directed Supports Options
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide an overview of the Division Self-Directed Supports (SDS) program. Participants will learn about the SDS option, including who can participate in SDS, responsibilities are for participation, what support is available, and more.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Tanner Stephenson, Director, Self-Directed Supports
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 7/20/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
Waiver Renewal Service Definition Training
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is providing training on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers. This training will cover changes to services in each of the four waivers. This session is being offered on two different dates/times for scheduling convenience.
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Holly Reiff, Director of Provider Relations
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations Universal Design Assistive Technology Lead
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Lucas Evans, Chief Behavioral Analyst
- Jessica Bateman, Director of Utilization Review
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 7/13/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
The Digital Future Integrating the Person Centered Care Plan for Individuals with IDD Across the Healthcare Echosystem
Missouri is pioneering and paving the way for an integrated care ecosystem to drive improved health outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Please join us to enhance your understanding of person-centered care plans and how harnessing the power of data exchange can result in improved data accessibility, care coordination, and clinical decision-making while reducing administrative burden and increasing potential cost savings.
During this webinar, participants will learn how person-centered care plans can be leveraged across primary and acute care settings to benefit individuals with IDD. The presenters will highlight the unique needs of the IDD population, emphasizing tailored care approaches and the value of integrating the person-centered care plan to improve whole-person care for the IDD community.
Participants will also be oriented to the intricacies of Missouri’s statewide implementation of enabling real-time data exchange of the person-centered care plan - the first of its kind in the United States - utilizing national interoperable standards.
- Toi Wilde, RN, BSN, MBA, CPHQ, LSSGB, Director of Strategic IT Initiatives
- Duane Shumate, M.Ed., State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
Now available:
Waiver Renewal Service Definition Training
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is providing training on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers. This training will cover changes to services in each of the four waivers. This session is being offered on two different dates/times for scheduling convenience
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Holly Reiff, Director of Provider Relations
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations Universal Design Assistive Technology Lead
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Lucas Evans, Chief Behavioral Analyst
- Jessica Bateman, Director of Utilization Review
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
Now available:
UDAT Lunch and Learn
During this session, we will be reviewing technology support services offered by MapHabit and how they create personalized solutions to support activities of daily living that are interactive and engaging.
- Shelly Brown, PR UDAT Lead
- Jill Reffett, MapHabit, VP of Business Development and Reimbursement
- Jackie Powell, MapHabit Representative
- Kelly Griffon, MapHabit Business Development Specialist
Now available:
Tools for Everyone - 7/6/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
MO DDD & You: Accessing Assistive Technology
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide participants an opportunity to learn about assistive technology, including where to find it and options to help cover the costs.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Holly Reiff, Director of Provider Relations
Tools for Everyone - 6/27/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Jun 27
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month Theresa Roberts, Coordinator for State Operated Behavior & Crisis Services, will discuss the Behavior and Crisis Services within State Operated Programs. There will be updates on future trainings, prohibited practice processes and behavior support review committee processes. Additional updates and relevant information will also be provided.
- Theresa Roberts - Coordinator for State Operated Behavior & Crisis Services
- Dr. Lucas Evans – Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Tools for Everyone - 6/21/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Jun 21
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations - Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Jun 16
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Residential Service Provider Notification of Residential Oversight Registered Nurse
This one hour webinar will highlight the DD notification process enhancements for contracted Residential Service providers when there is a Residential Oversight RN vacancy or new hire. Enhancements are intended to streamline communication to the Division, improve the Residential Oversight RN Orientation process, and support waiver residential service participant health and welfare. Process enhancements will be effective June 15, 2023.
- Tricia Parker, DD Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Adil Kahn, DD Research Analyst
Tools for Everyone - 6/13/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Jun 13
UDAT Lunch and Learn
During this session, we will be reviewing remote support services offered by SafeInHome and how to create a customizable plan based on individual need.
- Shelly Brown, PR UDAT Lead and SafeInHome representatives
- Jessica Daiger, Director, SafeInHome
- Leslie Rounkles, SafeInHome Western Region Coordinator
- Alex Eggert, SafeInHome Eastern Region Coordinator
Tools for Everyone - 6/5/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Jun 05
MO DDD & You: Alternatives to Guardianship Project
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide an overview of the Alternatives to Guardianship Project. Participants will hear about the project, be introduced to alternative and supported decision-making options, and learn about planning resources.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Jennifer Hulme, Executive Director, Hulme Resources, Inc.
Tools for Everyone - 5/22/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from May 22
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations - Assistive Technology Specialist
Tools for Everyone - 5/15/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from May 15
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn
During this webinar, Christian Hill, Founder and CEO of Thrive Homes, will discuss Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) services and explain the steps to ensure services are delivered successfully. Frequently asked questions and useful tips for EAA projects will also be covered.
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations UDAT Lead
- Christian Hill, Founder and CEO of Thrive Homes
Tools for Everyone - 5/9/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from May 09
Postponed -- Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Residential Service Provider Notification of Residential Oversight Registered Nurse
This one hour webinar will highlight the DD notification process enhancements for contracted Residential Service providers when there is a Residential Oversight RN vacancy or new hire. Enhancements are intended to streamline communication to the Division, improve the Residential Oversight RN Orientation process, and support waiver residential service participant health and welfare. Process enhancements will be effective May 15, 2023.
- Tricia Parker, DD Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Adil Kahn, DD Research Analyst
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Tools for Everyone - 5/5/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from May 05
Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Process Statewide Go Live Information
This hour long webinar will focus on the MO Division of Developmental Disabilities HRST Process and information for transitioning from Implementation Phase I to Implementation Phase II/Statewide Go Live on May 1, 2023. This webinar will highlight process enhancements resulting from provider participation of Phase I.
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, Division Statewide Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
transcript from Apr 27
MO DDD & You: Exploring the Missouri Assistive Technology Project
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the Missouri Assistive Technology Project and other programs that are available. Participants will learn about the programs, how to apply, and where to find additional information and resources for Assistive Technology.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- David Baker, Missouri Assistive Technology Project
Tools for Everyone - 4/25/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Apr 25
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. This month the team will focus on the differences between a restrictive intervention, a reactive strategy, and a prohibited practice. There will also be an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Telehealth Services update and the March Behavior Support Review Committee Survey information will be reviewed. Updates from the Tier 3 Subject Matter Experts, training dates, and other important information will be provided.
- Dr. Lucas Evans, Chief Behavioral Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations - Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Apr 21
Community Transitions Updates
Information will be provided on proposed updates to policy for community residential transitions. Updates include changes in the Risk Prevention Consultants' and Support Coordinators' roles in the transition process.
- Nicole Jones, Director of Risk Prevention
- Jill Shoemate, Director of State Support Coordination
Now available:
transcript from Apr 20
Tools for Everyone - 4/17/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Apr 17
Community Transitions Updates
Information will be provided on proposed updates to policy for community residential transitions. Updates include changes in the Risk Prevention Consultants' and Support Coordinators' roles in the transition process.
- Nicole Jones, Director of Risk Prevention
- Jill Shoemate, Director of State Support Coordination
Now available:
transcript from Apr 17
Tools for Everyone - 4/12/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Now available:
transcript from Apr 12
Community Transitions Updates
Information will be provided on proposed updates to policy for community residential transitions. Updates include changes in the Risk Prevention Consultants' and Support Coordinators' roles in the transition process.
- Nicole Jones, Director of Risk Prevention
- Jill Shoemate, Director of State Support Coordination
Division Partnership with the Columbus Organization
This webinar will introduce the components of the Columbus Organization contract, outline the purpose and implementation strategies, as well as provide an overview of the Provider and TCM review and function that they will be provided during the provider and TCM review. Webinar content is applicable to service providers and targeted case management (TCM) entities unable to attend the statewide in-person presentations provided March 28, 2023, through April 6, 2023.
- Wanda Crocker, Assistant Division Director
- Dan Booth, Project Director
- Carrie Williams, Director of TCM Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Overview
This webinar will provide an overview and update on the Division of Developmental Disabilities Personal Assistant providers status, progress with EVV requirements, and sending data via the EVV Aggregator Solution (EAS).
- Shelly Summers, Federal Programs Unit-Program Manager
- Terri Woodward, Strategic Initiatives Manager MO HealthNet Division
Tools for Everyone -4/4/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on competency and implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour training is open to community members, parents, and professionals, and covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as, what is behavior, how to build positive relationships, and how to affectively impact behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
- Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
MO DDD & You: Missouri Youth Leadership Forum
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the Missouri Youth Leadership Forum (MYLF) opportunity through the MO Governor’s Council on Disability. Participants will hear general information about the MYLF opportunity, what forum participants can expect, and how to apply.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of DD
- Rachel Rackers, Sr. Program Specialist/MYLF Coordinator, Governor’s Council on Disability
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
This Month the team will outline the clinical trainings available in April and May. In addition, information will be provided on prohibited procedure workshops and the dates they will be offered. The coaching process offered to support teams following the Behavior Support Review Committee will also be discussed.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Tools for Everyone 3/23/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations - Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Mar 17
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider and Support Coordination Meeting. Attendees will receive statewide data and other essential information from Fiscal Leadership, Federal Programs, Tiered Supports, Provider Relations, Quality Assurance, and Targeted Case Management Technical Assistance Coordinators. The meeting will include updates on Division Initiatives such as Assistive Technology and Employment. These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Holly Reiff Provider Relations Director
- Carrie Williams, State Lead for Targeted Case Management Technical Assistance Coordinators
Now available:
transcript from Mar 16
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This webinar will discuss an approaching training opportunity with SHIFT, a nationally recognized technology education and accreditation platform. Interested participants will gain a base knowledge on how technology can support individuals to meet their good life outcomes and be able to discuss these services with peers and self-advocates. Participants will earn an Enabling Technology Credential and receive continued support in further education opportunities.
- Shelly Brown, PR UDAT Lead
- Cameron Kempson, Co-Founder and Director of Education with Tech First SHIFT
Now available:
transcript from Mar 14
Tools for Everyone 3/14/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Tools for Everyone - 3/9/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Tools for Everyone - 2/28/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Now available:
transcript from Feb 28
MO DDD & You: How the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Will Benefit Individuals, Families, and Caregivers
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide updates on the Division’s HRST process, discuss why HRST is important, and describe the benefits that result from using the HRST to gather important health information
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Johnathon Crumley, COO, IntellectAbility
Tier 3 Informational Meeting
The Tier 3 Intensive Supports Team of the DMH/DD Multi-Tiered System of Support hosts an Informational Meeting the last Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm. During this meeting, the Team will provide an update on current work and development as well as answer questions about prohibited procedures, Behavior Support Review Committee, various pilot projects, and general information.
- Melantha Witherspoon – Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst -
- Cindy Hanebrink – Eastern Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Syn McDonald – Central Region Area Behavior
- Chad Reyes – Central Region Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rita Cooper – Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin – Western Region Intensive Systems Consultant
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
Tools for Everyone -2/22/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Now available:
transcript from Feb 22
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations - Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Feb 17
Tools for Everyone - 2/14/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Now available:
transcript from Feb 14
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn will discuss dedicated applications, apps that are designed for a specific use or support. It will feature the current dedicated application provider.
- Holly Reiff PR Assistive Technology Specialist
- Jill Reffett, MapHabit Director
Tools for Everyone -2/9/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Now available:
transcript from Feb 09
Final ConneXion Demonstration Walkthrough Webinar
The Division of Developmental Disabilities and FEI Systems will host a ConneXion Case Management System demonstration for all stakeholders on February 8 at 1:00 pm. This webinar will showcase the requirements gathered and configured in ConneXion around ISP Planning and Service Authorizations. Focus areas for this demonstration will highlight the ISP planning process in the system and all modules that interact with the ISP and Service Authorizations. Topic Areas: ISP including workflow, Assessment, Person Profile, ISP Budget, Service Packet, Service Authorization, Person Portal, HRST Interface with ConneXion ISP and TCM Case Note Billing. This webinar will be recorded and available on the MODD Content Self-Registration Portal.
- Toi Wilde, Division Director of Strategic IT Initiatives
- Sheila Wunning, Division Deputy Director, State Operated Programs
- Gary Schanzmeyer, Division ConneXion Migration / Integration Lead
- Rick Shuey, Division Configuration Architect
- Scott Shirley, FEI Delivery Manager / ConneXion Configuration Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Missouri DDD Waiver Performance Measures for Contracted Providers
This webinar is for service providers and support coordinators to learn more about waiver assurances and how they affect provider requirements and Quality Enhancement Plans.
- Sean Murphy, Quality Enhancement Coordinator – Information and Reporting
- Carol Brennaman, Vendor Services Coordinator
- Steve Laws, Provider Relations Lead
Division of Behavioral Health (DBH)/Developmental Disabilities (DD) Residential Transition Protocol
This webinar will provide updates to the transition process for individuals discharging from the Division of Behavioral Health's State Operated Facilities to the Division of Developmental Disabilities Residential Service Providers. Information will include what has changed, why the change, and a walk through of the complete process.
- Nikki Reitz, Discharge Coordinator Clinical Social Work Specialist Forensic Treatment Center
- Lizzie Kucharski, Social Services Unit Supervisor, St. Louis Regional Office
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
Tier 2 Updates
This monthly Tier 2 updates provides current information regarding team updates, workgroups, workshops, risk prevention strategies and problem solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Value Based Payment (VBP) Incentives: Tiered Supports Implementation Levels 101
This training session will provide an overview of the VBP data collection and submission process for Tiered Supports. It will include a demonstration on user access request and monthly, quarterly, and yearly data entry into REDCap, the VBP data collection platform.
- Kathleen Deppeler; Director of Positive Supports
- Racheal Matheny; Research Analyst
MO DDD & You: What are the Fatal Five Fundamentals?
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on health concerns people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) may experience that can lead to fatal outcomes, if left untreated. Attendees will learn about each of the health concerns, available resources, and how the Division’s Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) helps capture individual health risks.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director, Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations - Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Jan 20
Tools for Everyone - 1/19/23
Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum such as: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices. Information presented at each training will be the same and is being offered two different dates for convenience.
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Value Based Payment (VBP) Incentives: Employment Services Pay for Reporting
These training sessions will provide an overview of the Employment Services VBP outcome payment, reporting process and a demonstration of the REDCap data collection platform for each of the five employment services. Information presented at each session will be the same and is being offered two different dates for convenience.
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
Value Based Payment (VBP) Incentives Contract Update and Data Collection Provider Training
These training sessions will provide an update of provider contract language as it pertains to VBP incentives and an overview of the VBP data collection and submission process, including data entry for each of the nine VBP incentives. Also included will be a demonstration for user access request and data entry into REDCap, the VBP data collection platform. Information presented at each session will be the same and is being offered two different dates for convenience.
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Support
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
- Heike Johns, Director of Communication and Organizational Learning
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Limit Change
This webinar will discuss waiver changes to the EAA service and how to implement these changes in EAA planning and requests.
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations Environmental Accessibility Adaptations Specialist
Value Based Payment (VBP) Incentives: Employment Services Pay for Reporting
These training sessions will provide an overview of the Employment Services VBP outcome payment, reporting process and a demonstration of the REDCap data collection platform for each of the five employment services. Information presented at each session will be the same and is being offered two different dates for convenience.
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
Now available:
presentation from Jan 05
Value Based Payment (VBP) Incentives Contract Update and Data Collection Provider Training
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Support
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
- Heike Johns, Director of Communication and Organizational Learning
MO DDD & You: Making Connections Through MO Family-to-Family State-wide Resource Center and Good Life Groups
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the opportunities and resources available through Missouri Family-to-Family, including how to access and participate in Good Life Groups
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of DD
- Bekka Matthews, Information and Referral Specialist, MO Family-to-Family
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations-Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Dec 16
Division of Developmental Disabilities Health Home (DD Health Home)
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Health Home (DD Health Home) is being designed in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division. The DD Health Home is for individuals served through the Division who have a qualifying chronic health condition and a healthcare level indicating increased health-related risks or destabilization. The DD Health Home is not a home. It is a program to provide care coordination for enrollees while integrating care management.
Several webinars are available to allow for scheduling flexibility, and all sessions will be the same. During the webinar, attendees will gain an understanding of the Division of DD Health Home initiative and will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Division of Developmental Disabilities Health Home (DD Health Home)
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Health Home (DD Health Home) is being designed in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division. The DD Health Home is for individuals served through the Division who have a qualifying chronic health condition and a healthcare level indicating increased health-related risks or destabilization. The DD Health Home is not a home. It is a program to provide care coordination for enrollees while integrating care management.
Several webinars are available to allow for scheduling flexibility, and all sessions will be the same. During the webinar, attendees will gain an understanding of the Division of DD Health Home initiative and will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Division of Developmental Disabilities Health Home (DD Health Home)
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Health Home (DD Health Home) is being designed in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division. The DD Health Home is for individuals served through the Division who have a qualifying chronic health condition and a healthcare level indicating increased health-related risks or destabilization. The DD Health Home is not a home. It is a program to provide care coordination for enrollees while integrating care management.
Several webinars are available to allow for scheduling flexibility, and all sessions will be the same. During the webinar, attendees will gain an understanding of the Division of DD Health Home initiative and will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Kim Stock, Director of Quality Enhancement
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month’s lunch and learn will review the Environmental Accessibility and Assistive Technology progress and enhancements made by the UDAT Team during the past year.
- Holly Reiff Provider Relations Assistive Technology Specialist
- Shelly Brown Provider Relations Universal Design Specialist
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Clinical Rater and Clinical Reviewer Support Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Clinical Operations Team is conducting a support session for current DD HRST Clinical Raters and Clinical Reviewers. Topics for the session include screening and reviewing challenges, common rater and reviewer errors and difficulties, process timelines, and available resources.
- Tricia Parker, RN, DD Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, DD Clinical Coordinator
MO DDD & You: Skills to Build Relationships and Create Positive Behavior Change
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on how responding to certain behaviors can lead to negative outcomes. Participants will focus on recognizing coercive responses, building and strengthening relationships, and using positive consequences to help improve behaviors.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Kathleen Deppeler, Positive Supports State Lead
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations-Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Nov 18
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment Scheduling Using Calendly
Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists will learn how to schedule a Missouri Adaptive Ability Scale (MAAS) Assessment using Calendly scheduling software. The MAAS will replace the MOCABI/Vineland/etc., with an anticipated go-live date of 1/1/2023. It is imperative that all Support Coordinators and Intake Specialists understand how to request/schedule a MAAS assessment prior to the go-live date. Several dates are available to allow for scheduling flexibility to gain these required skills. All sessions are the same; attendance is only necessary at one session.
- Neil Harms/Director of Eligibility and Utilization Review
- Alisa Arthur/Statewide Assessment Trainer
- Paul Conover/Statewide Assessment Trainer
2022 HCBS Rate Study Stakeholder Meeting
The Division of Development Disabilities engaged Mercer to conduct a rate study refresh for Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) 1915(c) waiver services and Targeted Case Management. The Divison and Mercer will provide an update on the rate study process, describe key rate study considerations, share draft rates, and collect stakeholder feedback
- Melody Rosen, Mercer Senior Associate
- Katie Olecik, Mercer Partner
- Zarchary Grewe, Mercer Associate
- Angela Brenner, Assistant Division Director-Administration
- Jessica Bax, Division Director
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Wendy Witcig, Assistant Division Director-Community Operations
- Emily Luebbering, Director of Federal Programs
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Champions of Employment: Testing Our Knowledge
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.This month’s webinar will provide Support Coordinators, and others, with a fun and interactive way to check their understanding of policies, service definitions, and guidance around coordinating employment supports.
- Sandy Keyser, Division Employment First Specialist
Now available:
presentation from Nov 09
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn will discuss available Personal Emergency Response and Mobile Emergency Response Systems available through Assistive Technology, and showcase some of the different systems available.
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Assistive Technology Specialist
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
MO DDD & You: Health Risk Screen Tool (HRST) for Individuals and Families
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will introduce the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) to individuals and their families. Participants will learn what the HRST is, how the Division will use the HRST, and what individuals and families can expect.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations-Assistive Technology Specialist
Now available:
transcript from Oct 21
Champions of Employment: A Personal Journey
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, this month’s topic will focus on a self-advocate’s journey with employment, sharing learning experiences and tips that Support Coordinators may find useful in helping others navigate their employment journeys.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist
- Caitlin Bartley, NCI Project Coordinator
Universal Design Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn
This webinar will discuss the upcoming changes to the environmental accessibility adaptations (EAA) waiver definition, funding limit flexibility, and service utilization. UDAT most frequently received questions will also be discussed.
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations Environmental Accessibility Adaptations Specialist
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
Now available:
transcript from Sep 30
2022 Annual Oversight RN Webinar
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Clinical Operations Team is hosting the 2022 annual webinar for the nurses working in the community with provider agencies. This webinar will offer educational opportunities, a support system, and resources. Presentation Topics: Dignity of Risk/MoQo & You, Enable Dental/Tele-Dentistry, Oral Health, Disaster Preparedness, End of Life Planning, Assistive Technology. There will be an hour lunch break at 12:00pm.
- Tricia Parker, RN, Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, DD Clinical Coordinator
- Caitlin Bartley, MSW, Division National Core Indicator Project Coordinator
- Kaylee Graham, RN, Enable Dental Clinical Project Delivery Coordinator
- Monica Korba, RN, Compassus Hospice
- Mechelle Cooper, RN, Quality Programs RN, Springfield Regional Office
- Ashley Mort, RN, Quality Programs RN, Joplin Regional Office
- Holly Reiff, Division Provider Relations Specialist – Assistive Technology
- Shannon Shores, Sales Executive Pack4U Inc.
Individuals that were not able to attend the live webinar can view it in the MODD Content Self-Registration portal. After viewing the recorded webinar, a certificated of completion will be available for print.
MO DDD & You: Utilizing StationMD Services for Better Health
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on informing individuals, families, and caregivers on StationMD services. Learn who can use Station MD, how to access the service, and what services are provided. Examples of how individual’s health concerns are addressed will also be shared
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of DD
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations, Division of DD
- Carol Price-Guthrie, Station MD
- Wendi Patterson, Station MD
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations-Assistive Technology Specialist
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Champions of Employment: What is Employment First?
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on Employment First – what it means, its importance, and how we can help practice Employment First in supporting individuals. Panelists will share their personal insight and provide thoughts on how we can ensure that we are truly helping people to achieve their personal goals.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Kim Buckman, Director of Support Coordination, County Connections
- Candace Cunningham, self-advocate, UMKC Institute for Human Development
- Ellen Fern, parent
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn provides part two of highlighting remote support systems available through Assistive Technology.
- Holly Reiff PR Assistive Technology Specialist
- Scott Mosher, Co-Owner
- Merrell Hansen, CMO, of SmartCare
- Kimberly Hill, Director of Operations of Rest Assured
- Mark Soloway, SVP of Operations
- Jared Hendricks, District Manager, of Safe In Home
Missouri Division of Developmental Disability's Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Process - Support Coordination Entities Inform
This hour-long webinar will focus on how targeted case management agencies who are contracted with the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities and Division Support Coordinators can implement the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST). This will outline their roles for supporting both residential and non-residential Waiver participants. Information will be shared on how to get started using this process. Please refer to the documents titled MO HRST Process and Detecting Health Risks
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Division's Statewide Clinical Coordinator
- Misty Archer, Division Administrative Office Support Assistant
Missouri Division of Developmental Disability's Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Process - Residential Service Providers Inform
This hour-long webinar will focus on how residential provider agencies who are contracted with the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities can implement the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) and associated processes for residential Waiver participants. Information will be shared on how to get started using this process. Please refer to the documents titled MO HRST Process and Detecting Health Risks
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Division's Statewide Clinical Coordinator
- Misty Archer, Division's HRST Gatekeeper
Missouri Division of Developmental Disability's Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Process - Day Habilitation Service Providers I
This hour-long webinar will focus on how day habilitation provider agencies who are contracted with the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities can implement the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) and associated processes for residential Waiver participants. Information will be shared on how to get started using this process. Please refer to the documents titled MO HRST Process and Detecting Health Risks
- Leslie DeGroat RN, Division's Statewide Clinical Coordinator
- Misty Archer, Division Administrative Office Support Assistant
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
Now available:
Shared Living Rate Methodology Changes
This webinar will review the pending changes to the FY23 Shared Living rate methodology. In addition, the changes to rate methodology, budgeting and the impact it has on current practices will be discussed. This webinar will be offered on three different dates to ensure adequate opportunity for attendance.
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
MO DDD & You: Value Based Payments and Division Services
This 30-minute lunch-and-learn webinar will provide an overview of the Division's Value Based Payments, including targeted program and service areas and why it is important to self-advocates/individuals and families.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Emily Luebbering, Federal Programs Director
Enhancing OT/PT evaluations for EAA Services (Home/Vehicle Modification)
This webinar will discuss what content is required in the OT/PT evaluation when requesting EAA services and provide information on how to enhance evaluations to streamline the process and achieve better outcomes of home and vehicle modifications.
- Jason Elmore, EAA Vendor Service Coordinator
- Cris Rodriguez, Missouri Inclusive Housing
2022 HCBS Rate Study Stakeholder Meeting
The Division of Development Disabilities engaged Mercer to conduct a rate study refresh this summer for Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) 1915(c) waiver services and Targeted Case Management services. The Division and Mercer will provide an overview of the rate study process and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) market data to stakeholders on August 19.
Primary goals of the rate study refresh include:
• Comply with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements to formally review 1915(c) rates at least once every five years;
• Compile and analyze the most current BLS market data to inform key cost components such as wages and employee-related expenses (e.g., health insurance, other employee benefits, employee-related taxes, workers’ compensation insurance); and
• Conduct targeted analyses on other assumptions that providers request be looked at more closely.
- Jessica Bax, Division Director
- Angela Brenner, Deputy Division Director-Administration
- Melody Rosen, Mercer Senior Associate
- Katie Olecik, Mercer Partner
- Zachary Grewe, Mercer Associate
Now available:
presentation from Aug 19
Shared Living Rate Methodology Changes
This webinar will review the pending changes to the FY23 Shared Living rate methodology. In addition, the changes to rate methodology, budgeting and the impact it has on current practices will be discussed. This webinar will be offered on three different dates to ensure adequate opportunity for attendance.
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider Meeting. Attendees will receive statewide data and other essential information from Tiered Supports, Provider Relations, Quality Assurance and Inquiry Coordination. The meeting will include updates on Division Initiatives such as Assistive Technology and Employment, as well as provider recognition. These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Wanda Crocker Director of Provider Relations
- Carrie Williams State Lead for Targeted Case Management Technical Assistance Coordinators
Champions of Employment: Increasing Independence in Employment through Technology
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on how technology can be used in conjunction with employment services to facilitate greater independence in employment. Support Coordinators will learn how technology can benefit anyone, regardless of their level of independence; how technology can be used with other in-person services; and become more familiar with the codes for assistive technology.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Specialist—Assistive Technology
Shared Living Rate Methodology Changes
This webinar will review the pending changes to the FY23 Shared Living rate methodology. In addition, the changes to rate methodology, budgeting and the impact it has on current practices will be discussed. This webinar will be offered on three different dates to ensure adequate opportunity for attendance.
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
What to Expect from an Environmental Accessibility Adaption (EAA) Consultation
This session will provide an overview of the collaboration between DMH and Missouri Inclusive Housing and the assistance available for Support Coordinators and EAA Providers during planning, implementation, and completion of the EAA service. The consultation process, including criteria and benefits, will be reviewed and success stories will be shared.
- Shelly Brown, EAA State Lead
- Cris Rodriguez, Missouri Inclusive Housing
Now available:
transcript from Aug 09
Value Based Payment (VBP) Stakeholder Sessions
As the Division has established a priority of coordinating quality care, these sessions will provide an overview of funding strategies for supports that improve individual outcomes and reward those who facilitate quality outcomes. This session will target individuals, families and guardians.
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Division Director--Administration
- Emily Luebbering--Director of Federal Programs
- Duane Shumate--State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker--Director of Provider Relations
- Lucas Evans--Chief Behavior Analyst
- Rhi Evans--Director of Risk Prevention
- Kim Stock--Director of Quality Enhancement
- Heike Johns--Director of Communication and Organizational Learning
Tier 2 Updates
The Monthly Tier 2 Updates provides current information and problem-solving opportunities.
- Rachael Osterling, Tier 2 Area Risk Prevention Lead
MO DDD & You: People-First of MO
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide an overview of People-First of MO, which is a self-advocacy organization for people with developmental disabilities. Participants will learn about People First's mission, core values, chapters, and events.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, MO Division of DD
- Candace Cunningham, Individual Advocacy Team, UMKC-IHD;
- Madeline Webster, Individual Advocacy Team, UMKC-IHD
Value Based Payment (VBP) Stakeholder Sessions
As the Division has established a priority of coordinating quality care, these sessions will provide an overview of funding strategies for supports that improve individual outcomes and reward those who facilitate quality outcomes. This session will target targeted case management providers.
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Division Director--Administration
- Emily Luebbering--Director of Federal Programs
- Duane Shumate--State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker--Director of Provider Relations
- Lucas Evans--Chief Behavior Analyst
- Rhi Evans--Director of Risk Prevention
- Kim Stock--Director of Quality Enhancement
- Heike Johns--Director of Communication and Organizational Learning
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
Now available:
transcript from Jul 22
Value Based Payment (VBP) Stakeholder Sessions
As the Division has established a priority of coordinating quality care, these sessions will provide an overview of funding strategies for supports that improve individual outcomes and reward those who facilitate quality outcomes. This session will target service providers.
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Division Director--Administration
- Emily Luebbering--Director of Federal Programs
- Duane Shumate--State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker--Director of Provider Relations
- Lucas Evans--Chief Behavior Analyst
- Rhi Evans--Director of Risk Prevention
- Kim Stock--Director of Quality Enhancement
- Heike Johns--Director of Communication and Organizational Learning
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at Work Incentives for Medicaid
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic continues the discussion on benefits planning by taking a closer look at the work incentives specifically designed for Medicaid – 1619 b and Ticket to Work Health Assurance. Support Coordinators will learn how individuals can take advantage of these work incentives to become more financially self-sufficient.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Jennifer Seidel, Benefits Specialist for Eitas
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn will discuss Remote Support systems available through Assistive Technology. This is part one of a two part lunch and learn highlighting remote support systems.
- Holly Reiff, AT State Lead
- Vicki Spraul, Co-Owner, Director for Gray Matters Alliance
- Aaron Milligan, Co-Owner, Chief Technology Officer for Gray Matters Alliance
- Michael Doucette, Director of Development for Night Owl Support Systems
- Jim Carr, Director for Hearo Technologies LLC
MO DDD & You: Exploring New Resources
This 30-minute webinar will focus on exploring resources for self-advocates/individuals and families available from the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Resources include Easy Readers and Charting My LifeCourse training modules.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Kara Ready, Advocacy Specialist
Missouri Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) and Partnership for Hope (PFH) Waiver Renewals Informal Comments
This webinar will discuss the potential changes and revisions to the MOCDD and PFH Waiver Renewals.
- Emily Luebbering, Federal Programs Director
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Shelly Brown, EAA State Lead
- Holly Reiff, AT State Lead
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
Now available:
transcript from Jun 17
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn will discuss Medication Administration systems available through Assistive Technology.
- Holly Reiff AT State Lead
- Vicki Spraul Director of Gray Matters Alliance
- Shannon Shore Sales Executive Pack 4U
- Jim Carr Director of Hearo Technologies LLC
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at SSDI
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic continues the discussion on benefits planning by taking a closer look at how income impacts SSDI benefits and the work incentives available to SSDI recipients. Support Coordinators will learn how work incentives available to SSDI recipients are used and what they may need to look for to help individuals become more financially self-sufficient.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Jennifer Seidel, Benefits Specialist for Eitas
Missouri Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) and Partnership for Hope (PFH) Waiver Renewals Informal Comments
This webinar will discuss the potential changes and revisions to the MOCDD and PFH Waiver Renewals.
- Emily Luebbering, Federal Programs Director
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator, Employment and Community Engagement
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Shelly Brown, EAA State Lead
- Holly Reiff, AT State Lead
MO DDD & You: An Introduction to the Charting the Lifecourse Integrated Supports Star
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the Charting the LifeCourse Integrated Supports Star planning tool. Participants will be introduced to Charting the LifeCourse and the Integrated Supports Star, which can be used by self-advocates, families, and others to help guide their thinking about current and future support needs. The Integrated Supports Star helps promote brainstorming to identify various types of supports and can help with planning activities. Information about how the tool can be used, examples of the tool in action, and additional planning resources will be shared.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, MO Division of DD
- Jane St. John, Sr. Research Assistant, LifeCourse Nexus, UMKC-Institute for Human Development (IHD)
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
Now available:
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at SSI
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic continues the discussion on benefits planning by taking a closer look at how income impacts SSI benefits and the work incentives available to SSI recipients. Support Coordinators will learn what each work incentive does, who makes a good candidate for using that work incentive, and see an example of how that work incentive can be used.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Jennifer Seidel, Benefits Specialist for Eitas
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn will discuss the difference between the services of Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA), Specialized Medical Equipment (SME), and Assistive Technology (AT). The discussion will include examples of services and resources to help determine which waiver service best fits the individuals' outcome.
- Shelly Brown, EAA State Lead
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs
- Holly Reiff, AT State Lead
Charting the LifeCourse Trajectory Tool for Planning
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the Charting the LifeCourse Trajectory tool. Participants will be introduced to Charting the LifeCourse and the Trajectory Tool, which can be used by self-advocates and families to plan for future events or set long-term goals. Information about how the tool can be used, examples of the tool in action, and additional planning resources will be shared.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, MO Division of DD
- Jane St. John, Sr. Research Assistant, LifeCourse Nexus, UMKC-Institute for Human Development (IHD)
Now available:
transcript from Apr 26
National Core Indicators Overview for Support Coordinators
This webinar will provide an overview of National Core Indicators (NCI). The types of surveys, how the data is utilized, and when and why a support coordinator may be contacted for assistance will be covered.
- Caitlin Bartley, NCI Project Coordinator
Now available:
Missouri Talent Pathways (MO TaP) – DSP Registered Apprenticeship
Missouri Talent Pathways is a registered apprenticeship program for Certified Direct Support Professionals who work in Medicaid Home and Community Based Settings.
Participants of this webinar will be provided an overview of apprenticeships; MO TaP; process for onboarding as an employer partner and how MO TaP can be a strategy for recruiting, structuring and retaining highly qualified DSPs.
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator – Employment and Community Engagement
- Trace Laughery, Apprenticeship and Training Representative, US Department of Labor – Office of Apprenticeship
- Suzanne Richards, Apprenticeship Coordinator- Apprenticeship Missouri
- Michel Flynn, Assistant Director – Veterans Education and Training
Now available:
transcript from Apr 22
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Dr. Maulik Trivedi, StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Apr 15
Champions of Employment: An Introduction to Basic Benefits Planning Concepts/Terminology
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will begin the discussion on basic benefits planning concepts and terminology. Support Coordinators will be provided an overview of the main differences between SSDI and SSI, including eligibility requirements, effects of income on the Social Security benefit and the medical benefit associated with it, and work incentives associated with Social Security.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Jennifer Seidel, Benefits Specialist for Eitas
Now available:
transcript from Apr 13
Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
This month's lunch and learn will discuss universal design and how Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) services can be incorporated to assist in achieving desired outcomes.
- Division of Developmental Disabilities UDAT Team--Holly Reiff - AT State Lead, Shelly Brown - EAA State Lead, and Jason Elmore - EAA VSC
Now available:
transcript from Apr 12
MO DDD & You: Exploring the Division's Autism Services & Resources
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar is will provide information for self-advocates/individuals and families and will focus on exploring the Division's Autism services and various related resources.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of DD
- Kristin Morgan, Director, Office of Autism
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director - Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director - Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Dr. Maulik Trivedi, StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Mar 18
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at Supported Employment
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on the wavier service definition of Supported Employment. Support Coordinators will learn about the service, who might make a good candidate, how to request, and outcome requirements.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Introducing the Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) Lunch and Learn Series
During this month's Lunch and Learn, the UDAT Team will introduce individual team members, the Navigator program--Technology Explorers, and provide general information regarding assistive technology.
- Holly Reiff, Division of Developmental Disabilities UDAT Team
- Shelly Brown, Division of Developmental Disabilities UDAT Team
- Jason Elmore, Division of Developmental Disabilities UDAT Team
Foundations of Coordinating Employment Supports
This three-part series is designed to provide Support Coordinators with a foundation of information, resources, and strategies to promote employment for individuals receiving waiver services.
Session 3 combines information from the first two sessions to discover how Support Coordinators can determine strategies useful in discussing employment as well as resources available to address barriers to employment.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Statewide Provider Meeting
The Division invites all stakeholders to attend the bi-annual Statewide Provider Meeting. Attendees will receive statewide data and other essential information from Tiered Supports, Provider Relations, Quality Assurance and Inquiry Coordination. The meeting will include updates on Division Initiatives such as Assistive Technology and Employment, as well as provider recognition. These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
- Carrie Williams, State Lead for Targeted Case Management Technical Assistance Coordinators
Foundations of Coordinating Employment Supports
This three-part series is designed to provide Support Coordinators with a foundation of information, resources, and strategies to promote employment for individuals receiving waiver services.
Session 3 combines information from the first two sessions to discover how Support Coordinators can determine strategies useful in discussing employment as well as resources available to address barriers to employment.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
Now available:
transcript from Mar 02
Missouri Quality Outcomes - Town Hall Forums
This 30-minute webinar will describe the Division's efforts to review and update the Missouri Quality Outcomes (MOQO) through a series of Town Hall forums. These forums will be hosted by the University of Missouri--Kansas City Institute for Human Development (UMKC IHD) and seek to collect feedback to enhance the MOQO to further reflect outcomes important to individuals receiving services.
- Caitlin Bartley, National Core Indicators (NCI) Coordinator
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Kara Ready, Advocacy Specialist
Now available:
presentation from Mar 01
Foundations of Coordinating Employment Supports
This three-part series is designed to provide Support Coordinators with a foundation of information, resources, and strategies to promote employment for individuals receiving waiver services.
Session 2 provides Support Coordinators with a toolkit to help individuals achieve their desired employment outcomes. Attendees will discover what employment services are available under Partnership for Hope, Community Support, and Comprehensive Waivers; how these services can be utilized; who could benefit from these services; what information is needed to request services; and what the outcome requirements are for these services.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
MO DDD & You: Managing Your Health & Wellness
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will provide information about free classes offered through the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging (ma4.) These classes are designed for individuals enrolled in a Missouri Medicaid Home and Community-Based waivers and their caregivers. Classes are focused on helping participants manage health and social needs, decrease stress, and improve well-being.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of DD
- Erika Saleski, Project Director, ma4 Network
- Amber Vaughn, ma4 Project Coordinator
Using the Missouri Developmental Disabilities (MODD) Content Self-Registration Portal
This webinar will provide step-by-step instructions for using the MODD Content Self-Registration Portal, including registration, navigation, and obtaining certificates and transcripts. There will also be time allotted for questions/answers.
The Division provides the MODD Content Self-Registration Portal, powered by Relias, to house Division created training modules. Modules in this portal are available to Division providers, individuals, families, and guardians.
- Christine Connell, Relias Client Success Manager, Consultant
Now available:
transcript from Feb 22
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Dr. Maulik Trivedi, StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Feb 18
Foundations of Coordinating Employment Supports
This three-part series is designed to provide Support Coordinators with a foundation of information, resources, and strategies to promote employment for individuals receiving waiver services.
Session 1 provides the basis for exploring an individual’s desire to work and how Support Coordinators help coordinate employment supports. Attendees will learn about the importance of employment in a person’s life and how state and federal initiatives relate to employment and Support Coordination.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing the Guardianship Packet
The Information Specialist team will guide participants through the steps to successfully complete the guardianship packet. If Teams are seeking assistance from the Office of General Counsel to file the petition for guardianship, this training will explain how to correctly complete the packet.
- Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Statewide Lead
- Darcy Armstrong, Information Specialist
- Stacy Bahn, Information Specialist
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at Job Development
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s webinar will focus on the wavier service definition of Job Development. Support Coordinators will learn about the service; who might make a good candidate; how to request the service; and outcome requirements. Attendees will also hear experiences and gain tips from a service provider.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Richard Coleman, Director of Employment Services for UCP Heartland
Resources for Managing COVID-19
COVID-19 continues to place a high demand on clinics and hospitals, as well as impact testing access. This webinar will provide information about other options for health care, including StationMD, and a new resource for COVID PCR testing provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, Division Clinical Coordinator
Virtual Town Hall Meeting: Transportation Services for Individuals with I/DD
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a virtual Town Hall Meeting to discuss challenges surrounding transportation services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and the Division’s current efforts to address these challenges. While the discussion surrounding challenges will focus primarily on current concerns in the St. Louis and St. Charles area, many of the solutions the Division is currently working on will have statewide impact on transportation barriers; all are welcome to attend.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director - Community Operations
- Shelia Wunning, Assistant Division Director, Eastern Region
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
Now available:
transcript from Jan 25
MO DDD & You: An Introduction to the Missouri Quality Outcomes (MOQO)
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on introducing particpants to the Missouri Quality Outcomes (MOQO). Participants will learn what the MOQO are, how they are utilized by the Division to direct supports and services, and how they serve as a guide to achieve a self-determined life.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Statewide Lead, MO Division of DD
- Trina Cookson, Quality Assurance Specialist, MO Division of DD
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Dr. Maulik Trivedi, StationMD
Proposed changes to FY23 Provider POS Contract
The Division is holding a webinar to inform service providers and other stakeholders on the proposed changes to the Provider POS Contract which renews July 1, 2022. Participants will have the opportunity to submit comments and questions during the webinar. These will be included with the questions received via public comment.
The Provider POS Contract has been posted for comment and is available for review at Please submit comments to no later than January 31, 2022.
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at Prevocational Services
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on the wavier service definition of Prevocational Services. Support Coordinators will learn about the service, who would be an appropriate candidate, how to request, and outcome requirements.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
MOCDD and Partnership for Hope Waiver Renewal Stakeholder Input for Targeted Case Management Entities
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Partnership for Hope (PFH) and Missouri Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) waivers expire June 30, 2023. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the state to obtain public input during the development of a waiver renewal in accordance with 42 CFR 441.304(f).
The Division has started the renewals and is requesting input from stakeholders, individuals, family members, and providers on current waiver programs.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Barbara Brent, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Emily Luebbering, Federal Programs Unit
MOCDD and Partnership for Hope Waiver Renewal Stakeholder Input for Individuals and Families
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Partnership for Hope (PFH) and Missouri Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) waivers expire June 30, 2023. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the state to obtain public input during the development of a waiver renewal in accordance with 42 CFR 441.304(f).
The Division has started the renewals and is requesting input from stakeholders, individuals, family members, and providers on current waiver programs.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Barbara Brent, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Emily Luebbering, Federal Programs Unit
MOCDD and Partnership for Hope Waiver Renewal Stakeholder Input for Service Providers
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Partnership for Hope (PFH) and Missouri Children with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) waivers expire June 30, 2023. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the state to obtain public input during the development of a waiver renewal in accordance with 42 CFR 441.304(f).
The Division has started the renewals and is requesting input from stakeholders, individuals, family members, and providers on current waiver programs.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Barbara Brent, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Emily Luebbering, Federal Programs Unit
MO DDD & You: The Benefits of Peer Support and Making Connections
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar will focus on the benefits of peer support and helping people make connections to others who have similar lived experiences. Participants will hear from three different parents who will share their experience with peer support, will learn where formal peer supports can be found, and how families and individuals can get connected to peer support services.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, MO Division of DD
- Stacey Gilkey, Family Support Provider Supervisor, ReDiscover Behavioral Health
- Mary Turner, Director, Missouri Family-to-Family
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides regularly scheduled webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Leslie DeGroat, Clinical Coordinator;
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus; DMH Chief Medical Director;
- Dr. Maulik Trivedi, StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Dec 10
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at Career Planning
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on Career Planning. Attendees will learn what this service provides and how to request it, good candidates for career planning, and outcome requirements. In addition, tips and experiences from a Division provider will be shared.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
- Cassidi Jobe, Executive Director for Summit Future Foundation
Guardianship Coordination
This webinar will provide an overview of the process for Information Specialists to begin coordinating Division requests for guardianship.
- Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Statewide Lead
- Stacy Bahn, Information Specialist
Tier 2 Risk Prevention: Updates to the Community Transition Process
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will be sharing updates to the community transition process. There will be a brief review of past structural changes shared during a previous webinar (July, 2021), followed by review of future enhancements, including a move toward targeted individual transition consultation. These future enhancements are expected to be implemented by the Risk Prevention team January, 2022.
- Rhi Evans, Director of Risk Prevention
- Nicole Jones, Western Area Risk Prevention Lead
Environmental Accessibility Adaptions (EAA) Overview
This training, presented by the Division of Developmental Disabilities, will provide a comprehensive review of the EAA service for home and vehicle modification. This session will include discussion of the supports provided by the newly designed Universal Design and Assistive Technology (UDAT) team and their collaboration with Missouri Inclusive Housing, as well as service definitions, service use, and roles/responsibilities of team members.
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations
- Jason Elmore, Provider Relations
- Cris Rodriquez, Missouri Inclusive Housing Development Corporation
MO DDD & You: Overview of Waiver Renewals
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar targeted toward individuals and families will focus on understanding the required waiver renewal process and why stakeholder input is so important. Participants will learn about the renewal process, why individual/family voice is important, and how feedback can be shared with the Division.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Emily Lueberring, Director, Federal Programs Unit, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Champions of Employment: Taking a Closer Look at Benefits Planning
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 – 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on the newest employment service, Benefits Planning. Support Coordinators will learn what this service is intended to provide, who might be a good candidate for this service, and how to request this service.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
transcript from Nov 10
Waiver Service Definition Updates Question/Answer Sessions
As a follow-up to the recent Waiver Service Definition Training, the Division is hosting a series of question and answer sessions. During this third session, waiver service definition updates to the following will be addressed:
• Intensive Therapeutic Residential Habilitation
• Community Transition
• Crisis Intervention
• Applied Behavior Analysis
• Professional Assessment and Monitoring (PAM)
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs Unit
- Lucas Evans, Division Chief Behavior Analyst
- Rhi Evans, Risk Prevention State Lead
- Tanner Stephenson, Director-Self Directed Supports
Now available:
transcript from Nov 04
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus-DMH Chief Medical Director
- StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Oct 29
MO DDD & You: Exploring Employment Supports and Services for Individuals and Families
This 30-minute lunch and learn webinar for individuals and families will focus on planning for and utilizing employment services.
- Lisa Nothaus, Division of Developmental Disabilities, Supporting Families Lead
- Sandy Keyser, Division of Developmental Disabilities, Employment First Specialist
Waiver Service Definition Updates Question/Answer Sessions
As a follow-up to the recent Waiver Service Definition Training, the Division is hosting a series of question and answer sessions.
During this second session, waiver service definition updates to the following will be addressed:
• Home Delivered Meals
• Individual Goods and Services
• Environmental Accessibility Adaptations—Home/Vehicle Modification (EAA)
• Assistive Technology
• In Home Respite
• Out of Home Respite/Temporary Residential
• Personal Assistant Services
• Group Home
• Individualized Supported Living
• Shared Living
• Community Specialist
• Support Broker
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs Unit
- Wanda Crocker, Director-Provider Relations
- Tanner Stephenson, Director-Self Directed Supports
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations Specialist, Universal Design
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Specialist, Assistive Technology
ADT Pilot Project Training
This training will provide an overview of the Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) Pilot project. The ADT pilot is geared at establishing a framework to better address discharge planning using a problem solving structure and identified hospital/ER visit information from the ADT Reporting system
- Lucas Evans, Chief Behavior Analyst for Community Supports
- Rita Cooper, Western Region Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Region Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin, Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rod Keown, Intensive Systems Consultant
Waiver Service Definition Updates Question/Answer Sessions
As a follow-up to the recent Waiver Service Definition Training, the Division is hosting a series of question and answer sessions. During this first session, waiver service definition updates to the following will be addressed:
• Benefits Planning
• Community Networking
• Individualized Skill Development
• Day Habilitation
• Career Planning
• Job Development
• Supported Employment
• Prevocational Services
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs Unit
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator-Employment and Community
Guideline 85: Review and Discontinuation of Prohibited Procedures
This training will provide a better understanding of Guideline 85 and prohibited practices. This guideline defines:
• Consistent and systematic response when the use of prohibited procedures are suspected or discovered;
• Ensure the health, welfare, and rights of the individuals served; and
• Ensure a quality of life without coercion, seclusion, or other practices that infringe on the rights of the individual.
- Lucas Evans, Chief Behavior Analyst for Community Supports
- Rita Cooper, Western Region Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Region Behavior Analyst
- Kay Hamblin, Intensive Systems Consultant
- Rod Keown, Intensive Systems Consultant
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus-DMH Chief Medical Director
- StationMD
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Champions of Employment: Affording Individuals an Opportunity to Explore Employment
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 - 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on one employment service provider’s experience with connecting individuals to employment services. Participants will learn what tools & strategies this provider has found useful in having discussions with individuals.
Nova Center Employment Services Flow Chart
Nova Center Employment Services
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Chris Cockrill, Employment Coordinator for Nova Center of the Ozarks
Waiver Service Definition Training
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is providing training on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved Home and Community Based Services waivers. This training will cover changes to services in each of the four waivers.
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs Unit
- Wanda Crocker, Director-Provider Relations
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator-Employment and Community
- Tanner Stephenson, Director-Self Directed Supports
- Lucas Evans, Division Chief Behavior Analyst
- Shelly Brown, Provider Relations Specialist, Universal Design
- Holly Reiff, Provider Relations Specialist, Assistive Technology
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Directory-Quality Programs
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus-DMH Chief Medical Director
- StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Oct 01
Expedited Utilization Review (UR) Guidance Question/Answer Session
Join Neil Harms, Director of Utilization and Review, for an Expedited UR Guidance question and answer session. Updated monitoring guidance is available for review at:
- Neil Harms, Director of Utilization Review
Now available:
transcript from Sep 30
DDD and You: An Introduction to the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) for Individuals and Families
This lunch and learn 30-minute webinar will focus on providing an overview of the Division of Developmental Disabilities and navigating through the various webpages for information and resources, including how to sign up for services.
- Lisa Nothaus, Division of Developmental Disabilities, Supporting Families Lead
- Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Lead
Now available:
transcript from Sep 28
DMH Admin Logging Overview
This Webinar will address how to correctly log billable hours to ensure maximum reimbursement from the federal government for administrative time spent by staff on MO HealthNet Programs.
- Shelly LeCure, Senior Accountant
Now available:
transcript from Sep 21
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Sep 17
COVID-19 Information and Resources for Individuals, Families and Caregivers
This lunch and learn webinar for individuals, families, and caregivers will provide current information and resources about COVID-19 information and resources to support them in making individualized decisions during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
- Lisa Nothaus, Supporting Families Lead
- Leslie DeGroat RN, State Clinical Coordinator
- Mary Turner, Director of UMKC Missouri Family to Family
Now available:
transcript from Sep 16
1st Annual Oversight RN Webinar Afternoon Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Clinical Operations Team is hosting the first annual webinar for the nurses working in the community with provider agencies. This webinar will offer educational opportunities, a support system, and resources.
There will be an hour break for lunch from 12:00pm - 1:00pm.
- Tricia Parker, RN, Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, DD Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
transcript from Sep 15
1st Annual Oversight RN Webinar Morning Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Clinical Operations Team is hosting the first annual webinar for the nurses working in the community with provider agencies. This webinar will offer educational opportunities, a support system, and resources.
There will be an hour break for lunch from 12:00pm - 1:00pm.
- Tricia Parker, RN, Community Health and Wellness Coordinator
- Leslie DeGroat, RN, DD Clinical Coordinator
Now available:
transcript from Sep 15
COVID-19 Monitoring Guidance Question/Answer Session
Join Deputy Division Director, Wendy Witcig, for a Monitoring Guidance question and answer session.
Updated Monitoring Guidance is available for review at:
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Division Director
COVID-19 Impact on I/DD Population
Dr. Kristin Sohl, MD, FAAP, will be speaking about COVID-19 and the vulnerability within the I/DD population as well as how to stay safe. There will be a 15 minute question/answer session following the presentation.
Dr. Sohl is a Professor of Clinical Child Health at the University of Missouri, Executive Director of ECHO Autism and scientific Advisor for the National Institutes of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke, and Medical Director for MU Missouri Telehealth Network and the MU Office of Continuing Medical Education. She is a pediatrician with extensive experience in medical diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of children with a concern of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. She is also the President of the Missouri Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Dr. Sohl, Professor of Clinical Child Health at the University of Missouri
Now available:
transcript from Sep 10
COVID-19 Information and Resources for Support Coordinators
This one-hour webinar will provide Support Coordinators with a COVID-19 Toolkit designed for individuals, families, and caregivers. The toolkit can be used to support individualized decision making during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
- Carrie Williams, TCM TAC State Lead
- Leslie DeGroat RN, State Clinical Coordinator
- Julie Reynolds, UMKC Institute for Human Development, No Wrong Door
Now available:
transcript from Sep 09
Champions of Employment: Addressing Questions about Benefits
The Division of Developmental Disabilities hosts monthly webinars for Support Coordinators to discuss employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. Theses monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 - 2:30.
This month’s topic will provide messaging to individuals that they do not have to choose between working and benefits.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Nicole Brady, KCRO Support Coordinator
Now available:
transcript from Sep 08
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Emily Luebbering, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Sep 03
COVID-19 Vaccination Town Hall
The Division of Developmental Disabilities, in partnership with StationMD, is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccination Town Hall. This Town Hall will be offered on two dates with the same content being provided at each session. In addition to key facts about the vaccines and the latest information on COVID-19 and it’s variants, participants will have the opportunity to ask the doctors’ questions via the WebEx chat function.
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Dr. Deven Unadkat, Chief Medical Officer, StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Aug 20
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Aug 20
Behavior Support Review Committee Informational Town Hall
The Tier 3 team will provide a brief refresher of the Behavior Support Review Committee’s purpose and how it operates. Specifically the team will cover recent developments to make the committee statewide and incorporate new requirements outlined in 9 CSR 45 3.090 and Guideline #84. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Lucas Evans, Chief Behavior Analyst
- Melantha Witherspoon Eastern Area Behavior Analyst
- Rita Cooper Western Area Behavior Analyst
- Rod Keown, Eastern Area Intensive Systems Consultant
- Robert Smith, Central Area Intensive Systems Consultant
- Kay Hamblin Western Area Intensive Systems Consultant
Now available:
transcript from Aug 19
COVID-19 Vaccination Town Hall
The Division of Developmental Disabilities, in partnership with StationMD, is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccination Town Hall. This Town Hall will be offered on two dates with the same content being provided at each session. In addition to key facts about the vaccines and the latest information on COVID-19 and it’s variants, participants will have the opportunity to ask the doctors’ questions via the WebEx chat function.
- Dr. Angeline Stanislaus, DMH Chief Medical Director
- Dr. Deven Unadkat, Chief Medical Officer, StationMD
Now available:
transcript from Aug 17
Statewide Provider Informational Meeting
The Division invites you to our first bi-annual statewide meeting! Come receive statewide data and other essential information from Tiered Supports, Provider Relations, Quality Assurance and Inquiry Coordination. The meeting will include updates on Division Initiatives such as Assistive Technology and Employment as well as provider recognition. These bi-annual meetings replace provider regional meetings during the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. Regional Offices will continue to provide data specific to their areas during the other two quarters.
- Wanda Crocker, Provider Relations State Lead
Now available:
transcript from Aug 12
Champions of Employment: Creating Comfort in Exploring Employment
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals the Division serves. Theses monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30 - 2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on how Support Coordinators can assist parents and other family members experiencing concerns about their loved one working. Support Coordinators will hear parents’ perspectives and the support they needed.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Stephanie Helmig, Parent
Now available:
transcript from Aug 11
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Aug 06
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Jul 16
Champions of Employment: Addressing Transportation Solutions (Part 2)
This month’s topic is the second in a two-part series focusing on transportation. Guest speaker, David Hoff, from UMASS Boston’s Institute for Community Inclusion and Project Director for Employment First Missouri, will be taking Support Coordinators on a discussion of how to help support individuals in addressing any transportation barriers they might have.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
- David Hoff, Program Director, UMASS Boston’s Institute for Community Inclusion and Program Director for Employment First Missouri
Now available:
transcript from Jul 14
Organizational Efficiency Provider Relations Changes
This webinar will explain the structural and functional changes and improvements being made to the existing Provider Relations Unit and how those changes promote a more efficient and consistent experience.
- Wanda Crocker, Provider Relations State Lead
Now available:
transcript from Jul 13
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides monthly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Monthly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Jun 25
Behavior Supports Update
This webinar will provide information regarding the changes to 9 CSR 45-3.090 Behavior Supports effective July 1, 2021. Presenters will discuss the changes to utilization of a seclusion time-out (or safe-room) procedure which requires prior approval from a Chief Behavior Analyst.
- Teresa Rodgers, Chief Behavior Analyst
Champions of Employment: Exploring Transportation Options
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals receiving services. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-2:30.
This month’s topic will be the first in a two-part series focusing on transportation. Guest speakers from MO Rides and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority will be presenting on finding available transportation options, understanding public transportation including para transit, and tips for accessing needed accommodations.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialists with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Steven Taylor, Employment First Specialists with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Community Living Coordinator Structure Changes
The Community Living Coordination team has been working on structure changes to increase efficiency, including a transition to the Tier 2 Risk Prevention team. Please join us to discuss how this impacts your area, who points of contact are, and our shared caseload plan.
- Rhiannon Evans, MS, BCBA Risk Prevention (CLC) State Lead
- Carl Hoeninger Eastern Area Risk Prevention (CLC) Lead
- Nicole Jones Western Area Risk Prevention (CLC) Lead
- Rachael Osterling Central Area Risk Prevention (CLC) Lead
Now available:
transcript from Jun 08
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from May 28
Benefits Planning Stipends – Building Provider Capacity
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is building capacity of qualified service providers of Benefits Planning in an effort to meet the needs of waiver recipients exploring employment and career pathways. This session will provide an overview of the credentialing process and protocol for accessing a stipend to support capacity building efforts.
- Duane Shumate, State Coordinator of Employment and Community Engagement
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Jess Bax, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
Now available:
Champions of Employment: Tips for Navigating Employment Supports
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals receiving services. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-2:30.
This month’s topic will center on waiver funded employment supports. The Division’s Employment First Specialists will provide participants with an overview of the waiver funded employment services, focusing on tips for identifying potential candidates who would benefit from these services and strategies for getting requests for these services approved.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Steven Taylor, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Transfers To and From the Information Specialist System
This webinar will provide a detailed description of possible scenarios of when an individual can transfer in and out of the Information Specialist system.
- Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Statewide Lead
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Apr 30
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Apr 16
Champions of Employment: Finding Solutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals receiving services. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-2:30.
This month’s topic will focus on exploring technology. David Baker, from Missouri Assistive Technology, will provide participants with an overview of assistive technology, tips for exploring technological solutions, highlight a few apps, and share insights into accessing MO-AT’s loan program.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Steven Taylor, Employment First Specialists with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
transcript from Apr 14
BinaxNOW Webinar
The MO Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is presenting a webinar for DMH contracted service providers interested in the BinaxNOW testing option available through DHSS. The webinar will highlight the requirements for agencies to access this testing option. Additional information regarding BinaxNOW testing requirements as well as Home and Community Based Service providers testing is available on the DHSS website.
Now available:
transcript from Apr 06
Division of Developmental Disabilities Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides bi-weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include Bi-Weekly Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Apr 02
Enhanced Staffing Review Pilot – Findings, Implications, and New Directions
This event will provide participants and interested parties an overview of the findings from the Enhanced Staffing Review Pilot. Additionally, implications for next steps will be discussed.
- Lucas Evans, Central Area Behavior Analyst
- Dr. Terri Rodgers, Chief Behavior Analyst
- Rita Cooper, Western Area Behavior Analyst
Now available:
transcript from Mar 30
Leading by Your Values
Tiered Support Agencies define expectations and use values-based leadership skills through a combination of modeling, supporting, and recognizing the efforts of those around you. This webinar will discuss how your personal values connect to the values of your organization, and just how far reaching your organizational values can go.
- Cana Poteet, Agency Tiered Support Lead
- Kathleen Deppeler, Statewide Positive Supports Coordinator
Now available:
transcript from Mar 22
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Mar 19
Champions of Employment: Strategies to Achieve Success & Overcome Barriers
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals receiving services. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-2:30.
This month’s webinar includes two Support Coordinators from northern Missouri sharing their experiences of coordinating employment supports for individuals on their case load. Hear about the barriers they experienced, how they got past these barriers, tools and strategies they used, and the outcome of their efforts.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Steven Taylor, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
transcript from Mar 10
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Mar 05
Behavior Support Review Committee Training Series
Topics—Brings together all elements in a practical application, example of using the checklist and the elements of the checklist.
This three part training series will prepare behavioral professionals to sit as active members on the Division’s Behavior Support Review Committee. The goal of the series is to ensure that individuals have the least restrictive strategies and an improved quality of life. These sessions will be interactive requiring computers and active participation. Attendees meeting participation criteria – active responding, focused participation and attendance at all three events will be eligible for three BCBA ACE Type 2 continuing education units.
- Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Lucas Evans, Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Rita Cooper, Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
Now available:
transcript from Mar 03
Behavior Support Review Committee Training Series
Topics—Continuation of Behavior Support Plan checklist.
This three part training series will prepare behavioral professionals to sit as active members on the Division’s Behavior Support Review Committee. The goal of the series is to ensure that individuals have the least restrictive strategies and an improved quality of life. These sessions will be interactive requiring computers and active participation. Attendees meeting participation criteria – active responding, focused participation and attendance at all three events will be eligible for three BCBA ACE Type 2 continuing education units.
- Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Lucas Evans, Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Rita Cooper, Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
Now available:
transcript from Feb 24
Coaching for Growth
This webinar will provide an overview on the benefits of establishing a formal coaching system, information about how to develop a formal coaching system, and a brief overview of a tool to develop a coaching system framework.
- Nicole Jones, Agency Tiered Support Consultant
- Chad Reyes, Agency Tiered Support Consultant
Now available:
transcript from Feb 22
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Feb 19
Behavior Support Review Committee Training Series
Topics—Overview, evolution, and current process of the Behavior Support Review Committee; Behavior Support Plan checklist and Individual Support Plan checklist.
This three part training series will prepare behavioral professionals to sit as active members on the Division’s Behavior Support Review Committee. The goal of the series is to ensure that individuals have the least restrictive strategies and an improved quality of life. These sessions will be interactive requiring computers and active participation. Attendees meeting participation criteria – active responding, focused participation and attendance at all three events will be eligible for three BCBA ACE Type 2 continuing education units.
- Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Lucas Evans, Central Region Area Behavior Analyst
- Rita Cooper, Western Region Area Behavior Analyst
Now available:
transcript from Feb 17
Champions of Employment: Finding Solutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals receiving services. These monthly webinars are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-2:30.
This month’s webinar focuses on strategies and resources that have been successful in getting individuals to explore employment during the pandemic. TCM providers will share how they have had success in getting people interested in pursuing employment options during this past year.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Steven Taylor, Employment First Specialist with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
transcript from Feb 10
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Feb 05
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Jan 22
Champions of Employment—The Struggle for Employment During COVID-19: Personal Experiences of Individuals & Service Providers
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is hosting a series of monthly webinars designed to engage Support Coordinators in thought-provoking exercises to help propel employment opportunities for individuals receiving services. These monthly webinars will be held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9:00-10:00.
This month’s topic will focus on experiences during this pandemic. Hear examples of how the pandemic has affected individuals with disabilities wanting to work during this time, the agencies providing employment supports, and the job market.
- Sandy Keyser, Employment First Specialists with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Steven Taylor, Employment First Specialists with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
transcript from Jan 13
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Jan 08
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Dec 18
Interpreting IQ and Adaptive Tests
This introductory level training webinar will cover the basics of interpreting data from psychological tests, specifically intelligence and adaptive behavior tests.
- Dr. Mardis Dunham, Murry State University
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Dec 04
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Nov 20
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Nov 06
Employment in Action – A Missouri Conversation
In celebration of October being National Disability Employment Awareness Month, employment success stories will be spotlighted in this panel discussion to include individuals sharing their journey, support systems who built the opportunity, and model employers who valued inclusive workplaces. The webinar will provide an opportunity to learn best case strategies and supporting individuals with achieving their employment outcomes.
- Duane Shumate – State Coordinator of Employment and Community Engagement
Stories from the Field
The Division is hosting monthly Stories from the Field webinars on the 4th Tuesday of each month for service providers and targeted case management entities to stay in touch with what is happening on the frontline and discuss ways that the Division can help.
This month's topic is CARES Act Funding Questions and Answers.
Now available:
presentation from Oct 27
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
Tier 2 Risk Prevention--Transitions
Join us to learn more about how moving can increase the risk of poor behavioral outcomes, and ways to help mitigate this risk.
- Rhiannon Evans, MS, BCBA, LBA & Lucas Evans, MA, BCBA, LBA
Tier 2 Risk Prevention--Psychotropic Medication
Join us to learn more about how multiple psychotropic medications can increase risk of poor behavioral outcomes, and ways to mitigate this risk, as well as what the residential provider role should be.
- Rhiannon Evans, MS, BCBA, LBA & Lucas Evans, MA, BCBA, LBA
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Oct 09
Tier 2 Risk Prevention--Enhanced Staffing
Join us to learn more about how enhanced staffing can increase risk of poor behavioral outcomes, and ways to mitigate this risk by taking a positive and proactive approach when building your increased staffing plan.
- Rhiannon Evans, MS, BCBA, LBA & Lucas Evans, MA, BCBA, LBA
Planning for the Discontinuation of Waiver Services
This webinar will assist support coordinators to plan for the discontinuation of Person Centered Strategies Consultation and Counseling services which will be removed as waiver services, effective March 1, 2021. Substantial time for questions and discussions will be provided.
- Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Sep 25
Stories from the Field
The Division is hosting monthly Stories from the Field webinars on the 4th Tuesday of each month for service providers and targeted case management entities to stay in touch with what is happening on the frontline and discuss ways that the Division can help.
This month's topic is supporting individuals and families with resuming community activities.
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
transcript from Sep 11
New CSR, 9 CSR 45-3.090 Behavior Supports: What’s that mean to me?
This webinar will cover the essence of the new CSR and how this impacts service providers and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. The CSR replaces the Directive 4.300.
- Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst
Now available:
presentation from Sep 03
Benefits Planning Live Case Study
Many Missourians with disabilities need support navigating the systems of public benefits they receive. The ability to provide accurate information about benefits and work can make a difference for individuals. As part of its Employment First initiative, the State of Missouri has developed a three part live case study focusing on positive discussions and strategies in supporting recipients of public benefits with making an informed decision about employment.
The introductory case study will focus on how work would affect benefits, how to keep health benefits at various earnings levels, how a Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) might be used, and how an individual can have more money working full time without SSDI than working part time while keeping SSDI.
- Michael Dalto - VOICE National Subject Matter Expert
Now available:
presentation from Sep 02
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Angie Brenner, Deputy Director-Administration
- Leslie Bradley, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
LimeSurvey is an online survey tool available to State team members. This webinar provides in introduction/overview of this tool.
- Hope Moorhead, DD Research/Data Analyst
Now available:
Stories from the Field
The Division is hosting Stories from the Field webinars for service providers and targeted case management entities to stay in touch with what is happening on the frontline and discuss ways that the Division can help.
This webinar session will host a panel of day program providers to discuss the steps they took in evaluating and preparing to reopen, what challenges they have faced, how they overcame them, their practices for responding to a COVID outbreak, and what they still need from the Division.
In addition, time will be allowed for feedback on a DRAFT Return to Community Life Assessment tool. This tool can be downloaded (Event Material) for preview when you register for this webinar.
Now available:
New CSR, 9 CSR 45-3.090 Behavior Supports: What’s that mean to me?
This webinar will cover the essence of the new CSR and how this impacts service providers and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. The CSR replaces the Directive 4.300.
- Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst
Now available:
presentation from Aug 25
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer
The Division of Developmental Disabilities provides weekly webinars with timely updates and answers to questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director-Community Operations
- Gary Schanzmeyer, Deputy Director-Administration
- Angie Brenner, Director-Federal Programs
- Kim Stock, Director-Quality Programs
Now available:
In-Person Monitoring Guidance
Guidance on return to in-person monitoring.
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Director
Stories from the Field
The Division is hosting monthly Stories from the Field webinars for service providers and targeted case management entities to stay in touch with what is happening on the frontline and discuss ways that the Division can help.
This webinar session will cover CARES Act funding and other COVID funding resources. Panelists will share their experience in applying and receiving funding as well as answer questions.
Now available:
transcript from Aug 11
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 20
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Stories from the Field
The Division is hosting weekly Stories from the Field webinars for service providers and targeted case management entities to stay in touch with what is happening on the frontline and discuss ways that the Division can help.
This session's topic: COVID Grants
- Wendy Witcig, Deputy Division Director—Community Operations
- Gary Schanzmeyer, Deputy Division Director—Administration
- Wanda Crocker, Director of Provider Relations
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 19
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Comprehensive & Community Support Waiver Renewal Public Comment Forum for Targeted Case Management Entities
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) is offering a 30-day Informal Comment Period for the draft waiver renewals of the Comprehensive and the Community Support waiver applications. The renewals will be effective July 1, 2021
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Barbara Brent, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Angie Brenner, Federal Programs Unit.
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit.
Now available:
presentation from Jul 22
Comprehensive & Community Support Waiver Renewal Public Comment Forum for Individuals & Families
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) is offering a 30-day Informal Comment Period for the draft waiver renewals of the Comprehensive and the Community Support waiver applications. The renewals will be effective July 1, 2021.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Barbara Brent, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Angie Brenner, Federal Programs Unit
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
presentation from Jul 21
Comprehensive & Community Support Waiver Renewal Public Comment Forum for Service Providers
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) is offering a 30-day Informal Comment Period for the draft waiver renewals of the Comprehensive and the Community Support waiver applications. The renewals will be effective July 1, 2021.
- Jeanine Zlockie, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Barbara Brent, NASDDDS Technical Assistance Team
- Angie Brenner, Federal Program Unit
- Leslie Bradley, Federal Programs Unit
Now available:
presentation from Jul 21
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 18
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angela Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 17
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 16
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 15
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 14
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 13
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 12
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 11
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer SESSION 10
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Employment Services Listening Session
During the COVID -19 pandemic, employment and day service providers have implemented many promising practices using virtual and remote strategies. As we plan for services beyond the pandemic, the Division of Developmental Disabilities is exploring the continuation of a telehealth option for the delivery of employment and day services in meeting individual need. These listening sessions/webinars will seek comment and input on the following: Opportunities/advantages; Obstacles/barriers; Business efficiencies; and monitoring/assurances.
To participate virtually use this link:
Meeting ID: 950 0452 0168
To participate by phone only:
(312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 950 0452 0168
- Wendy Witcig-Division Deputy Director
- Duane Shumate-Director, Employment and Community Engagement
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
Division of Developmental Disabilities COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer Session 9
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Day Services Listening Session
During the COVID -19 pandemic, employment and day service providers have implemented many promising practices using virtual and remote strategies. As we plan for services beyond the pandemic, the Division of Developmental Disabilities is exploring the continuation of a telehealth option for the delivery of employment and day services in meeting individual need. These listening sessions/webinars will seek comment and input on the following: Opportunities/advantages; Obstacles/barriers; Business efficiencies; and monitoring/assurances.
- Wendy Witcig-Division Deputy Director
- Duane Shumate-Director, Employment and Community Engagement
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer-Session 8
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer-Session 7
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer-Session 6
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Unemployment Insurance, Economic Impact Payments, SSI, Social Security Disability and the COVID-19 Emergency
The newly-passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act made substantial changes to Unemployment Insurance, greatly expanding eligibility, payment amounts and duration. The Act also provides economic impact payments for most adult Americans. This webinar provides an overview of Unemployment Insurance, the changes made by the CARES Act, the basics of the economic impact payments, and how these benefits interact with Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability and other public benefits.
Michael Dalto – VOICE National Subject Matter Expert, has delivered training on disability benefits from Social Security and related work incentives for 30 years. He created a state benefits planning certification in Maryland and trained and supported 60 benefits planners using over 50 original training sessions. He has consulted with universities, state vocational rehabilitation, workforce, behavioral health and developmental disability agencies throughout the country. He currently consults with Griffin-Hammis Associates.
- Michael Dalto – VOICE National Subject Matter Expert.
COVID-19 Updates and Questions/Answers-Session 5
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
StationMD Service Information & Education Webinar
The Missouri Department of Mental Health – Division of Disabilities is pleased to announce a new service offering, StationMD. This is a telehealth medical service that offers immediate virtual access to high-quality emergency medicine physicians, specifically trained in the care of people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). The service is available 24-hours a day to act as a resource for all staff, including nurses, to call if they have a concern about an individual.
Please join us during this webinar to learn more about StationMD, your role, and how to support individuals and families in accessing this resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the informational session, there will be an opportunity for questions/answers
- Wendy Witcig - Deputy Director for Community Operations
- Gary Schanzmeyer - Deputy Director for Administration
- Toi Wilde – DD Project Director
- Meghan Calichman - Chief Operating Officer for StationMD
Now available:
presentation from Apr 15
COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer-Session 4
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
COVID-19 Updates and Questions/Answers-Session 3
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer-Session 2
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division’s upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at:…;
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huh, DD Division Director
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
COVID-19 Updates and Question/Answer-Session 1
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will provide weekly webinars to provide timely updates and answer questions regarding health and safety information as it pertains to community service providers and COVID-19. Each weekly webinar will have separate registration links, which can be found on the Division's upcoming webinar page Weekly email blast reminders with the registration link for the current week included will also be sent. If you are not signed up to receive these blasts, you can do so at: E-mail Blasts.
Questions may be submitted prior to the webinar via email to: Please include COVID-19 Webinar Question in the subject line.
- Val Huhn, DD Division Director;
- Wendy Witcig, DD Deputy Director
- Angie Brenner, DD Federal Programs Director
- Kim Stock, DD Quality Enhancement Director
Now available:
Introduction to Provider Support Committee, Behavior Support Review Committee and Behavior Analysis Mentorship Program
Participants will have the opportunity to learn of a variety of new resources offered by the Behavior Analysis Team, as well as changes to the current Behavior Support Review Committee delivery structure.
- Rita Cooper M. ED, BCBA, LBA, Rhiannon Evans, MS, BCBA, LBA, Lucas Evans, MA, BCBA, LBA, Teresa Rodgers, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA, Melantha Witherspoon, MA, BCBA, LBA
No webinar, presentation, or transcript available at this time.
MO State Plan Services
The Division of Developmental Disabilities will present an over view of Missouri Medicaid State Plan services. Medicaid, which is referred to as MO HealthNet in Missouri, is a federal and state program that covers qualified medical expenses for those who are determined to be eligible.
- Shelly Summers-Federal Programs, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Now available:
presentation from Feb 06