Previous Webinars


Nov 14

Transfer To and From the Information Specialist System

A detailed description of all of the possible scenarios where a consumer could transfer in and out of the Information Specialist (I/S) system.

  • Matt Waggoner, Information Specialist Statewide Lead
Target Audience: Community Living Coordinators, Medical Records/Client Information Center, Case Management/Support Coordination, Regional Office Administration
Nov 02

Safety Crisis Plan Question and Answer Session

Several trainings and workshops have been provided by the Area Behavior Analysts to assist teams, including the service providers and support coordinators, on how to develop safety crisis plans. This webinar reviews some frequently asked questions and additional participant questions and discussion.

A webinar held on April 30, 2018 provides comprehensive information and is a prerequisite to this question and answer session. If you have not yet viewed the webinar “Writing a Safety Crisis Plan”, please access it by scrolling down to the April 30th webinar and complete it prior to the Question and Answer session.

  • Dr. Terri Rodgers – Chief Behavior Analyst
  • Rita Cooper – Western Area Behavior Analyst
  • Lucas Evans – Central Area Behavior Analyst
Target Audience: Anyone who is a member of a planning team and has questions regarding Safety Crisis Plans. This may include Service Coordinators, TCM/TACs, Service Coordinator Supervisors, Professional Managers, House Managers, Regional Office staff, Community RNs, etc
Sep 25

Behavior Supports Draft Rule - Part 2

This webinar and presentation reviews the new behavior support rule/Directive 4.300 and covers time out use and restrictive procedures as well as discusses the purpose and process for the Regional Behavior Support Review Committee.

  • Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst
Target Audience: Support coordinators, residential service providers, and behavioral service providers
Sep 11

Behavior Supports Draft Rule - Part 1

This webinar and presentation reviews the new behavior support rule/Directive 4. 300. Part 1 covers definitions and support coordinator and service provider responsibilities and requirements.

  • Dr. Teresa (Terri) Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst
Target Audience: Support coordinators, residential service providers, and behavioral service providers
Aug 30

Missouri Alliance for Dual Diagnosis (MOADD) presents: Co-Occurring Intellectual/Developmental Disability-Behavioral Health Diagnoses 101 Training

This webinar provides participants with a common knowledge and understanding of individuals with co-occurring diagnosis of IDD-BH. Participants will learn the impacts of living with co-occurring diagnosis and how Missouri systems can collaborate to best serve the population. 

  • Lucas Evans, Area Behavior Analyst for the Central Region with the Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Amy Stevens, Chief of Children’s Community Operations for the Western Region with the Division of Behavioral Health
Aug 28

Fiscal Review for Purchase of Service (POS) and Individual Funds

This webinar describes the fiscal review process for POS and Personal Spending funds. The required documentation to support POS billing is discussed and participants are given information on Social Security requirements, as well as the requirements from the Regional Offices, in regards to maintaining an individual’s funds. Provider reporting requirements is also addressed.

  • Lori Coones, Statewide Business Office Lead
Target Audience: DD Residential Provider staff who deal with the personal funds of the individual’s they support and providers who provide POS services authorized in CIMOR.
Aug 22

Missouri Children’s with Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) Waiver

This webinar discusses a new screening process and form to facilitate communication about the MOCDD waiver between the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the Department of Social Services (DSS).

  • Charles Bentley—Medicaid Consultant, Anna Leonhard—Correspondence & Information Specialist, and Melissa Knipp—Federal Programs Unit
Target Audience: Support Coordinators, Information Specialists, Technical Assistance Coordinators, Utilization Review Coordinators, and other Division staff
Aug 21

Medicaid Application Process Q&A Session

During this webinar, Charles Bentley, DMH Medicaid Eligibility Specialist, and Anna Leonhard, Correspondence and Information Specialist for the Family Support Division, answer participant questions regarding the Medicaid Application Process. A recording of the webinar is now available. **PLEASE NOTE—Due to a sound system software glitch during this webinar, you will want to forward through the webinar at approximately 19:40 until 24:15.

Aug 06

Benefits Planning 101 (Webinar 5 of 5)

This webinar provides an overview on reporting earned income to Social Security Administration and technical resources available in Missouri.

This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Note: Social Security Administration annually updates policies, award amounts, incentives, etc. Content in this webinar was developed using 2018 figures. Please consult the SSA The Red Book-A Guide To Work Incentives(link is external) for the most current guidance.

Jul 30

Benefits Planning 101 (Webinar 4 of 5)

This webinar provides an overview on the work incentives specific to individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 

This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Note: Social Security Administration annually updates policies, award amounts, incentives, etc. Content in this webinar was developed using 2018 figures. Please consult the SSA The Red Book-A Guide To Work Incentives(link is external) for the most current guidance.

Jul 23

Benefits Planning 101 (Webinar 3 of 5)

This webinar provides an overview of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits , automatic work incentives, specialized work incentives and calculations on the impact of earned income on SSI benefits.

This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Note: Social Security Administration annually updates policies, award amounts, incentives, etc. Content in this webinar was developed using 2018 figures. Please consult the SSA The Red Book-A Guide To Work Incentives(link is external) for the most current guidance.

Jul 16

Benefits Planning 101 (Webinar 2 of 5)

This webinar provides an overview of Title II Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, automatic work incentives, Impairment Related Work Expenses, Subsidies and special conditions.

This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Note: Social Security Administration annually updates policies, award amounts, incentives, etc. Content in this webinar was developed using 2018 figures. Please consult the SSA The Red Book-A Guide To Work Incentives(link is external) for the most current guidance.

Jul 12

Home and Community Based Waivers 101

This webinar, presented by Angie Brenner, Director of Federal Programs, provided participants with an overview of Medicaid waivers with an emphasis on Home and Community Based waivers. While the primary audience for this webinar was providers, it was open to everyone. 

Jul 10

Benefits Planning 101 (Webinar 1 of 5)

This webinar, originally held July 10, provides an overview of Social Security benefits and benefit planning strategies to support job seekers who receive public benefits. 

This webinar series is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Note: Social Security Administration annually updates policies, award amounts, incentives, etc. Content in this webinar was developed using 2018 figures. Please consult the SSA The Red Book-A Guide To Work Incentives(link is external) for the most current guidance.

Jun 22

Customized Employment 101 (Webinar 5 of 5)

This webinar is the final webinar of a 5 part series on implementing customized employment. In this webinar, success stories are shared along with strategies for sustaining momentum.

This series is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Jun 11

Medicaid Application Process

On June 11, the Division of Developmental Disabilities hosted a webinar on the Medicaid Application Process. A total of 356 registrants attended this webinar presented by Charles Bentley, DMH Medicaid Eligibility Specialist, and Anna Leonhard, Correspondence and Information Specialist for the Family Support Division. The presentation, webinar recording and Medicaid Application Process Technical Assistance and Guidance document are now available. Note: You will need to turn your volume up as the first few minutes of the recording have a low volume level. The volume level improves throughout the recording.

May 31

Reactive Strategies Review Process - Part 2

Rita Cooper, Area Behavior Analyst for the Western Region, presented Reactive Strategies Review Process Part 2—What does it mean for the team? This webinar offers next steps in the process described during the April 12 webinar—Reactive Strategies Review Process. This webinar is designed for TCMs, providers, regional office staff, and anyone interested in understanding how to do reactive strategy review.

May 25

Customized Employment 101 (Webinar 4 of 5)

A part of the customized employment webinar series, this webinar focuses on customized job development and interest based negotiation with prospective businesses. The recording of the webinar, transcript, presentation and resource materials are now available for review. This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

May 21

Home and Community Based Services Webinar Follow-Up

On May 21, the Division hosted a webinar on Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) with Angie Brenner, Director of Federal Programs, and Leslie Bradley, Coordinator of Federal Programs as presenters. There were 171 registered attendees that participated in this webinar that provided an overview of what will be needed for ongoing HCBS compliance.

May 18

Customized Employment 101 (Webinar 3 of 5)

This webinar provides instruction on the use of informational interviews as a tool in Discovery and how to develop a career plan. A recording of the webinar, transcript, presentation and resource materials are now available for review. This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

May 11

Customized Employment 101 (Webinar 2 of 5)

This webinar provides an overview of key elements and effective activities when conducting Discovery.

This webinar is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

May 09

Office of Autism Services Webinar Follow-Up

The Office of Autism Services held a webinar on May 9 that featured an overview of Missouri's Autism Projects, their establishment in code and statute, and their purpose and governance as well as how services funded through the Autism Projects may be accessed. There were 98 registered attendees that participated in this webinar designed for support coordinators, support coordinator supervisors, and TCM TACs.

May 04

Customized Employment 101 (Webinar 1 of 5)

This webinar provides an overview of Customized Employment as a tool and strategy to circumvent the more traditional job search process and connect job seekers with employers who can benefit from the contributions they offer.

This webinar series is supported through the technical assistance of the Missouri’s Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Apr 30

Writing a Safety Crisis Plan

The Division hosted a webinar on Writing a Safety Crisis Plan with Central Region Area Behavior Analyst—Lucas Evans. This webinar had 147 attendees and was designed to provide information to TCM entities and providers (support coordinators, program managers, behavior analysts) on writing safety crisis plans for the individuals that they support.

Apr 19

LOC Webinar Posted

The Division hosted a webinar on the Level of Care (LOC) Annual Redetermination Process Change.

Apr 12

Reactive Strategies Review Process

On April 12, the Division hosted a webinar on Reactive Strategies Review Process with Rita Cooper, LBA-Area Behavior Analyst for the Western Region. A total of 46 individuals participated in this webinar with representation from each region.

Mar 29

Redefining Case Management

The Division hosted a webinar on Redefining Case Managment.