Previous Webinars


Oct 29

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Requirements

The Division of Developmental Disabilities and MO HealthNet Division will co-present on Electronic Visit Verification Requirements. The 21st Century Cures Act requires Missouri to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) by January 1, 2020, for all Medicaid-funded agency and self-directed personal care services. This includes personal assistant services covered through the Department of Mental Health Home and Community Based Waivers.

  • Shelly Summers - Federal Programs, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Terri Woodward - Strategic Initiatives Manager, MO HealthNet Division
Target Audience: Medicaid-funded, agency and self-directed personal care services, support coordinators, stakeholders
Oct 28

Data Collection-A How to for Positive and Negative Observations

This webinar will introduce participants to positive and negative interaction data collection. Participants will learn how to score interactions on the positive/ negative observation sheet, as well as how to calculate inter-observer agreement (IOA). 

  • Rhi Evans, M.S. ABA, Statewide Targeted Prevention Coordinator & Cana Poteet, KCRO Agency Tiered Supports Consultant
Target Audience: Tiered Supports Providers, ATSCs, and other interested professionals
Oct 01

DD Tiered Supports Understanding Missouri Multi-Tiered Supports

This webinar will introduce participants to Missouri's Multi-Tiered Support framework. Attendees will learn who the Tiered Supports team is, as well as the process, focus, and goals for all three tiers. Similarities and differences between each tier will be discussed.

  • Rhiannon Evans, MS ABA, Statewide Targeted Prevention Coordinator
Target Audience: Residential Providers, Licensed Professionals, Support Coordinators, and other Department/Regional Office
Sep 30

Coaching: How to Supervise Using Best Practices

This webinar will give a brief introduction to coaching and how it fits into supervision and training across many applied settings. Attendees will learn what coaching is, who should do it, and how to implement best practices with regular supervision.

  • Rhi Evans, M.S. ABA, Targeted Prevention Coordinator
Target Audience: Residential Providers, Licensed Professionals, Support Coordinators, and other Department/Regional Office Staff who would benefit from learning about coaching, supervision, and effective feedback
Sep 12

Effective Problem Solving Meetings

This webinar will introduce participants to the benefits of using a problem solving approach to help support individuals. Participants will understand of the purpose and benefits of problem-solving meetings, when meetings need to occur, and the important elements that need to be discussed during the meeting.

  • Melantha Witherspoon, MA, LBA Area Behavior Analyst
Target Audience: Support Coordinators, Residential Providers, Licensed Behavior Analyst, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and Division/Regional Office staff who would benefit from learning how to adopt a problem solving approach.
Aug 07

Medicaid Annual Review

The Medicaid Annual Review webinar, presented by Charles Bentley, DMH Medicaid Consultant, and Anna Witherbee, DMH Program Specialist II, was held on August 7 with 175 registrants participating. This webinar covers the MO HealthNet (Medicaid) annual review process and how DMH agencies and providers can assist consumers.

Target Audience: Staff at DD Regional Offices and case management agencies, Community Mental Health Centers, and CSTAR providers who assist consumers with Medicaid annual reviews
Aug 06

Contracted Behavior Services

The Contracted Behavior Services webinar, presented by Melantha Witherspoon, Eastern Area Behavior Analyst, was held on August 6 with 83 registrants attending. This webinar provides participants with an overview of Behavioral Services. The overview includes the roles of the Service Coordinator and the Contracted Behavioral Service Provider. Participants will learn the how and when to request behavioral services, what quality services look like and the importance of collaboration.


Target Audience: Licensed Behavior Analyst, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Service Coordinators, Home Managers and other Division/Regional Office staff
Jul 25

Regional Behavior Support Review Committee New Team Member Training, Part 4

This webinar, presented by Rita Cooper, M.Ed. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Western RBSRC; Lucas Evans, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Central RBSRC; Melantha Witherspoon, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Eastern RBSRC; Teresa Rodgers, Ph.D. BCBA-D, LBA Chief Behavior Analyst, was held on July 25 with 6 registrants participating. This four part training series prepares new volunteer behavioral professionals to sit as active members on a regional behavior support review committee after appointment. The topics covered include ethics, history of review committees, evaluating and consulting for least restrictive strategies, and improved quality of life, as well as scoring of the checklists used for ISP and BSP reviews.

Jul 18

Regional Behavior Support Review Committee New Team Member Training, Part 3

This webinar, presented by Rita Cooper, M.Ed. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Western RBSRC; Lucas Evans, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Central RBSRC; Melantha Witherspoon, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Eastern RBSRC; Teresa Rodgers,Ph.D. BCBA-D, LBA Chief Behavior Analyst, was held on July 18 with 10 registrants participating. This four part training series prepares new volunteer behavioral professionals to sit as active members on a regional behavior support review committee after appointment. The topics covered include ethics, history of review committees, evaluating and consulting for least restrictive strategies, and improved quality of life, as well as scoring of the checklists used for ISP and BSP reviews.

Jun 24

Action Planning: How to Create Effective and Efficient Goals

This webinar, presented by Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst, and Rhiannon Evans, Statewide Tiered Supports Coordinator, was held on June 24 with 74 registrants attending. This webinar provides an overview of what an action plan is and how to effectively use it to your advantage. More specifically, it focuses on the Agency Tiered Supports Consultants (ATSCs) role in helping agencies develop action plans as part of the tiered supports process.

Jun 20

Regional Behavior Support Review Committee New Team Member Training, Part 2

This webinar, presented by Rita Cooper, M.Ed. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Western RBSRC; Lucas Evans, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Central RBSRC; Melantha Witherspoon, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Eastern RBSRC; Teresa Rodgers, Ph.D. BCBA-D, LBA Chief Behavior Analyst, was held on June 20 with 21 registrants participating. This four part training series prepares new volunteer behavioral professionals to sit as active members on a regional behavior support review committee after appointment. The topics covered include ethics, history of review committees, evaluating and consulting for least restrictive strategies, and improved quality of life, as well as scoring of the checklists used for ISP and BSP reviews.

  • Rita Cooper, M.Ed. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Western RBSRC
  • Lucas Evans, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Central RBSRC
  • Melantha Witherspoon, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Eastern RBSRC
  • Teresa Rodgers, Ph.D. BCBA-D, LBA Chief Behavior Analyst
Target Audience: Behavioral Professionals providing services in the state of Missouri
Jun 18

Division Directive 3.020 – Individual Support Plan Monitoring and Review

This webinar, presented by Joe Lammert, TCM Technical Assistance Coordinator; Amanda George, Organizational Development Director, EITAS; Tidia Eason, TCM Technical Assistance Coordinator, was held on June 18 with 235 registrants attending. Changes to Support Monitoring requirements as outlined in the revised directive are discussed. Target audience for this webinar includes: Support Coordinators, Support Coordinator Supervisors, Assistant Directors, Service Providers, and other Division staff.

  • Joe Lammert, TCM Technical Assistance Coordinator
  • Amanda George, Organizational Development Director, EITAS
  • Tidia Eason, TCM Technical Assistance Coordinator
Target Audience: Support Coordinators, Support Coordinator Supervisors, Assistant Directors, Service Providers, and other Division staff
Jun 13

Regional Behavior Support Review Committee New Team Member Training, Part 1

This webinar, presented by Rita Cooper, M.Ed. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Western RBSRC; Lucas Evans, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Central RBSRC; Melantha Witherspoon, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Eastern RBSRC; Teresa Rodgers, Ph.D. BCBA-D, LBA Chief Behavior Analyst, was held on June 13 with 37 registrants participating. This four part training series prepares new volunteer behavioral professionals to sit as active members on a regional behavior support review committee after appointment. The topics covered include ethics, history of review committees, evaluating and consulting for least restrictive strategies, and improved quality of life, as well as scoring of the checklists used for ISP and BSP reviews.

  • Rita Cooper, M.Ed. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Western RBSRC
  • Lucas Evans, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Central RBSRC
  • Melantha Witherspoon, M.A. BCBA, LBA Chairperson of the Eastern RBSRC
  • Teresa Rodgers, Ph.D. BCBA-D, LBA Chief Behavior Analyst
Target Audience: Behavioral Professionals providing services in the state of Missouri
Jun 11

Pulse Survey

This webinar, presented by Division Director, Val Huhn, was held on June 11 with 122 registrants attending. This webinar provides Division results and information about the Quarterly Pulse Survey (QPS). This survey is an employee survey the State of Missouri is using to better understand our organizational health and how we are progressing on major cross-department initiatives.

Apr 25

Mo HealthNet Division Record Review Process

The MO HealthNet Division Record Review Process webinar, presented by Melissa Knipp, Mental Health Manager—Federal Programs Unit, and Leslie Bradley, Program Coordinator—Federal Programs Unit, was held April 25 with 77 registrants attending. This webinar discusses the MO HealthNet Division Record Review Process and provides the information necessary to gather, organize, and submit a complete record review. The target audience for this webinar includes: support coordinators, information specialists, technical assistance coordinators, utilization review coordinators, and other Division staff.

  • Melissa Knipp, Mental Health Manager with the Federal Programs Unit
  • Leslie Bradley, Program Coordinator with the Federal Programs Unit
Target Audience: Support Coordinators, Information Specialists, Technical Assistance Coordinators, Utilization Review Coordinators, and other Division staff
Apr 24

Regional Behavior Support Review Committee: What’s it all about?

The Regional Behavior Support Review Committee: What’s it all about? webinar, presented by Melantha Witherspoon (Eastern Area Behavior Analyst & Committee Chair), Lucas Evans (Central Area Behavior Analyst) & Rhiannon Evans (Statewide Tiered Supports Coordinator & Committee Member), was held April 24 with 34 registrants attending. This webinar introduces participants to the Regional Behavior Support Review Committee (RBSRC) which is a voluntary professional review committee arranged by the Area Behavior Analysts for the Division of DD. During this webinar, the background and rationale for the creation of a professional peer review committee is discussed. Participants will learn the purpose and process of the committee in detail, including how referrals are made and when participation is required.

  • Melantha Witherspoon (Eastern Area Behavior Analyst & Committee Chair)
  • Rhiannon Evans (Statewide Tiered Supports Coordinator & Committee Member)
Mar 27

Part 2 Person Centered Strategies Consultation: Applying the Concepts

Applying the Concepts webinar, presented by Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst, and Rhiannon Evans, Statewide Tiered Supports Coordinator, was held March 27 with 35 registrants attending. This webinar is the second part of understanding Person Centered Strategies Consultation. A sample situation/example will be worked through during this webinar, including assessment, developing an action plan, and monitoring progress. Individuals that did not attend the first webinar, Person Centered Strategies Consultation, held February 28, should view the recorded webinar prior to viewing Part 2.

Mar 21

Guideline 67—Transition Monitoring

The Transition Monitoring Guideline #67 webinar, presented by Michelle Brown, Provider Relations Lead, and Vonda Powell, Community Living Coordinator, was held March 21 with 61 registrants attending. Implemented in November 2017, the guideline describes the process for monitoring transitions as outlined in the Community Transitions Manual. Information presented includes the transition monitoring process and benchmarks, examples of situational scenarios to help clarify the expectations of the benchmarks, and how agencies will receive feedback regarding trends, patterns, and outcomes.

Feb 28

Person Centered Strategies Consultation: What is it? How does the service improve a person's life?

The Person Centered Strategies Consultation: What is it? How does the service improve a person's life? Webinar, presented by Dr. Terri Rodgers, DD Chief Behavior Analyst, and Lucas Evans, DD Central Area Behavior Analyst, was held on February 28 with 69 registrants attending. This webinar is designed to assist providers of the person centered strategies consultation service to understand the expectations of this service. It will also help support coordinators and team members know when individuals might benefit from this service and the intended outcomes.

Feb 05

The Division of Developmental Disabilities' Technology First Initiative

The Division of Developmental Disabilities’ Technology First Initiative webinar, presented by Lisa Turner, Housing Specialist, Missouri Inclusive Housing Development Corporation, was held on February 5 with 113 registrants in attendance. This webinar explains the Division of Developmental Disabilities’ Technology First Initiative and provides an overview of assistive technology services, including remote supports, which are available through the DD waivers and will discuss how those services are planned and authorized. Examples are provided of individuals who are successfully using assistive technology services. The target audience for this webinar is: Support Coordinators and Supervisors, Providers, and Regional Office staff.

Feb 01

Monitoring Psychotropic Medication

The Monitoring Psychotropic Medication webinar, presented by Melantha Witherspoon, Area Behavior Analyst, and Dr. Terri Rodgers, Chief Behavior Analyst, was held on February 1 with 220 registrants in attendance. This webinar provides an overview and the purpose of psychotropic medication, which includes the role of the Contracted Behavioral Provider, the role that psychotropic medication may play in the assessment and intervention process, and the Best Practice Model for Psychotropic Use. The target audience for this webinar is: Licensed Behavior Analyst, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Service Coordinators, Home Managers and other Division/Regional Office staff.

Jan 29

Overview of Directive 3.120, Process to Implement a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order for Individuals Receiving DD Contracted Services

The Overview of Directive 3.120, Process to Implement a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order for Individuals Receiving DD Contracted Services, presented by Shari Whelan, RN, BSN, Division of DD Health and Wellness Coordinator, was held January 29 with 115 registrants attending. This webinar describes the criteria and process for obtaining and implementing Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders for individuals in receipt of DD contracted services. During this webinar, participants are provided with an overview of terms and processes for obtaining a DMH DNR; for utilizing Out-Of-Hospital DNR (OHDNR) orders with Hospice Services; and criteria for use of Alternative to CPR orders in contracted services. The target audience for this webinar is DD contracted service providers (administration, nursing, and DCS), support coordinators and supervisors, and DMH staff planning for end of life choices.

Jan 24

Family Peer Support Services through the Division of DD

The Family Peer Support Services through the Division of Developmental Disabilities webinar, presented by Lisa Nothaus, DD Statewide Coordinator for Supporting Families, was held on January 24 with 64 registrants attending. This webinar provided participants with an overview of the new Family Peer Support Service that is available through the Partnership for Hope waiver. The overview includes a definition of the service, what a Family Support Partner does, and becoming a provider of the Family Peer Support Service. The target audience for this webinar is support coordinators, technical assistance coordinators, families, providers, and other Division/Regional Office staff.