Contact Us

Department of Mental Health

1706 East Elm Street (P.O. Box 687)
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Main Switchboard
Phone: 573-751-4122
Phone: 1-800-364-9687
Fax: 573-751-8224

Division of Behavioral Health

Phone: 573-751-4942
Phone: 573-751-8017
Phone: 800-575-7480
Fax: 573-751-7814
Fax: 573-751-7815
Email: sends email)

Division of Developmental Disabilities

Phone: 573-751-4054
Phone: 800-207-9329
Fax: 573-751-9207
Email: sends email)



The Department of Mental Health is committed to making its website, documents, applications, and services accessible to all visitors.

If you find website errors or information that is not accessible, please complete the Website & Accessibility Issues Form. Issues will be addressed and corrected.


Office of Constituent Services

Phone: 1-800-364-9687
Fax: 573-751-5100
Email: sends email)


Office of Public Affairs

If you or a member of your immediate family ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces, see the DMH Veterans Services webpage for behavioral health resources and information. If you would like to receive information and assistance regarding veterans benefits and services fill out the Missouri Veterans Commission Survey form.