Compulsive Gambling and Treatment Services

The Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), formerly the Divisions of Alcohol and Drub Abuse and Comprehensive Psychiatric Services, administers outpatient treatment services throughout Missouri for compulsive gamblers and their families. Treatment services are funded through fees collected from Missouri’s casino properties. Contracted agencies employing counselors specially trained to treat gambling problems offer such services free of charge.

Compulsive Gambling Treatment Services/Certified Counselors
This list provides information on agencies and individuals who can provide compulsive gambling services in the state of Missouri. Agencies in BOLD PRINT have contracts to provide gambling services free to problem gamblers and/or their family members. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the provider to confirm service/counselor availability.

Gambling Related Links and Resources

Missouri’s Problem Gambling Helpline: 888-BETS-OFF (888-238-7633) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to offer support, resources and referrals to anyone affected by problem gambling.

The website of the Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling offers valuable information, resources, and links to other helpful sites. In addition, it maintains up-to-date information on the annual Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse.

National Council on Problem Gambling(link is external)
The Mission of the National Council on Problem Gambling is to increase public awareness of pathological gambling, ensure the widespread availability of treatment for problem gamblers and their families, and to encourage research and programs for prevention and education.
Gamblers Anonymous(link is external)
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.
Voluntary Exclusion Program
The Missouri Gaming Commission administers a Voluntary Exclusion Program (VEP) which provides problem gamblers with a method to acknowledge that they have a gambling problem and take personal responsibility for it by agreeing to stop visiting riverboat casinos. Many recovering compulsive gamblers find this program to be a valuable tool in their recovery process.