Office of Autism Services

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The Office of Autism Services (OAS) was established in 2008 (633.210 RSMo) to provide leadership in program development for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, to include establishment of program standards and coordination of program capacity. OAS is committed to supporting the independence and self-sufficiency of individuals with autism by leading collaborative efforts to improve system supports for individuals with autism and their families.

Missouri Autism Projects
Missouri Autism Centers
Missouri Commission on Autism

Mission: Produce an “Autism Roadmap for Missouri” encompassing the lifespan of a person living with an autism spectrum disorder. 

The autism roadmap shall discuss best practices for care and services within healthcare, education, vocational support, and community resources and highlight opportunities for improvement. The autism roadmap shall include:

A targeted review of existing autism resources, initiatives, and funding; 

The identification of unmet needs or gaps; and 

Tangible recommendations for system improvements, including specific policy, programmatic, legislative, and funding recommendations.


Transitioning to adulthood for those living with autism spectrum disorders (2022).

Early identification and intervention for those living with autism spectrum disorders (2023).

Access to care for those living with autism spectrum disorders (2024).

Challenging behavior and crisis care for those living with autism spectrum disorders (2025).

Understanding Autism
Education and Training
Manuals, Publications & Reports
Directives & Regulations