
Government Programs Information
  • Americans with Disabilities Act(link is external)

    U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, provides information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Medicare/Medicaid Benefits(link is external)

    Benefits checkup helps people with Medicare and other older adults to learn about and enroll in government benefits, including the new Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage and other valuable federal, state and private programs that can save you money on health care and prescription drugs.
  • Medicaid Provider Search

    The MO HealthNet web site has a quick link that allows the Medicaid Provider list to be accessed online. Searches may be done by provider names, business listing, provider type, specialty or county.
  • Missouri Medicaid Recipient Handbook

    This is a link to the Missouri Medicaid / MC+ recipient handbook. It provides information about Medicaid including eligibility criteria and service coverage.
  • Missouri Assistive Technology

    The Missouri Assistive Technology program provides many resources for assistive technology in Missouri, including funding for AT, low interest loans and equipment loan programs.
  • Missouri Family Trust(link is external)

    The Missouri Family Trust offers a way for families to contribute to the care and quality of life for their loved ones without risking the loss of vital government funding, such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income.
  • Missouri Health Notification System (MO-HNS)(link is external)

    The Missouri Health Notification System (MO-HNS) is a secure web-based system accessible anytime and anywhere for emergency planning and response communication with public health partners. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services administers MO-HNS to facilitate alerting and collaboration between federal, state, local Public Health Departments, clinics, hospitals, and other public health emergency partners on a 24/7/365 basis.
  • New Freedom Initiative Online Resource For People With Disabilities (State of Mo. Disability Portal)

    A comprehensive online resource designed to provide people with disabilities with the information they need to know quickly and easily. With just a few clicks, the site provides access to disability-related information and programs available across the government on numerous subjects, including civil rights, education, employment, housing, health, income support, technology, transportation, and community life.
  • Nursing Home Compare Tool(link is external)

    The primary purpose of the Nursing Home Compare tool is to provide detailed information about the past performance of every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country. Nursing Home Compare contains the following sections of detailed information:
    • About the Nursing Home: including the number of beds and type of ownership.
    • Quality Measures: Provides data on quality measures including the percent of residents with pressure (bed) sores, percent of residents with physical restraints, and more.
    • Inspection Result Information: including health deficiencies found during the most recent State nursing home survey and from recent complaint investigations.
    • Nursing Home Staff Information: including the average number of hours worked by registered nurses, licensed practical or vocational nurses, and certified nursing assistants per resident per day.

    Click on Nursing Home Compare for additional information. Information may also be obtained by calling: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

  • SSA Information for Individuals Who Want to Work(link is external)

    This web site features information on social security and work incentives. It includes a Frequently Asked Question section and a "Calculations" page to assist individuals in determining the effect of income on benefit amounts. This page is very helpful for anyone who has a disability, wants to work, but is worried about how employment will affect benefits.
  • SSA Disability Starter Kits(link is external)

    The Social Security Administration's (SSA's) Disability Starter Kit is a tool designed to help individuals prepare to participate in a disability interview or complete an online application for benefits. Kits are available for adults and for children under age 18, and provide information about the specific documents and the information that is required by SSA in order to apply for disability benefits. The kits also provide general information about the disability programs and the SSA disability decision-making process. Each Disability Starter Kit contains a fact sheet that answers questions about applying for disability benefits, a Checklist of documents and information SSA will request during the application process, and a Worksheet to help applicants gather and organize the information they will need.
Disability Organizations & Associations
  • Association of University Centers on Disabilities(link is external)

    A network of interdisciplinary centers advancing policy and practice for and with individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and communities.
  • The Arc(link is external)

    The Arc is the national organization that promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes. The Arc acts to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their parents, siblings, family members, and other concerned members of the public have meaningful opportunities to inform and guide the direction of the organization’s advocacy, including determining policy and positions on important issues.
  • Missouri Association of County Developmental Services (MACDDS)(link is external)

    This web site contains a variety of information regarding the MACDDS organization including a county map of SB 40 agencies, a calendar of events and meeting schedule, by-laws and disability related links.
  • National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities(link is external)

    NADDC's mission is to provide support & assistance to member councils in order to promote a consumer and family centered system of services and supports for those with developmental disabilities.
  • Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC)(link is external)

    The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council is a federally-funded, 23-member council, appointed by the Governor. Their mission is to assist the community to include all people with developmental disabilities in every aspect of life.
Disability Specific Links
  • Autism Society of America(link is external)

    ASA is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families and the professionals with whom they interact. The Society and its chapters share a common mission of providing information and education, supporting research and advocating for programs and services for the autism population.
  • Brain Injury Association, Inc.(link is external)

    The mission of the Brain Injury Association of America is to create a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy.
  • Closed Head Injury(link is external) seeks to create a one-stop resource for those suffering from this difficult condition. As brain injury lawyers, we understand the different types of brain injury and the most effective ways to solve problems.
  • Epilepsy Foundation(link is external)

    The Epilepsy Foundation is a national, charitable organization, founded in 1968 as the Epilepsy Foundation of America. The only such organization wholly dedicated to the welfare of people with epilepsy, our mission is simple: to work for children and adults affected by seizures through research, education, advocacy and service.
  • Missouri Brain Injury Advisory Council

    The Missouri Brain Injury Advisory Council is appointed by the Governor to promote, study, review, and recommend policies to prevent traumatic head injuries and to restore independent and productive lifestyles after traumatic head injury.
  • Multiple Sclerosis International Federation(link is external)

    A comprehensive, international and up to date information resource developed by MS experts worldwide.
  • Prader Willi Syndrome Association (USA)(link is external)

    The Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) is dedicated to serving individuals affected by Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), their families, and interested professionals.
  • United Cerebral Palsy Association(link is external)

    As one of the largest health charities in America, UCP's mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, through our commitment to the principles of independence, inclusion and self-determination.
Advocacy and Additional Resources
  • Allen Shea and Associates(link is external)

    This site contains a lot of good information about person centered planning.
  • Disability Benefits 101(link is external)

    This site gives you tools and information on health coverage, benefits, and employment. You can plan ahead and learn how work and benefits go together.
  • Travel Information for Individuals with Disabilities(link is external)

    This new site will provide you with information on businesses from around the world that specialize in travel for persons with disabilities.
  • Governor's Council on Disabilities

    The Governor´s Council on Disability (GCD) promotes full participation and inclusion of the nearly 1 million Missourians with disabilities in all aspects of community life by educating citizens, businesses, schools, universities and others of their rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Council also maintains the State of Missouri Disability Web Portal which contains information on a wide variety of disability resources.
  • Human Services Research Institute(link is external)

    HSRI Assists human service organizations to develop quality support systems for Children, adults and families.
  • Missouri Developmental Disabilities Resource Center(link is external)

    The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Resource Center (MODDRC) is an information and referral service located at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Institute for Human Development (UMKC-IHD), and funded by the Missouri Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities. The MODDRC can help locate needed services and obtain materials on a variety of topics related to developmental disabilities and low incidence disabilities. MODDRC services are available at no cost to any individual, family or organization in Missouri.
  • Parent Training and Information Center ~ MPACT(link is external)

    MPACT is a statewide parent training and information center that serves parents of children with all disabilities. Their primary goal is to "assist parents in their effort to effectively advocate for their children's educational rights and services."
  • Missouri Statewide Independent Living Council(link is external)

    NAPAS, the voluntary national membership association of protection & advocacy systems and client assistance programs, assumes leadership in promoting and strengthening the role and performance of its members in providing quality legally based advocacy services. NAPAS has a vision of a society where people with disabilities exercise self-determination and choice and have equality of opportunity and full participation. NAPAS believes this vision will be realized through the enactment and vigorous enforcement of laws protecting civil and human rights.
  • People First(link is external)

    People First is a self-advocacy and self help organization formed by, run by and which exists for persons with developmental disabilities. The members of People First are educating members in their schools, work places, homes and communities on how a person with a developmental disability has the right to live, work and play as every human being does.
  • Quality Mall(link is external)

    The primary purpose of is to collect and disseminate information related to or useful in promoting quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. It is not a retailer or vendor of products or services, but uses the theme of a shopping mall to help connect visitors to the best products and services available. People involved with, experienced with, or simply aware of such services are invited to visit, shop the many "stores," and make recommendations for new products and services.
  • Sharing Our Strengths(link is external)

    Sharing Our Strengths (SOS) is a statewide support matching network that will allow families to share information, resources and strengths with each other to promote empowerment and support for families and persons with a diagnosis.
  • Professional Development: Online Nurse Practitioner Programs(link is external)

    A resource for students to find in-depth information about nurse practitioner programs