DD Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Case Management County Status

This page provides the most current information and will be continuously updated as federal and state guidance becomes available.

DD Operation/Provider Specific Guidance
Expired DD Operation/Provider Specific Guidance
Archived General Information
DMH Facility and Office Guidance
Vaccine Information


Testing Information
Resources and Videos
Individuals and Families

The Division works to provide up-to-date information through a variety of sources, which are posted for all stakeholders, including families and individuals.

Under the “DD Operation/Provider Specific Guidance” ribbon, families and individuals will find information about specific DD related programs and processes that have been adapted to accommodate changes related to COVID-19.

Under the “Resources and Videos” ribbon, families and individuals will find various links to valuable information including instruction on proper hand-washing techniques, cleaning and sanitizing efforts, links to pharmacy information, positive COVID-19 guidance, COVID-19 information by and for people with disabilities, childcare resources, and more.

The Division encourages families, individuals, and stakeholders to stay connected by signing up for e-mail notifications(link is external), and following both the Department of Mental Health and the Division through social media venues including Facebook and Twitter where updates and valuable is posted regularly.

Individuals and families can also stay connected to local county-based resources in your area for important announcements and updates, such as targeted case management entities, provider agencies, educational entities, local county health departments, and disability specific entities providing services.

Additional COVID-19 information targeted to various audiences, including families and individuals, can be found at:

Emergency Preparedness and Shelters

Emergency Shelters are being developed to provide a safe, staffed location for individuals in the DD system to relocate to in case of a displacement due to COVID-19. The shelters can potentially be for an individual whose caregiver becomes sick or their staff are unable to provide care. The shelter can also be utilized for an individual to be quarantined due to being discharged from the hospital due to exposure or having tested positive for COVID-19.


Monthly Information Webinars are now available on the Previous Webinar Page

For the most current information on the status of the virus, federal and state announcements, and the most up to date resources, the following are the best sources for information.