COVID-19 Information

--- SELF CARE RESOURCES ---                --- COVID-19 RECOVERY VIDEOS ---


A Leaders' Guide To Risk Communication in the Face of Coronavirus and Other Emerging Public Health Threats

Pandemic Communications Guidebook 

Successful Communication with People with Disabilities

Community & Workplace

Coronavirus Preparedness and Response: Critical Elements for Business Planning 

For Providers and Community Leaders: Helping People Managing Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak 

Getting the Workplace Ready(link is external) 

MU Extension on COVID(link is external) (Spanish Info) 

Shelter Management During an Infectious Disease Outbreak (link is external)

Family & Individual

7 Science-based Strategies to Cope with Coronavirus Anxiety(link is external)

Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series (DBHIS): Children and Youth(link is external)

Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheets for Parents

COVID-19: Managing Stress in this Anxious Time

COVID-19: Managing Stress in this Anxious Time (Espanol)

COVID-19 Resources | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network ( is external)

Feeling Stressed or Anxious about the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Handwashing - A Family Activity(link is external)

Helping Children Cope With Stress During the COVID Outbreak(link is external) 

Supporting the Children and Teens of Health Care Workers

Sustaining Yourself During the Coronavirus Crisis(link is external)

How to Explain Coronavirus to a Child with Anxiety(link is external)

Managing Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak

Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)(link is external)

Ready in 3: Create a Plan Pandemic(link is external)

Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus(link is external)

Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents(link is external)

Social Distancing? Here's how to Prioritize Self-Care(link is external)

Taking Care of Your Family During Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks 

Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus(link is external)

Tips for Handling COVID-19 Stress and Anxiety(link is external)

Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak(link is external)

Veteran's Support for Kansas City Area(link is external)

Zero to Three(link is external)

Healthcare Professionals

Are You Working To Help People Affected By the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Caring for Patients' Mental Well-Being During Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide for Clinicians 

CDC Information for Healthcare Professionals(link is external)

Coronavirus | Well-Being Initiative | Mental Health | ANA ( is external)

COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Response

COVID-19 Toolkit for DSPs(link is external)

Emergency Responders: Tips for Taking Care of Yourself(link is external)

Family Resilience and Traumatic Stress - A Guide for Mental Health Providers(link is external)

Managing Fatigue During Times of Crisis: Guidance for Nurses, Managers, and Other Healthcare Workers(link is external)

Managing Healthcare Workers' Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak

Mental Health and Behavioral Guidelines for Preparedness and Response to Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Outbreaks

Strategies to Support the Health and Well-Being of Clinicians During the COVID-19 Outbreak(link is external)

Sustaining the Well-Being of Healthcare Personnel During Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Tools for Behavioral Health Professionals During a Public Health Crisis

Working with People Suffering from COVID-19


Coping with Stress During COVID Outbreak(link is external)

COVID19: Paycheck Protection Program Bulletin(link is external)

COVID-19 Pandemic Wallet Card

First Responders and Disaster Responders Resource Portal(link is external)

Lunch and Learn: Grief the Other Pandemic(link is external)

National Certification Council For Activity Professionals(link is external)

SAMHSA DTAC Bulletin(link is external)

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: COVID-19 Resources Portal(link is external)

Tips to Manage Stress and Worries(link is external)

U.S Department of Health and Human Services Resources Page(link is external)

World Sleep Day Toolkit: For Youths and Adults(link is external)


Training - Simulation Exercise(link is external)