Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a DMH Agency or Facility and have any questions please email sends email).

With COVID-19 causing the need to self-quarantine and increased awareness of social distancing as an effective tool to help prevent the spread of disease there have been a number of questions as to how this will impact DMH consumers. We have tried to address the most common questions and concerns here, but if you have further questions please email us at sends email). This email address will continued to be monitored daily. 

I have questions about Medicaid Expansion

The Missouri Department of Social Services has a comprehensive FAQ document available for providers, and that can be found here: Frequently Asked Questions: Adult Expansion for Providers

They have also put together a Frequently Asked Question document for participants, which can be found here: Frequently Asked Questions: Adult Expansion for Participants

How can we help our consumers apply when we are not seeing them in person?

We strongly encourage all DMH agencies and providers to have the consumers they are assisting sign an authorized representative form designating the agency as the authorized representative for MO HealthNet eligibility.

Once this form is completed and signed by both the client and the authorized representative, the application can be completed with the client over the phone and submitted online, or printed and signed by the authorized representative. 

What are the benefits to becoming an authorized representative?
  • The IM-6AR Appointing an Authorized Representative form should be used if the application has already been submitted and the "Appendix C" was not included with the application.
  • The agency will receive copies of all letters and requests for information sent to the client for Medicaid cases based on disability, blindness or being over age 65 as those letters are system generated.
  • The agency should receive copies of all letters requests for information sent to the client for Family Medicaid cases (children, parents, pregnant women).  However, the although the Family MO HealthNet  letters are system generated, copies to the authorized representative have to be sent manually, so some may be missed.
  • The authorized representative may sign applications for the client.
If an individual age 22-65 in a State Mental Hospital is diagnosed with COVID-19 and moved to a hospital outside of the of the SMH can they qualify for MO HealthNet?

No. Regardless of admission to a hospital the individual will be considered residents of the SMH. In order to qualify for MO HealthNet they must be officially discharged. 

How can we submit applications without going to a local FSD resource center?

Apply using the DSS online portal for all applications. If you cannot apply online the next best option is to scan and upload the application using the FSD Upload Portal.

How can we submit verification without going to a resource center?

Submit documents or applications along with the client's date of birth and SSN or DCN by:


Fax: 573-526-9400

Mail: Family Support Division
PO Box 2700
Jefferson City, MO 65102

I need to speak to someone at FSD. How do I reach them?

You can call 1-855-FSD-INFO but we strongly encourage you to email us at sends email). We do have a FSD worker at Central Office and typically can assist you with questions about DMH consumers quicker than calling the call center.