DSP Training Levels

WHAT: Payment earned and paid to the DMH DD provider based on percentage of staff meeting a given training level.

Three levels of incentive payments are available as follows:

  1. Provider can demonstrate that 90% of their DSP workforce that has at least six-month tenure with the same agency has completed level 1 DSP training;
  2. Provider can demonstrate that level 1 DSP benchmark has been met and maintained and 50% of DSP workforce that has at least 6 months tenure with the same agency has completed level 2 DSP training;
  3. Provider can demonstrate that level 1 and 2 DSP benchmarks have been met and maintained and 50% of DSP workforce that has at least 1 year tenure with the same agency has completed level 3 DSP training.

WHY: Increased staff retention; employees gain national best practice skills; mitigation of risk and improved individual outcomes.

HOW: Access learning management system (Relias) to obtain MO DDD DSP Training Plan.