National Core Indicators

The National Core Indicators (NCI) project is a joint effort between the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). This voluntary project gives participating states a set of indicators that measure the performance of I/DD services and supports.  This allows states to measure and track their own performance.  Also, states can compare their results to other states and national averages.

NCI collects data on indicators related to quality of life. This includes employment, rights, service planning, community inclusion, choice, and health and safety. Information is collected through 5 NCI surveys. To learn more about NCI, please visit is external).

2023 NCI State of the Workforce Survey



2023 NCI State of the Workforce Survey

The NCI State of the Workforce (SoTW) Survey collects information from providers of residential, in-home, and non-residential (day programs, community programs, or employment services) supports. The surveys asks about staff characteristics, like staff turnover, wages, benefits, etc. The Division uses this data to identify and understand the factors that influence service delivery. This helps to inform legislative and fiscal initiatives and assist with the development of benchmarks. 

411 providers were invited to participate in the 2023 SoTW.  As of July 31st, 2024, 252 agencies (61.3%) participated in the survey.   

For questions about the SoTW, email sends email)
To learn more about the VBP incentive, please visit the Division's VBP page


NCI Surveys
  • The Adult In-Person Survey is a face-to-face survey with people with I/DD. The person must be age 18 or older. They must receive at least one paid service, in addition to case management. Missouri conducts 403 Adult In-Person Surveys each year.
  • The Adult Family Survey is mailed to and completed by families of people with I/DD. The person with I/DD must be age 18 or older and live with their family. They must receive at least one paid service, in addition to case management. Missouri mails out 1,500 Adult Family Surveys each year.
  • The Child Family Survey is mailed to and completed by families of children with I/DD. The child with I/DD must be younger than age 18 and live with their family. They must receive at least one paid service, in addition to case management. Missouri mails out 1,500 Child Family Surveys each year.
  • The Staff Stability Survey is completed online by provider agencies. It collects data on Direct Support Professional (DSP) wages, tenures, benefits, etc.

While all surveys are voluntary, this gives people with I/DD and their families a chance to give the Division feedback. The Division uses this feedback to improve the quality services.

MOQO & You Reports
NCI Full Report

MOQO & You:  Full Report