Tier 2

Tier 2 Workshop
Community Transitions

Since transitions of care can be an unsettling time for a person, the Risk Prevention Team provides oversight to the Community Transition Process. For additional information and available resources, please go to the Community Transition webpage

  • Are you ready for Tier 2? The Tier 2 Essential Elements Guide and Tier 2 Decision Map helps organizations self-assess whether they have the necessary systems in place to be successful with Tier 2 implementation. 
  • The Targeted Systems of Support Evaluation Tool (T-SSET) is a formal, scored assessment tool that gives insight into whether the above mentioned essential systems are in place to ensure successful implementation of targeted and intensive interventions. This helps identify detailed areas the organization excels in, and where gaps in support might be. 
  • The Transition Checklist is a tool that not only assesses whether a person will have the necessary supports they need when moving, but it also helps guide teams during the most risky time for a person: transitioning care. 
  • Utilizing the Individual Risk Screener the Risk Prevention Team conducts ongoing risk review to help predict, prevent, and reduce risk with special attention given to groups of people who are not responding fully to Tier 1 and are in need of specialized support. This review helps to identify who the people and agencies are that have at-risk indicators, and helps support implementation and progress of risk prevention and reduction strategies.
Data Analysis
  • Utilizing the Tiered Supports risk criteria in combination with Tier 1 and Tier 3 data, the Tier 2 Team identifies common problems occurring across the state and the specific providers and areas in need of additional assistance.
  • Integrity data is examined to measure whether we are effectively doing what we say we are and whether the desired impact is achieved.

We offer on-demand and live virtual training. Contact Tier2@dmh.mo.gov to learn more about Tier 2 Training opportunities.

  • Tier 2 Workshop Series

    The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday of every month from 9:00-10:30 a.m., the Tier 2 team hosts workshops that focus on various aspects of building capacity of service providers who support people with complex needs. These workshops cover key risk prevention topics and are hands-on training opportunities; participation is required. Follow up consultation and implementation support from a Risk Prevention Consultant can be requested when registering.

    Participants should come prepared to:

    • Actively participate in activities and discussion.
    • Discuss and review the assigned recorded training.
    • Take away homework and apply learned skills at your provider site. 
  • Tier 2 Workshop Series


Tier 2 Workshop Series Information

  • The risk prevention team works with provider staff and planning teams to examine common concerns, offer solutions, and to facilitate action-planning that will help you succeed at implementation of specialized strategies. Contact us to schedule your very own Tier 2 consultation, or to learn more about our process. 

         Tier 2 Process Map

Transitions Coffee and Chat offers the opportunity for teams to informally come together and problem-solve common problems that arise during the transition process, and to celebrate successes we discover along the way

Transitions Coffee and Chat Flyer

Targeted Interventions
  • Check-in Check-out is a research backed behavioral intervention that provides the opportunity for an individual and a mentor to work together to improve behavior.
  • Do It Yourself Skills (DIYS) uses pieces of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, coaching, and rewards to form easy to do lessons that help create flexibility and reduce risks. DIYS lessons can be done by yourself, as a group, or with a coach. 
  • Safety Crisis Plan(link is external) Training helps everyone know and understand how to respond to challenging situations when reactive strategies are used.
  • MOADD aims to create higher skilled clinicians by providing training and support to those providing services to people with dual diagnosis of developmental disabilities and mental health concerns.
  • Wraparound Supports-Providers meet with the Tiered Supports team to receive consultation and coaching regarding systems aimed to help build a strong foundation of universal support while also preventing and reducing high risk outcomes via temporary T2 and T3 planning.
  • Enhanced Staffing Review Process-Teams utilize the enhanced staffing review tool to guide problem solving around the need for additional staffing.
  • Enhanced Tier 1-Tiered Supports Consultants assist agencies in providing additional Tier 1 level interventions. This often includes extra coaching, mentoring, and increased use of PBS strategies.