Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Services

These services use ABA principles and strategies to help individuals who have challenges in the areas of behavior, social, and communication skills to learn functional skills in their homes and communities and/or to prevent hospitalizations or out-of-home placements. Behavior Analysis services may assist a person to learn new behavior and/or to replace challenging behaviors. Behavior analysts do this by assisting support persons to change the strategies they use. ABA services are generally short-term services. They must be medically necessary, i.e. necessary and effective at addressing issues that limit an individual’s access to and participation in the community and activities of everyday life.

What are the ABA services available in the Medicaid Waivers?
  • Functional Behavior Assessment - may involve one or more of the following:
    • Behavior Identification Assessment
    • Observational Assessment and Observational Behavioral Follow Up Assessment
    • Exposure Behavioral Assessment and Exposure Behavioral Follow Up
    • Assessment
  • Development, Monitoring, Management and Updating Behavior Support Plans by Licensed Professionals
    • Adaptive Behavior Treatment with Protocol Modification
    • Exposure Adaptive Behavior Treatment with Protocol Modification
    • Family Behavior Treatment Guidance
    • Behavior Treatment Social Skills Group
  • On site assistance by a Registered Behavior Technician under the supervision of a Licensed Behavior Analyst
    • Adaptive Behavior Treatment by Protocol by Technician
Who can provide ABA services?

Behavior service providers must be licensed in the State of Missouri (20 CSR 2063-4.005; 20 CSR 2063-5.010), typically these services providers are Licensed Behavior Analysts or Licensed assistant Behavior Analysts, or licensed professional counselors, licensed psychologists or licensed social workers. These licensed professionals must have training and experience in applied behavior analysis as to practice under their respective licensure regulations.

Where can I find ABA service providers contracted to provide Medicaid Waiver Services?

The Regional Offices Provider Relations Unit has a list of active service providers. You can contact your regional office and ask for this list.

Click here to view the statewide map to see the number of ABA providers in each county.

What if I can not find a ABA service provider in my area, or there is a long waiting list for their services?

As with many other professional services there is a recognized shortage of behavioral service providers. The Division is actively working to recruit providers.

  1. If providers identified in your area are limited or unavailable in the timeframe you need you can look for providers in neighboring regions. Your region’s provider relations or Area Behavior Analyst can assist you in getting a list of providers in neighboring regions.
  2. If you feel the situation is urgent, you should contact your Area Behavior Analyst for assistance in locating a behavioral service provider and trying to get prioritized access. However, there may not be any additional available providers known to the Area Behavior Analyst.
  3. If there are no providers available in the timeframe you need, you should select a provider and get on their waiting list. Even though this is not an immediate solution, this will help you to get services as soon as possible.

You can refer the individual (with their support team) to the Regional Behavior Supports Review Committee. This is committee of behavioral providers volunteering to provide brief consultation to support teams. They will review documents including the Individual Support Plan. During the monthly meeting, the committee will discuss with the team recommendations to try while waiting for services.

How do I request behavioral services?

Services are requested through your support coordinator.

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