Family Flexible Assistance Program (FFAP) Eastern Region

Historically, there has been a waitlist for access to the Missouri Autism Project program funding in this region. At the same time, administrative complexities related to the current program model have resulted in the funds not being fully expended each year. Therefore, the Missouri Autism Project is transitioning to using the Family Flexible Assistance Program (FFAP) to provide support to individuals with autism in the East Region.

The Family Flexible Assistance Program (FFAP) will streamline operations to provide easier access to services and supports to more individuals with autism and their families. Additionally, the FFAP will allow families and individuals greater opportunities for choice and flexibility in accessing resources, supports, and services.

The Office of Autism Services will share updates and announcements regarding the FFAP such as important details and dates in the upcoming months.

Individuals and families are encouraged to contact their Support Coordinator to ensure contact information is up to date (e.g., your email and/or postal mailing address) and sign up for the Division Email Blasts to receive timely Division updates.

If you have program specific questions you may send an email or review the information available on the FFAP Program Resources webpage.