Nursys e-Notify

Below is important information about a free service called "Nursys e-Notify". This free service provides immediate alerts about nurse's license status.

Two video's are available at: is external).

The first video is “Nursys e-Notify for Institutions” and explains how to use if you are the employer of a nurse. An employer can enter information identifying their nurses from this national database. The employer will then receive immediate alerts about their employed nurse’s license status such as expiration date, renewal dates, and any disciplinary action taken against their license. This is a free service and providers are encouraged to enroll their nurses to be informed about the status of their license on an ongoing basis.

The second video is “Nursys e-Notify for Nurses”. A nurse can enroll themselves so the nurse will receive updates. By enrolling into Nursys® e-Notify, you can take advantage of a quick, convenient and free way to keep up-to-date with your nursing licenses. You can receive licensure status updates, track license verifications for endorsement and manage multiple license expiration reminders. Keeping on top of your license can help you prevent any fraudulent licenses or certificates being issued in your name. You will also be able to participate in a survey on nursing workforce in Missouri. The Missouri State Board of Nursing uses this information to gather important workforce data and uses the data to enhance Missouri's ability to plan for nurse supply and demand and, ultimately, improve healthcare for all.

Note that if a nurse enrolls themselves into the “NURSYS e-Notify” system, it will not send information to the employer. The employer must enroll their nurse employees to receive the alerts.