Community Living and Accessible Housing

In 2012, the Division of Developmental Disabilities developed the following Division Housing Plan:


To develop quality, affordable, accessible housing for people with disabilities in safe locations where they can access support services, transportation, employment, technology and recreation throughout their lifespan.

Guiding Principles:

  • Housing is separate from services.
  • New homes are built using universal design principles.
  • Individuals live in homes designed to meet their needs throughout the aging process.
  • Individuals/families receive services they need where they live.
  • Density of homes designed specifically for individuals with disabilities will be considered in the planning of new development.
  • Individuals/families are integrated into their communities.
  • Individuals/families participate in designing their own homes.
  • Individuals/families live in communities that are safe.
  • Individuals/families live in homes they can afford.
  • Individuals/families make informed choices about purchasing or renting their homes.
  • Individuals/families are in control of their home environments.


  • The Division of Developmental Disabilities will work in partnership with Missouri Inclusive Housing Development Corp to increase housing options for individuals with developmental disabilities in the State of Missouri.
  • Regional Offices will develop a Regional housing plan to meet the housing needs of individuals with developmental disabilities in their area.
  • Regional Offices will participate in/develop local housing teams to enhance community awareness of the housing needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, and develop partnerships to cooperatively address those needs.
  • Regional Offices will work with providers, landlords, and developers to ensure that individuals/guardians are in control of their home environments through making choices about where they will live, signing their own leases, and ensuring that the provision of services is separated from choice of housing.
  • The Division of Developmental Disabilities will increase the awareness of housing issues experienced by individuals with developmental disabilities within the internal DMH structure as well as with external partners, stakeholders, and the community at large.

There is a integral link between self-determination and housing. Understanding the link between self determination and housing is critical if we are to move forward in our vision that individuals truly have control over their own lives.