Applying for MO HealthNet (Medicaid)

Missouri now uses a single application form to apply for Medicaid.

Apply using the DSS online portal for all applications. If you cannot apply online the next best option is to scan and upload the application using the FSD Upload Portal. 

DSS Online Application FAQ

Q: Is there one login that I can use for multiple consumers? 

  • A: No. You will need to create an account for each consumer you assist with the application process and give them that information, as they will need it to check on their case in the future.

Q: Some consumers do not have internet but I want to fill the application with them during our visit, how do I do that?

  • A: You can print a paper application (and supplement if the client needs to be evaluated for eligibility in the categories for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled) and fill it out with the client during your visit. Have them make you the authorized representative as well. After you return to the office you can use that information to complete the online application. 

Q: Why is completing the online application the recommended method of applying?

  • A: When an application is completed using the online portal, that application is automatically registered with that days application date and assigned to a queue to be worked. This removes the human error component. The application cannot get lost, cannot have the wrong received date entered, and cannot have missing pages or illegible fields. 
What happens when I submit an application?

When an application is received, FSD first checks for eligibility based on the following criteria: 

  • as a child, if under 19;
  • as a pregnant woman, if pregnancy claimed;
  • as a parent/caretaker if a child under 19 is in the home;
  • in the adult expansion group, if age 19-64 and not eligible as a pregnant woman or parent/caretaker. 

If during the initial eligibility check it is determined that the applicant is age 65+ or claiming disability and/or blindness the application will also be evaluated for eligibility in the categories for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled:

  • spend down / non-spend down coverage 
  • Ticket-to-Work Health Assurance (TWHA) MO HealthNet coverage if age 16-64 and employed,
  • Supplemental Nursing Care (SNC) cash grant with MO HealthNet coverage, if in a residential care facility (RCF) or assisted living facility (ALF),
  • blind cash assistance, Supplemental Aid to the Blind (SAB) or Blind Pension (BP), with MO HealthNet coverage.

In the event that the client is eligible for both AEG and MO HealthNet Disabled with a spend down the client will be given a choice on which coverage they would prefer. Those people who need DD waiver services will need to select to pay the Spend Down and opt out of AEG coverage. 

The only consumers who need to apply based on disability are those receiving SSI or Social Security Disability benefits, or those age 19-64 who need DD waiver services. Other consumers who MAY have a disability do not need to unless they have other income that is above the Adult Expansion Group (AEG) limit.

If the consumer is applying for MO HealthNet based on disability and is receiving Social Security/SSI or is over age 65:

For this type of application you must complete and submit the Aged, Blind, and Disabled Supplemental Form (IM-1ABDS). 

IM-1ABDS Aged, Blind, and Disabled Supplement (Webform to be submitted online)

If the consumer is applying for MO HealthNet based on disability or blindness and needs an MRT Determination:

For this type of application the IM-1ABDS Supplement form must be submitted. The MRT Packet must be included with this type of application. 

IM-1ABDS Aged, Blind, and Disabled Supplement (Webform to be submitted online)

MRT Packet (More information on these forms can be found on our Disability Determination's page) 

It may also speed up the application processing to have a psychiatrist or a licensed clinical psychologist* complete the IM-60A form.

MO HealthNet Eligibility Information

DMH DD Guideline #32 Coversheet
Please review Guideline #32 here.