Staffed Residential Bed Vacancy

The Division has developed a REDCap Reporting for providers to enter Staffed Residential Bed Vacancy information. It is crucial that information be entered accurately and updated frequently to ensure organizations are viewing the most up-to-date bed vacancies.

Accessing REDCap
  1. Submit Access Request Form.  Complete and submit the access request form(link is external).
  2. Processing:  REDCap Admin will process the access request forms within 2 business days.
  3. Account Setup:  Once processed, each user will receive a unique user ID and will be prompted to setup their password.  The setup process typically takes only a few minutes.
Entering Agency Information
  1. Log In:  Access the website(link is external) using your unique user ID and password.
  2. Navigate to Projects:  Click on “My Projects” in the top menu bar.
  3. Select Project:  Choose the “Staffed Residential Bed Vacancy” project from the list.
  4. Add New Record:  On the left-hand menu, select "Add / Edit Records"
  5. Select Agency:  Choose the "Agency" radio button.
  6. Enter Agency Information:  Fill in the available information about your agency.
  7. Submit Survey:  Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
Entering Bed Details
  1. Enter Vacancies:  You will be directed to enter details for your open staffed vacancies.
  2. Input Vacancy Details:  Enter the available details for each staffed vacant bed.
  3. Submit Vacancy Details:  Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
Updating Data
  1. Log In:  Access the website(link is external) using your unique user ID and password.
  2. Navigate to Projects:  Click on “My Projects” in the top menu bar.
  3. Select Project:  Choose the “Staffed Residential Bed Vacancy” project from the list.
  4. Edit Record:  On the left-hand menu, select "Add / Edit Records"
  5. Select Record:  Select the “Bed” radio button.
  6. Enter updated data:  Fill in updated data for each vacancy.  For closures, enter a date in the “Date of Closure” field.
  7. Submit Updates:  Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.

    Note:  To ensure accurate and up-to-date availability information, we ask you to report each bed vacancy within your organization.

Accordion content.

Important Links

Requesting Access(link is external)

Website(link is external)

Contact(link sends email)