
Resources for Individuals and Families
Resources for Support Coordinators
Resources for Employment Service Providers

As outlined in the Purchase of Service contract in section 3.4.10 (b), a provider/contractor can elect to develop their own employment support professional training requirements through the use of internally developed training in lieu of credentialing and/or training sources outlined in the contract.  An arrangement is in place between the Division of Developmental Disabilities with Maryville University for curriculum review.

As an accredited institution by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP), Maryville University in St. Louis, MO will conduct the review and approve developed curriculum.

a.    For providers wishing to develop their own training, the Training Curriculum Review Rubric must be completed and submitted to the Division of Developmental Disabilities Director of Employment, sends email)
b.    The Division of Developmental Disabilities will submit the completed rubric and supporting documentation to Maryville University. 
c.    If approved, developed training curriculum can be provided for up to three years from the date of approval before needing to be re-submitted for review. 
d.    Correspondence indicating that the training curriculum has been approved must be maintained by the Human Resource Manager (or equivalent).

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