Behavioral Health Epidemiology Workgroup


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Welcome to the website of the Missouri Behavioral Health Epidemiology Workgroup (MO-BHEW). This group represents state agencies and universities that share an interest in data on substance use, mental health, and other behavioral health. The workgroup is supported through funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

Mission and Purpose of the MO-BHEW

  • Create a system to collect, monitor, integrate, and analyze substance use and mental health data to produce a comprehensive and accurate picture of behavioral health issues in Missouri and our communities.
  • Disseminate information to state and community agencies, decision-makers, and the public.
  • Inform and guide behavioral health prevention policy, program development, and evaluation.

The MO-BHEW has assisted in developing a variety of data products. Descriptions and links to them are provided below.

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Data Website

In 2012, the MO-BHEW completed the first phase of a website that provides access to sets of Missouri behavioral health data. A querying tool allows users to select and compare indicators, subpopulations, time periods, and geographies. Data results are displayed as a chart which can be inserted into other work products or downloaded as a table for further manipulation. Available datasets include Missouri Student Survey, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, substance use and mental health treatment, problem and social indicators reported by state agencies, and census population estimates. In 2015, the MO-BHEW completed the second phase of the website. The enhancements allow users to map a statewide distribution of rates for selected county-level indicators, create ranking tables, and generate trend charts. Visit

Missouri Student Survey Reports & Instruments

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