Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program (SATOP)

SATOP Help Desk 

Individuals seeking information regarding SATOP requirements and completion status may call or email the SATOP Help Desk at (573) 522-4020 or sends email).  Email inquires will be responded to within 24 hours.

*The SATOP Help Desk is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM.*

What is SATOP?

The Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program (SATOP) serves more than 16,000 individuals annually who are required to complete the program as a result of an administrative suspension or revocation of one’s driver license due to a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) offense, court order, condition of probation, or plea bargain. SATOP is also required of individuals charged with minor in possession and zero tolerance offenses.

The Department of Mental Health (DMH), Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) certifies and provides compliance monitoring on all SATOP agencies in Missouri. The objective of SATOP is to reduce the number of repeat DWI offenses by individuals who complete a state-certified DWI program; and to provide individuals an opportunity to address alcohol and substance use.

DWI/DUI classes offered via the internet DO NOT meet Missouri's SATOP requirements.

The Division of Behavioral Health is not issuing new contracts to provide SATOP services at this time.  

What is the Electronic Payment for SATOP Comparable Programs Supplemental Fee?

The electronic payment for SATOP Comparable Programs Supplemental Fee is the electronic payment for SATOP Comparable Programs. This fee should only be paid after the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form has been submitted for review. 

This is NOT a link to pay for an assessment or SATOP program fee. Contact an Offender Management Unit in your area if you need to schedule or pay for an assessment or program fee.  

Missouri Residents

Program Requirements

Option 1

  1. Obtain a SATOP screening at a contracted agency. The cost of the screening is $126.00. The Directory of SATOP Screeners / Offender Management Units (OMU) lists agencies by county with contact information. At the end of the screening, you will receive a SATOP Program Assignment Form. Payment of the supplemental fee ($249.00) is required at the time of the screening.
  2. Once you receive aa assignment, you have 6 months to begin the program.  
    • There are 4 program levels. If you do not agree with the program assignment you have two options:
      • Option 1: Obtain a 2nd opinion at another contracted SATOP.
      • Option 2: File for a judicial review at the associate circuit court in the county where the screening was completed.
  3. Complete an assigned program. A list of agencies will be provided by the screening agency. The cost of a program varies based on one’s program. The cost for level I is $200.00.  The fee for levels II thru IV is a minimum of $250.00.  When a program has been completed the agency will send a completion form electronically to the Department of Revenue.  

Option 2

  1. Complete a minimum of 120 hours of substance use treatment services after the date of the offense.  Forty hours must be individual or group counseling. The treatment agency must be either state certified or nationally accredited. If you have already completed a program since your offense, it may count toward the requirement.
  2. Complete the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form.  You may call the Division of Behavioral Health at 573-522-4020 to request a paper copy of the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form to be mailed to you. Fill out section I of the SATOP Comparable Program Form and have the treatment agency fill out sections II, III, and IV of the form.
  3. Upon completion of a treatment program, send a completed SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form along with payment of the SATOP fee in the amount of $249.00.
    • There are two options for submitting the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form.  
      • Option 1: Email a completed SATOP Comparable Program Completion form to sends email).
      • Option 2: Mail a completed SATOP Comparable Program Completion form to Missouri Department of Mental Health, Controller's Office, SATOP, PO Box 596, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0596.
    • There are two options for submitting the $249 SATOP Supplemental Fee.
  4. Allow 1-2 weeks for processing. Once it is approved it will be sent to the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) to remove the SATOP requirement on your record. You may contact the DOR to regarding your driver’s license at (573) 751-4833. You will also receive a copy of a SATOP Completion Form in the mail. 

For a downloadable guide go to SATOP Completion requirements for Missouri residents

NOTE TO MISSOURI RESIDENTS: If you have successfully completed a treatment program, the program may meet the requirements of SATOP.  Program requirements are outlined on page two of the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form.  

Out of State Residents

Program Requirements

Missouri requires the completion of a comparable program in your state.

  1. Download a copy of the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form.  You may call the Division of Behavioral Health at 573-522-4020 to request a paper copy of the SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form to be mailed to you.
  2. Find a state certified DWI agency on the United States Search Query Map.
  3. Contact an agency to complete a drug and alcohol assessment.
    • The assessment fee may vary by agency
    • Section IIA of the Form must be the agency.
  4. Complete the recommended program. The program must be completed within 6 months.
    • Program fees may vary by agency.
    • The agency must be complete Sections III, and IV.
    • Missouri requires a minimum of ten hours of drug and alcohol education.
  5. Send a completed SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form.  
    • There are two options for sending the Form.   
      • Option 1:  Email to sends email).
      • Option 2: Mail to the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Controller's Office, SATOP, PO Box 596, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
  6. Pay the SATOP fee in the amount of $249.00.

For a downloadable guide go to SATOP Completion requirements for out of state residents

Program Description and Fees

Assessment Screening Process Offender Management Unit (OMU): Missouri law requires all persons arrested for an alcohol- or drug-related traffic offense to complete an assessment screening at an OMU. The result of this evaluation determines the appropriate level of placement for each consumer.

SATOP Service Levels 

  • Offender Education Program (OEP - Level I) - A 10-hour education course designed for lower risk consumers in understanding the choices they made that led to their intoxication and arrest.  The service level fee is $200.00.*
  • Adolescent Diversion Education Program (ADEP - Level I) - A 10-hour education course for minors who may have received Abuse and Lose, Minor in Possession, or Zero Tolerance offenses.  The service level fee is $200.00.*
  • Weekend Intervention Program (WIP - Level II) - A 20-hour level of service designed for repeat or high risk consumers using intensive education and counseling intervention methods over a weekend of structured activities. The service level fee is $474.46, plus $6.70 for materials.*
  • Clinical Intervention Program (CIP - Level III) - CIP is an outpatient treatment program designed specifically for persistent DWI offenders, or those identified during the assessment screening process as being "high risk" for chemical dependency. This program is designed to be completed within five weeks. The program provides 50 total hours of individual counseling, group counseling, and group education, with 10 hours focusing specifically on drinking and driving issues.  The service level fee is $1083.43.*
  • Serious and Repeat Offender Program (SROP - Level IV) - An outpatient program consisting of at least 75 hours of treatment in no less than 90 days. Services must include a minimum of 35 hours of individual and/or group counseling. Successful completion of the treatment is left to the discretion of the program’s clinical staff based on the specific needs of the consumer.  The service level fee is $1522.50 - fee may vary based on services provided.
  • Traditional Treatment (Level IV) - Consumers presenting for SATOP services having multiple alcohol- or drug-related traffic offenses, or those at a high risk to reoffend, may receive a recommendation for more traditional substance abuse treatment. This treatment may be in the form of a residential or outpatient program but must be completed at a state-certified or nationally accredited substance abuse treatment provider.  The service level fee may vary based on services provided.  For more information regarding substance use treatment please visit DBH Treatment Services.

For more information about these types of programs, you may contact any Division of Behavioral Health Regional Office or search the Provider Directory of Adult Substance Use Treatment Programs or Provider Directory of Adolescent Substance Use Treatment Programs or Treatment Facility Locator(link is external).

Financial assistance may be available for consumers enrolled in the WIP, CIP, and SROP or other state contracted treatment program.

*All fees are subject to change

Frequently Asked Questions

I got a DWI, how do I get my license back?

  • In order to have your driving privileges reinstated, you must complete SATOP.  SATOP consists of an assessment and completion of a program. After successful completion of the recommended program, a completion form will be sent to the Department of Revenue.  In addition to the SATOP completion certificate, the Department of Revenue has additional requirements. Please contact Revenue at (573) 526-2407.

Where do I go to do SATOP?

  • SATOP programs can be completed at any state certified SATOP agency.  A listing of SATOP agencies by county can be found by clinking the following link: Provider Directory of SATOP.

What is the supplemental fee?

  • The supplemental fee is required by state statute (Chapter 302, Section 302.540) for individuals required to complete SATOP. The fee is deposited into the Mental Health Earnings Fund and is used to provide financial assistance based on a Standards Means Test for eligible participants in the program.

I completed a program a couple of years ago and now the business is gone.  What can I do?

  • You are encouraged to contact the Division of Behavioral Health at (573) 522-4020 to request a record search of their database for completion information.  It is the responsibility of the individual to keep copies of all receipts and completion paperwork one receives from an agency.

I received a recommendation to do a program, but can’t/don’t believe that I really have a problem.  What are my options?

  • Option 1: You may obtain a second opinion by completing another assessment at a different SATOP agency as long as the individual did not start their SATOP program.  Another assessment fee is required at $126. A second opinion recommendation is final. There is only one supplemental fee required per offense.
  • Option 2: A person can file for a judicial review in an associate circuit court in the county where the assessment was completed. The judge will make a decision on whether or not to change an offender’s program placement.

I’m a resident of another state, but got a DWI while in Missouri.  Do I have to come back to complete the program in Missouri?

  • No.  In order to complete SATOP, one must receive an assessment at a state certified or nationally accredited agency and complete the recommended program. The individual must complete a Comparable Program Form and submit to central office with the supplemental fee of $249. The minimum acceptable program is 10 hours of drug and alcohol education, but is based on the assessment.

I’ve moved to a different state since my offense.   How can I meet SATOP requirements?

  • In order to complete SATOP, one must receive an assessment at a state certified or nationally accredited agency and complete the recommended program. The individual must complete a SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form, which can be accessed by clinking the link: SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form and submit the completed form to the Department of Mental Health Central Office with the supplemental fee of $249. The minimum acceptable program is 10 hours of drug and alcohol education.

I live in Missouri and completed a substance use treatment program. Will this meet SATOP requirements?

  • If the program was either a state certified or a nationally accredited substance use treatment program and you met the following requirements:
    • Minimum of 120 hours of treatment services
    • Minimum of 40 hours of group and/or individual counseling
    • The agency completed Sections II, III, and IV of the Comparable Program Completion Form
    • Submitted supplemental fee

My DWI was dismissed (or I was found not guilty) in court.  Why do I still need to do SATOP?

  • Even though a case may be dismissed in court, there may still be administrative action taken by the Department of Revenue.


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