Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) Healthcare Homes

What is a CMHC Healthcare Home?

Missouri's CMHC Healthcare Homes (HCH) are designed to integrate care for chronic health conditions into the CMHC setting. The CMHC HCHs assist individuals in accessing needed health services and supports, in learning to manage their health conditions, and in improving individuals’ general health by monitoring health conditions, healthcare needs and intervening when health conditions are not properly controlled or managed. HCHs promote and encourage wellness, healthy lifestyles and preventative care, educate and teach persons how to better manage their chronic health conditions, educate agency staff about chronic health conditions and how to manage them, and encourage a population health approach to help improve chronic health conditions for persons served by CMHCs.

Individuals covered by MO HealthNet are eligible to be served by a CMHC Healthcare Home if they have:

  • A serious mental illness (including children and adults receiving psychiatric rehabilitation services under the Medicaid Rehabilitation Option), or
  • A mental health condition and a substance use disorder, or
  • A mental health condition or a substance use disorder, and one of the following chronic conditions or risk factors:
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma/COPD
    • Cardiovascular Disease
    • Developmental Disability
    • Overweight (BM >25)
    • Tobacco Use
    • Complex Trauma

The Disease Management (DM) Projects: DM 3700 and SUD DM  are a collaborative effort among the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), the Department of Social Services’ (DSS) MO HealthNet Division (MHD), and the Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare. The DM Projects outreach Medicaid-eligible adults who have a serious mental illness or substance use disorder, high medical costs, and are not currently receiving behavioral health services. 

This website provides information regarding the development, and current status, of Missouri’s CMHC Healthcare Homes. Information regarding Missouri’s Primary Care Health Homes can be accessed at the following website:

Introduction to Missouri's CMHC Healthcare Homes

This section contains general information, achievements, and reports regarding MO CMHC Healthcare Homes (HCH).

State Plan Amendment (SPA) for Missouri's Healthcare Homes

Department of Mental Health Certification Standards

The Behavioral Health Healthcare Homes (CMHC HCH) standards can be found in Division 10 - Chapter 7: Core Rules for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Programs beginning on page 11.

Awards and Recognition

HCH Annual Reports

Additional Information

HCH Policy and Procedure Manual

This section contains the CMHC HCH Policy and Procedure Manual.

CMHC HCH Policy and Procedure Manual

HCH Forms and Tools

This section contains the forms and tools needed to complete the daily operations of a HCH.


Please encrypt all emails containing PHI, if you have any questions please email the Integrated Care Program Specialist at: sends email)    


HCH Training

This section contains educational information for training new staff and provides other HCH training materials.

HCH General Training Tools

HCH Staff Training Tools

HCH Training Links

The Missouri Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare and the Missouri Department of Mental Health are sponsoring this website for champions of health and wellness. On this website you will find health and wellness articles, news, videos, and webinars. You can find documents from trainings, meeting minutes, activities, PowerPoints, etc. is external)

Additional Information

FQHC Providers with Dental Clinics

Click here for a list of FQHC Providers with Dental Clinics.  This list is provided by an outside entity and is updated twice per year.

Hepatitis C

  • Hepatitis C Provider Pocket Guide(link is external) - Swope Health implemented a Hepatitis C treatment program in 2019 and developed this guide that includes information on testing, diagnostic studies, vaccine recommendations, treatment guidelines and other helpful information.

Are you Ready to Fight Flu this Season? 

  • 2018-2019 was a moderate severity flu season that lasted a record-breaking 21 weeks. The best protection against flu is getting a flu vaccine.
  • While the timing of flu season is unpredictable, seasonal flu activity often begins to increase in October, most commonly peaks between December and February, but can last as late as May. 

CDC recommends a three-step approach to fight flu:

  1. Get a flu vaccine. Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine by the end of October.  It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body to protect against flu virus infection. Getting a flu vaccine every year provides the best protection against flu.
  2. Take everyday actions to stop the spread of germs. Try to avoid close contact with sick people, and if you become sick, limit your contact with others. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and wash your hands often.
  3. Take flu antiviral drugs if your doctor prescribes them. If you get sick with flu, prescription flu antiviral drugs can be used to treat flu illness. Antiviral drugs can make illness milder and shorten the time you are sick. They may also prevent serious flu complications.

People at High Risk for Flu Complications(link is external)

Most people who get sick with flu will have mild illness, will not need medical care or antiviral drugs and will recover in less than two weeks. Some people, however, are more likely to get flu complications(link is external) that can result in hospitalization and sometimes death. Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and ear infections are examples of flu-related complications. Flu also can make chronic health problems worse. For example, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks while they have flu and people with chronic congestive heart failure may experience a worsening of this condition triggered by flu. Below are the groups of people who are more likely to get serious flu-related complications if they get sick with flu.

Information for Specific High Risk Groups:

CDC Flu Resources(link is external)