Philosophy and Vision


To provide Missourians with timely mental health treatment, prevention, education and support services.


Offer Hope and Opportunity for living fulfilled lives.


  • Community Inclusion – Missourians who participate in mental health services are welcomed and equally included in education, work, housing, and social opportunities in their communities.

  • Accessible, Safe, Affordable, and Integrated Services – Missourians with mental health needs easily access safe, affordable, and integrated medical and behavioral health services.

  • Partners in Personal Service Design – Missourians participating in mental health services are active partners in designing their services and supports.

  • Effectiveness Measured by Participant Outcomes – The effectiveness of Missouri’s mental health services is measured by meaningful outcomes experienced by the people receiving them.

  • Valued and Motivated Staff – Missourians receive mental health services from competent, motivated, and highly valued staff serving as effective stewards of the public trust.

  • Prevention and Early Intervention – Emphasizing prevention and early intervention strategies avoids or minimizes the mental health problems of Missourians.

  • Respected Unique Participant Characteristics – Missourians participating in mental health services are valued for their uniqueness and diversity and respected without regard to age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socio-economic condition.