Emergency Room Enhancement Program

Emergency Room Enhancement Slider

Across the state of Missouri, health care professionals had seen an increase in patients seeking help for psychiatric conditions and substance use disorders. Many times these individuals are uninsured or underinsured and end up in hospital emergency rooms where they are stabilized and released without being referred for the services they need for follow up care. As a result they may end up returning to the Emergency Room for additional treatment.

To address this service gap, the Missouri Department of Mental Health provides funding to 18 regions across the state It was implemented in 7 regions across the state in September of 2013. It expanded to five more regions in 2017, and in 2019 the Jefferson City region including four additional counties joined. In 2020 West Central region was added accounting for 10 additional counties and most recently in 2022-2023 the newest regions of Bootheel, East Central and Farmington were added. ERE is now available in all 114 of Missouri’s counties serving 100% of Missourians.

The primary goals of ERE are to prevent repeated Emergency Room visits and hospitalizations as well as to decrease rates of those unhoused, unemployed and those involved with law enforcement.

Map of ERE Regions & Behavioral Health Agencies

For additional information: Missouri Behavioral Health Council ERE(link is external)

Information for Providers