Improving Community Treatment Success (ICTS)

Blue letters spelling ICTS, the letter i has a shooting star for the dot above the letter.  Under ICTS is Improving Community Treatment Success.

Program Information 

In 2018, the Missouri Department of Corrections (MODOC) was appropriated funds to establish and implement a community behavioral health program to provide comprehensive community-based services for people under MODOC supervision who have substance use disorders and/or co-occurring substance use disorders and mild to moderate mental illness, and are considered high risk for reoffending. 

The ICTS Program’s aim is to reduce the (re)incarceration of behavioral health consumers under the Division of Probation and Parole (P&P) supervision by ensuring that significant criminogenic needs are addressed in the community. 

The ICTS Program is administered collaboratively by the Missouri Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH), Division of Behavioral Health (DBH). 

The ICTS program is based on accountability. A team consisting of P&P staff and local behavioral health treatment and recovery providers work to ensure clients on supervision, who are at high risk of reoffending and have behavioral health needs, receive individualized evidence-based treatment in the community. The team assists clients with housing, employment, substance use and mental health treatment and engages clients in frequent communication, team meetings, and random drug testing to ensure accountability.  

Each ICTS program site is equipped with one Housing Specialist and one Employment Specialist. The Housing Specialist connects with housing providers in their communities to assist clients in finding safe, appropriate, substance-free housing options. The Employment Specialist assists clients with employment related activities such as creating resumes and conducting mock interviews and meets with employers in their communities to establish employment connections.  

Aftercare services are available for ICTS participants who are transitioning out of the program. During aftercare, for up to six months, clients have access to a peer support specialist who conducts wellness checks and offers assistance with staying connected and engaged in their support services. 

Participating Counties

In 2018, Boone, Buchanan, and Butler counties were selected to pilot the ICTS program, then named the Justice Reinvestment Initiative Treatment Pilot (JRITP). In 2019, the program expanded which prompted a name change to better reflect the program’s objective: Improving Community Treatment Success (ICTS). In addition to the piloting counties, the program now operates in Greene, Polk, Cole, Pettis, Phelps, Pulaski, St. Francois, Camden, Miller, Cape Girardeau, Stone, and Taney counties. 

Counties are selected based on factors such as crime rates, sentencing trends, and existing corrections and behavioral health resources. Individuals with opioid use disorder are given priority entry.