
Important Messages Concerning Certification

  • As of September 27, 2022, the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) will no longer accept initial applications for accreditation of Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs). DMH will be phasing out the accrediting body status granted by SAMHSA for OTPs. The DMH will retain status as an accrediting body until October 1, 2024. The aforementioned date was selected based on the effective date of 9 CSR 30-3.150, which requires all CSTAR providers to obtain national accreditation and allows for a temporary waiver of the requirement for up to three years. If all MO DMH accredited OTPs obtain national accreditation prior to the October 1, 2024 date, DMH will relinquish this status at that time.
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) approved Missouri’s application for a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) 1115 Demonstration Waiver effective for dates of service on or after January 1, 2024. The Missouri 1115 SUD Demonstration Waiver allows Missouri to provide Medicaid reimbursement for medically necessary residential SUD services in facilities qualifying as an Institution for Mental Disease (IMD). Facilities with 25 beds or less may be eligible for the waiver. 
  • The State of Missouri does not require certification for non-contracted agencies providing mental health or substance use disorder services unless required for entities providing services eligible for certification and receiving county mental health funds under 9 CSR 30-2.010 Designation of Programs to Receive County Community Mental Health Funds.
  • Any organization contracting with the Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), formerly the Divisions of Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Comprehensive Psychiatric Services, is required to obtain and maintain certification.
  • Certification in itself does not constitute an assurance of Department of Mental Health funding or guarantee contract awards.
  • For information concerning contracts and bid opportunities.

For questions concerning this notice please contact Robert Smith, Certification and Program Monitoring Coordinator, at (573) 526-1572.

About Certification

The Department of Mental Health is mandated to develop certification standards and to certify an organization’s level of service, treatment or rehabilitation as necessary for the organization to operate, receive funds from the department, or participate in a service network authorized by the department and be eligible for reimbursement for the following Medicaid programs: Comprehensive Substance Treatment and Rehabilitation (CSTAR); or Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR).

The primary function of the certification process is to assess an organization's compliance with standards of care. The review process ensures that providers maintain compliance with applicable state standards and provide quality services that remain consistent with the Department's Mission, Vision and Values. Surveyors are charged with the task of reviewing multiple sources of information to arrive at a global view of the agency, while making recommendations for change as agencies strive for quality services. A key goal of certification is to enhance the quality of care and services with a focus on the needs and outcomes of persons served.

Current standards may be downloaded directly from the Secretary of State’s office website here:

Division 10 - Chapter 5: General Program Procedures

Division 10 - Chapter 7: Core Rules for Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorder Programs

Division 30 - Chapter 3: Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment Programs

Division 30 - Chapter 4: Mental Health Programs

Division 30 - Chapter 6: Certified Community Behavioral Health Organization

Division 30 - Chapter 7: Crisis Services

You can register to receive notification of rule changes from the Secretary of State's office.  Draft Regulations.

Certified Providers Directory

This is a list of all Division of Behavioral Health Certified providers. This alphabetical listing includes contracted and non-contracted alcohol and drug treatment providers and psychiatric services providers.   

Accredited vs Non-Accredited Agencies

An organization may request certification by completing an application form. The Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health, grants a certificate upon receipt of a completed application to an organization which has attained full accreditation from CARF international, The Joint Commission, or Council on Accreditation under standards for behavioral healthcare that are equivalent to DBH program standards. If your agency is accredited by one of these national accrediting bodies please complete and submit the ‘application for accredited agencies’ along with your agency’s full accreditation report. If you do not have accreditation from one of these national accrediting bodies please complete and submit the ‘application for non-accredited agencies’ along with additional required information and documentation as outlined in the application. You may access the applications by clicking the links below. If you have questions contact Robert Smith, Certification and Program Monitoring Coordinator, at Robert.Smith@dmh.mo.gov(link sends email) or (573) 526-1572. 

Application Submission Instructions: Please submit your application and required attachments using one of the following two methods:

  1. Complete application, print, and mail to the address below with all required attachments (No staples please).
    • Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health, 1706 E. Elm St. P.O. Box 687, Jefferson City, MO 65102
  2. Print out completed application, print required attachments, scan into one PDF document and email the PDF to: Division of Behavioral Health(link sends email)

Note: Agencies with SATOP renewal fees may email their application but must mail their fee to the address above.