Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are based upon privilege levels. For certain individuals visiting day/ times are different. Individuals should contact the individual they wish to visit prior to making arrangements for a visit.
Normal visiting hours:
9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 1:45 to 3:45 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays (Holidays are defined as: New Years Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day)
Visiting Regulations
- All visits require 72 hours (3 days) prior notification to 573-218-5044. Notification will not be accepted/acknowledged at other numbers. If prior notice is not received, visitors will not be allowed entry. An exception is made for attorneys and clergy who must notify the facility two working days in advance of their planned visit. Exceptions will be made only in rare circumstances. Visits must be cancelled by 4 p.m. on Fridays. Visitors will be allowed to miss one scheduled visit (without notification). Second occurrence (without notification) will result in three-month suspension of visiting privileges. Individuals may visit only one (two-hour period) per day.
- It is the responsibility of residents to submit a "Request for Visitor List" form listing the name, address and relationship of all desired visitors. A Visitor Application Form will be sent to each person listed on the Request for Visitor List with a copy of the Visitor Handbook. Victims are not allowed to visit. Exceptions may be made upon recommendation of the treatment team for compelling clinical reasons and approval of the Director, Behavioral Treatment Services. Visitors will have completed an application, received approval, and have been informed of the visiting rules and regulations. The sally port and wards will maintain lists of approved visitors. Residents admitted to outside medical facilities are not allowed to receive or make phone calls or receive visitors during their hospitalization.
- Juvenile visitors (under age 14 years) will not be allowed unless the juvenile is part of the resident's immediate family (son, daughter, sister or brother--legal adoptions included). Stepchildren will be approved on an individual basis by the clinical team. Nieces, nephews, cousins, etc., will not be permitted to visit. An application for Juvenile Visitors form must be completed. The application may be approved at the discretion of the Chief Operating Officer. The juvenile must be accompanied and supervised by an adult visitor at all times.
- All visitors are processed through a metal detecting wand. Visitors who need to use a wheelchair, walker or cane or have surgically implanted metal hardware or pacemakers must submit a written statement from a physician. Visitors should arrive at the sally port at least 10 minutes but no more than 30 minutes before visiting hours begin in order to allow for processing time. Visitors arriving after specific time will not be admitted. After processing, visitors will be escorted to the appropriate visiting area. Residents are limited to three (3) visitors per visit. Due to limited space, a maximum of six (6) residents will be allowed to have visitors at one time.
- Visitors must be appropriately dressed. Men must be fully clothed in full-length pants, shirts with sleeves, socks and shoes. Tank tops and shorts are not allowed. Female visitors must be clothed in a combination of full-length pants or skirts with tops (no bare midriffs) or dresses. Skirts/dresses must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. All female visitors must wear brassieres. Provocative or suggestive clothing is not allowed. Camouflage or gang-related clothing is not permitted inside the facility. Access will be denied unless the visitor agrees to either cover the clothing with attire provided by the agency or change into clothing provided by agency.
- Packages may not be brought in or dropped off. All packages must be sent through the mail or other legitimate service.
- Commercially prepared food items in containers sealed at the point of production may be brought for consumption during visits.
- Packages will be inspected at sally port during arrival and departure. Food in metal or glass containers is not allowed including soda cans or bottles.
- Items in resealable containers must have undisturbed price and product information that require being broken to open the package.
- Items that appear to have been opened prior to entry will be confiscated and returned at the end of the visit.
- Food items must be four (4) or less serving sizes per container as stated on the nutrition label. Items exceeding this guideline will be destroyed. All food items must be consumed during the visit.
- Items may not be taken back to ward. Eating utensils will not be allowed or provided.
- Visitors may bring up to $15.00 in change that is contained within a clear bag or pouch. Vending machines are available in the visiting area. Vending machine purchases made during the visit must be consumed during that time. Items may not be taken back to the ward.
- Personal keys and purses are not allowed within the facility. Lockers are provided at the sally port.
- Exchange of contraband (non-approved items) will result in termination of the visit.
- Any visitor found in possession of a weapon or controlled substance will be denied access to the institution and reported to law enforcement.
- Socially appropriate physical contact is permitted between residents and visitors unless the resident is on a risk rating level that does not include such privilege. One greeting and departing embrace is allowed.
- Observation of disruptive behaviors, inappropriate displays of affection, sexually suggestive, sexual or assaultive contact will result in immediate and indefinite termination of the visit.
- Residents may interact only with their visitor(s) or visiting room staff. Residents are not allowed to engage in conversation with other residents or their visitors during visitation.
- Tobacco product usage is not allowed on Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center grounds.
- Cameras, cell phones and audio recording devices of any type are strictly forbidden.
- Visitors are not allowed to leave the visitation area once the visit begins except to use the restroom. Separate restrooms are designated for visitors and residents.
- Violations of rules or security may result in termination of visit and denial of future visits.
Mail and Packages
All mail must have sender's full name and complete address to be accepted into the facility. Residents may receive packages only from individuals on their approved visiting list. An approved visitor may not act as a third party agent for another party not on the approved visitor list. All approved items must be from approved visitors.
Approved items that may be received through the mail:
- Photos--maximum of ten (10) (approved family/friends, fully clothed, non-erotic poses and non-victims)
- Postage Stamps
- Money Orders
- Coffee in factory-sealed plastic containers. Coffee sent in plastic bags will not be allowed.
- Food and Medication may not be received through mail.
- Residents are limited to one package per month; package weight is limited to twenty (20) pounds.
- Other items may be received with prior approval by the clinical team, Security Office and Resident Property Clerk.
- Residents may have clothing sent in during the months of January, April, July and October with prior approval. Exceptions may be approved by the Property Clerk and the treatment team.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact us. Your cooperation is appreciated.