Deaf Services Advocates Directory

Deaf Services Advocates are employees of Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) or substance use treatment providers who have received specialized training from the Office of Deaf Services. Training topics include DMH’s deaf and hard of hearing services options; communication methods; legal and policy requirements, and more. Training emphasizes the rights of deaf and hard of hearing people to make informed decisions about their care and communication.

Advocates support culturally appropriate services and effective communication for deaf and hard of hearing people served by their agencies. They enable deaf and hard of hearing people to navigate services more easily and improve quality of care.

The agencies listed below participate in the Deaf Services Advocates Program. People who live in a county listed below may contact their CMHC and ask to speak with a Deaf Services Advocate about questions or concerns.

Directory of Provider Agencies with Deaf Services Advocates

To search for your county, press Ctrl+F (Command+F on Mac), and type your county's name.

Arthur Center (East Central Missouri Behavioral Health)(link is external)

Counties Served: Audrain, Callaway, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls

BJC Behavioral Health(link is external)

County Served: St. Louis County, St. Louis City

Burrell Behavioral Health(link is external), Service Area 10

Counties Served: Christian, Dallas, Greene, Polk, Stone, Taney, Webster

Burrell Behavioral Health(link is external), Service Area 12

Counties Served: Boone, Carroll, Chariton, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau, Morgan, Pettis, Randolph, Saline

Clark Community Mental Health Center(link is external)

Counties Served: Barry, Dade, Lawrence

Compass Health(link is external), Service Area 16

Counties Served: Franklin, Lincoln, St. Charles, Warren

Compass Health(link is external), Service Area 8B

Counties Served: Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, St. Clair, Vernon

Compass Health(link is external), Service Area 11

Counties Served: Camden, Cole, Laclede, Miller, Osage, Pulaski

Comprehensive Mental Health Services(link is external)

County Served: Northeast Jackson County

COMTREA(link is external)

County Served: Jefferson

FCC Behavioral Health(link is external)

Counties Served: Butler, Carter, Dunklin, Pemiscot, Reynolds, Ripley, Wayne

New Horizons(link is external)

Counties Served: Boone, Cole

North Central Missouri Mental Health Center(link is external)

Counties Served: Caldwell, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Putnam, Sullivan

Ozark Center(link is external)

Counties Served: Barton, Jasper, McDonald, Newton

ReDiscover(link is external)

Counties Served: Jackson County

Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health(link is external)

County Served: St. Francois

Swope Health(link is external)

County Served: West-Central Jackson County

Tri-County Mental Health Services(link is external)

Counties Served: Clay, Platte, Ray

Truman Behavioral Health(link is external) (Truman Medical Center)

County Served: Northwest Jackson County