Social Learning Program

What is the Social Learning Program all about?

The Social Learning Program (SLP) is designed for individuals who have been in a psychiatric facility for a long time. The Social Learning Program is designed to benefit consumers who lack the skills necessary to live in the community and who may rely on socially inappropriate behavior in an attempt to get their needs met. The focus of the program is on the development of the skills--in living, working, learning, and socializing--which are necessary to live independently in the community.

The Social Learning Program is based upon the following principles:

  • All of us can and do learn.
  • Consumers have the right to active treatment so that they can learn new skills, or relearn forgotten skills.
  • All interactions with staff and other consumers have the potential to be therapeutic.

How does the Social Learning Program work?

All of the staff are here to help consumers learn. Our job is to teach. Some specially skilled people will be with working consumers:

  • Rehabilitation Technicians
  • Nurses
  • Psychologist
  • Recreational Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Psychiatrist
  • Special Education Teacher

As consumers make choices, staff will discuss with consumers the consequences of those choices and any other possible options. Using this style of teaching and coaching, people can learn from their own behaviors and decisions. Below are some key features of the program:

  • Consumers learn by having the freedom and responsibility to make daily choices.
  • As consumers learn to make better choices, their lives becomes more and more like living in the community.