Mission, Strategy, and Commitments


To advocate for equity and justice for historically marginalized and underserved populations in Missouri by educating and providing resources to individuals, groups, organizations and systems to disrupt racism, discrimination, and disparities.


Utilize comprehensive resources to advance equitable opportunities for DMH team members, colleagues in the provider community and the populations we serve.


Collaborate with communities affected by structural racialization and structurally racialized systems to increase access to information and growth opportunities.

Update policies, processes and practices to eliminate harm and disparate mental health outcomes for individuals and communities of color as well as other similarly impacted groups.

Ensure that racial equity is the foundation of policies and practices for recruitment and hiring, governance, organizational culture, communications and community partnerships, particularly with low-income communities of color.

Continually explore how race and poverty intersect to exacerbate the impact of racial discrimination.

Strengthen the Alliance with diverse partnerships and resources to replace structurally racialized systems with racially equitable alternatives.

Invest in lifelong learning to recognize, remove and transform racialized policies and institutional practices which undermine individual and community wellness and well-being.

Learn, share and embed techniques and tools for reducing and eliminating implicit and explicit bias.

Require and monitor provider cultural competence education and training.