Frequently Asked Questions

I got a DWI-how do I get my license back?

In order to have your driving privileges reinstated, you must complete a SATOP. SATOP consists of an assessment screening and completion of a program. After successful completion of the recommended program, a completion form will be sent to the Department of Revenue. In addition to the SATOP completion certificate, the Department of Revenue has additional requirements. Please contact them at 573-526-2407.

Where do I go to do SATOP?

SATOP programs can be completed at any state certified SATOP agency. (consult OMU listing).

How much does SATOP cost?

The SATOP assessment screening costs $375 ($126 assessment screening fee and $249 supplemental fee). If you receive a recommendation for the Offender Education Program, the cost will be $200. If you receive a recommendation for the Weekend Intervention Program, the cost will be $467.45. If you receive a recommendation for the Clinical Intervention Program, the cost will be $1,067.42. If you receive a recommendation for the Youth Clinical Intervention Program, the cost will be $510.20. The Department of Mental Health's Standard Means Test can be applied to determine a sliding fee scale for individuals participating in the Weekend Intervention Program, Clinical Intervention Program, or Youth Clinical Intervention Program.

What is the supplemental fee?

The supplemental fee is assessed to everyone (Missouri statute) entering a SATOP. The supplemental fee is deposited into the Mental Health Earnings Fund and is used to assist individuals who may be unable to fully pay for the cost of the Weekend Intervention Program, Clinical Intervention Program, or Youth Clinical Intervention Program.

I completed a program a couple of years ago and now the business is no longer there. What can I do?

There may be some instances where an agency is no longer in business or has changed locations. You are encouraged to search your local telephone book and contact a certified SATOP agency to determine if they may have record of your completion. The Division of Behavioral Health has been maintaining a database since 1995 and should have records of completions done after that time. It is your responsibility to keep copies of all receipts and completion paperwork you receive from an agency and keep them in a safe place.

I received a recommendation to do a program, but can’t/don’t believe that I really have a problem. What are my options—do I have to do what they say?

You may obtain a second opinion by completing another assessment screening at a different Offender Management Unit at a cost of $126 (the $249.00 supplemental fee does not have to be paid for a second opinion, provided that documentation of the first assessment screening is provided). Once you receive the second opinion, that recommendation then becomes the one you must complete. The other option is to obtain a judicial review. You may file a motion in the associate division of the circuit court for a judge to review the recommendation of the Offender Management Unit. The judge will make a decision as to whether the recommendation is justified. Appropriate forms are available from the Office of State Courts Administrator (573-751-4377).

I'm a resident of another state, but got a DWI while in Missouri. Do I have to come back to complete the program in Missouri?

No—provided you receive an assessment from a state-certified agency and complete the recommended program. The agency where you receive services must complete a SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form, return it to you, and you must mail the completed form and $249 (supplemental fee) to the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

I've moved to a different state. How can I meet the SATOP requirements?

You must receive an assessment from a state-certified agency and complete the recommended program. The agency where you receive services must complete a SATOP Comparable Program Completion Form, return it to you, and you must mail the completed form and $249 (supplemental fee) to the Department of Mental Health.

I need to get my license back right away (or if I don't do SATOP before Monday, the judge is going to put me in jail). Where are there classes this weekend?

With approximately 60 certified agencies providing services in almost 200 locations, it would be impossible to keep a schedule of who is doing what and when. Please check the OMU Listing and contact the agencies listed in your area for available programs (many agencies list their program schedules on their web sites).

I live in Missouri and completed an inpatient program. Will this meet SATOP requirements?

If the completed program was a certified or recognized accredited alcohol and drug treatment and rehabilitation program, and you successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of treatment (a minimum of 40 hours of individual and/or group counseling, and the remaining hours must include any combination of the following: driver-related education, individual counseling, group counseling, group education, and family therapy) during a period of no less than 21 calendar days, this may meet SATOP requirements. You must take a completed SATOP Comparable Program Completion to an Offender Management Unit, who will verify your information. If the services you received are accepted as comparable, the Offender Management Unit will electronically notify the Department of Revenue. Some Department of Corrections, Veteran's Affairs Medical Centers, Military, and Federal Bureau of Prisons program will also be accepted as comparable, as long as they meet the above requirements.

I have a drinking problem and I can't wait to get into a SATOP. Where can I get help? Will it count for SATOP?

You can contact the Division of Behavioral Health district offices or utilize the treatment services locator(link is external). The completion of a treatment program may be comparable to SATOP if it meets requirements as a state certified or nationally accredited program.

I got a letter from the Department of Mental Health informing me I have to do a SATOP program. I have never had a DWI (or have already completed a program). Do I still need to do SATOP?

The Division of Behavioral Health and Department of Revenue cooperate in providing information to individuals who have their driving privileges suspended or revoked. If you think you received a letter by mistake, we suggest you contact the Department of Revenue at 573-526-2407 and check the status of your driver license and verify that all reinstatement requirements have been fulfilled.

My DWI was dismissed (or I was found not guilty) in court. Why do I still need to do SATOP?

Even though a case may be dismissed in court, there may still be administrative action taken by the Department of Revenue. If you tested with a .08 blood alcohol content or higher or if you refused a breathalyzer or any other chemical test, then your driving privileges will be suspended. In order to get your driving privileges reinstated, you must successfully complete a SATOP. To verify your driver license status, please contact the Department of Revenue at 573-526-2407.

What if I need an interpreter in order to understand the program?

SATOP services will be provided to every individual in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need interpretive services either signed or spoken, contact a local Offender Management Unit to arrange such services. Sign language interpreters must be certified and licensed. Offender Management Units should be able to provide an interpreter when needed. If someone is unable to find an interpreter, a list can be obtained by contacting the Department of Mental Health at 573-751-4942.