Licensure and Certification

Contact Us

1706 E Elm Street
P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-4024
Fax: 573-751-9207 sends email)

The Office of Licensure and Certification provides regulatory oversight to Department of Mental Health providers. This oversight is carried out in order to license or certify facilities or programs that provide services to consumers. Monitoring ensures providers maintain compliance with applicable state and federal standards and remain consistent with the Department of Mental Health’s vision, principles of practice, and values.



Licensure Regulations

Residential Care Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities Dually Licensed by DHSS/DMH

Group Home/Residential Center

Family Living Arrangement

Day Programs


Certification Regulations

Regulations and Requirements

Provider Information & Training
Licensed Provider Resources

Electronic Payments

Facilities Dually Licensed by DHSS and DMH

Certified Provider Resources
Helpful Links